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[PNPC] PO Sornax - Everything's Better Down Where It's Wetter

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Our current mission has seen great sims so far. I just don't post them all here because I don't want to flood the appreciations. 

Thank you all for the great reading this has allowed.

But this one, this one... I found it special. Perhaps the best way to describe it is fishy.

I am still laughing and the only thing I hope is that we aren't hanging in the cliffhanger.

Again @Genkos Adea I have questions. What does he mean with "Again?"



((Under The Seaaaaaaaaa…))


Sornax blinked.


And gulped.


And blinked.


And gulped.


And blinked.


And gulped.



Why was he underwater? And why wasn’t he drowning? He tried to puff up his face, Denobulan style, but nothing happened. He frowned, internally, and propelled himself forward a little with his sad excuse for a tail. He could have sworn he used to have feet, but he couldn’t quite remember. His face loomed into focus in the glass at the edge of what he could just about remember was a fishtank…


However, his abortive attempts to stop were less than successful and he smooshed his face into the glass and scraped along it for a few seconds before he could manoeuvre himself free. He saw a little coral, and swam towards it, managing to stop himself before hitting it. What he did do, however, was hide beneath it. He was certain that whatever this was, he would get out of it very quickly.


It was probably a Q or something.


Sornax blinked.


And gulped.


And blinked.


And gulped.


And blinked.


And gulped.



Why was he underwater?


((Meanwhile, in Sornax’s Quarters))


Fish (as Sornax):: oO Oh no, not again Oo




Petty Officer First Class Sornax

Junior Counsellor

USS Excalibur-A



As simmed by 


Commander Genkos Adea MD

Second Officer & Chief Medical Officer

USS Excalibur-A



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Maybe one day I'll write that fish's backstory.



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I came to post the same thing, but it's already here!

And this is just further proof that the Excal crew can do nothing in a normal, calm, typical manner... :D 

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