Popular Post + Yalu Posted October 8, 2021 Popular Post Posted October 8, 2021 Home run from @Hallia Yellir. Ryan (Yellir's writer) gave such great description in this sim, I could practically hear the character's heart pounding throughout this climactic group scene. Ryan responded to the action in progress that made sense for the character and also nudged the scene in a logical way. Well done, @Hallia Yellir! (( Corridors, Rinascita Station )) By no means was Hallia a fighter — the possibility of being placed in an encounter where her life might be at stake felt like a distant fever dream in Starfleet and the reality of it being mere moments away still didn’t feel quite… tangible. Was she dreaming? Was the pit forming in her stomach little more than just a light hunger? Everything Hallia was feeling reminded her of the riots back on her homeworld. The constant shrieks of energy weapons, distant explosions and harrowing screams. This feeling of anxiety was all too familiar to the Yelikan, but back then it was far easier to just close her eyes and hope no officers would knock down her family’s door. Each step was like walking through water. The corridor was deathly silent, the brief and quiet thud had left what felt like a vacuum in its wake. Perhaps that was the most menacing part of this whole experience. It was the void that blanketed the group like a dense mist, the sound, or lack thereof, always seemed to signify something far worse on the horizon. It practically spelled out frightening amount of unknowns that could factor in. Perhaps the biggest of the red flags was dealing with the Suliban. Hallia had heard stories about some of them having uncanny abilities to cling to walls and twist their limbs in ways that would rival her own species. She never knew what to make of them, seeing as up until now much of that was buried in the vast mythos of cargo ship captains and freight traders who were just about the only people that went off world before recently. Sherlock: I think I can see them. Just their heads. ::pointing to the lighted windows of the Control room:: Hallia looked into the darkness as the others did, but she wasn’t certain she could discern anything. Whatever moved look like no more than a dancing shadow. But that was all the confirmation they needed for a heads up. Adyr: I see movement, but nothing clear. Sirin: I hear something just ahead. They may know we are near. Yellir: ::whispering:: We should hide so we still have some element of surprise. Cayden wordlessly led them to a small alcove so that they could regroup and strategize. Hallia followed without much hesitation, readying her phaser, she kept a watchful eye out in case anything new came into view. They needed to act quickly and decisively, there was no telling if Morgan would still be alive. She turned to the rest of the group, crouching down. Sherlock: What do we think? Adyr: I'm not sure. Do you think there's a way to disarm them first, before they get the doc? Sirin: A distraction perhaps? Yellir: That would work, if someone diverts their fire we can use that to make an opening. But I worry with so little room it may not matter Adyr: Alright, so what would be the best approach then? Sherlock: I'll go straight into the room and establish a point of domination. Everyone else, file in alternating going left then right. Just get clear of the door, it's a fatal funnel. Once you're in, shoot anyone with a weapon, don't shoot anyone without one. Oh, and just in case, keep your phasers on stun. That seemed like a good idea. “Shoot anyone with a weapon”, “phasers on stun”. Hallia glanced over her dolphin-nosed weapon, attempting to control the slight tremble in her wrist. She could feel her nerves rising to a boiling point and she was having trouble maintaining her focus. Tapping a button on the weapon, Hallia increased the beam intensity to a heavy stun. She didn’t know what this Suliban had in store, but whatever it was, she didn’t want to risk him being potentially resistant to energy weapons. For all they knew— a light stun might stagger him momentarily, but it wouldn’t be enough to keep him down for long. Hallia peeked out of the alcove, realising that once she entered that room, there would be no exit. The only way forward would be to stop that Suliban. There was no room for error, and if anyone went down they would have no help from the Resolution in the current state of the station. Sirin: ::wryly:: A wise precaution. My aim is hardly legendary. Hallia was no pushover when it came to aiming a phaser, but this was hardly anything like a combat exercise. Adyr: With such close quarters, aim should not be necessary. Sherlock: Alright, let's do this. The group stayed low, hugging the wall as they moved. The seconds that passed on approach felt like its own little eternity. Moments passed where all Hallia could hear with the deep thrum of her heartbeat in her ears. There was a building rush of adrenaline stirring in her veins. A nod was given before chaos ensued. In an instant the scenario degraded. Hallia ran into the room as the Suliban levelled his weapon and Morgan took cover. There was a warning issued, and in a brief flash of sickly green light — someone had already been hit. Sherlock was down. There was a shrill scream from Meidra and Cayden no doubt jumped right on it. Hallia was already on her way to give Morgan some sort of protection. She kept her head down and sprinted in his direction, breaking into a powerslide onto the deck plating as her balance gave out. Raban: response Adyr: Get to Sherlock! Hallia snapped to look to Sherlock’s figure slumped against the ground, with locks of purple hair already falling in her vision she swivelled back to Morgan. Yellir: ::to Morgan:: Stay here ::shouting:: Cover me! Threads orange energy lashed in the direction of the Suliban, as Hallia attempted to keep him occupied while she ran. One again keeping her head low, she fired multiple shots at their foe, sheerly attempting to keep him pinned down. A thread of weapons fire narrowly missed her head, the heat practically singing her uniform as she quickly crouched down to check up on Sherlock. Raban: response Sirin: I don’t think that will be a problem. You're close enough to hit easily. oO I have— I have to move—I have to move her. Oo The words played over and over as the Yelikan gripped their chief under her arms and pulled her into the cover of a nearby cupboard. This was her chance now that their assailant was occupied by two people who could probably handle themselves much better than she could. Hallia placed Sherlock against the cupboard, placing two fingers on her neck, she desperately tried to search for a pulse in her panicked state. It was faint— and she more than likely needed medical attention. The front of her uniform was charred beyond recognition. Sherlock needed to get to a sickbay as soon as possible. The next to join her was Meidra. From a first glance, Hallia couldn’t tell if the counsellor was still alive. Instinctively, she fired a shot at the Suliban attempting to ward him off. She grazed his shoulder, not hitting him square enough to even knock him off his feet before the Yelikan stepped back into cover. Raban: response Morgan: response Adyr: It's over. Just let us take care of our wounded and we let you take care of yours. Yellir: ::peeking from cover:: You’re outnumbered, two of us are still armed and standing. You have no chance. In the blink of an eye there was a flash of metal. Another explosion rang out from the station throwing off Hallia’s aim as another thread of orange light went wide from the Suliban. Without time to even recover, she saw Cayden run straight for their adversary and in an instant she was right on top of the Suliban. Sirin: What just happened? oO Oh thank goodness you’re still alive. Oo Adyr: You [...]. Cayden raised her phaser to the Suliban’s head, practically trying to shove it into his brain. Approaching, Hallia still kept her phaser levelled, ensuring she was between them and Morgan. She stood in front of him protectively. Yellir: Commander STOP! Morgan: Response? Adyr: Give me a reason why I shouldn't. Raban: Response? There was a moment where Hallia felt Cayden would follow through. She’d seen that expression before and the Trill was engulfed in nothing but pure rage. She was worried she was going to lose control. Hallia tightened the grip on her phaser. Adyr: Someone find something to secure him, and let's get our people some help. Yellir: ::nodding:: We should stun him first, even him being conscious is a security risk. The Yelikan kept her phaser levelled with the Suliban. Not once breaking eye contact, her thumb hovered on the trigger, barely feathering on the button to fire. Morgan/Raban: Response? Yellir: ::nodding:: Sherlock is still alive, she was hit pretty hard with the Suliban’s weapon, and Sirin may be losing a lot of blood. I’ll restrain the Suliban, there should be something in these cupboards perhaps. Hallia moved towards a nearby cupboard. Pulling out a wound up cable of some kind. There was little else she could use, so this will have to do. Morgan/Adyr/Raban: Yellir: Lieutenant Morgan, are you hurt? Morgan/Adyr/Raban: Response? TAG/TBC _____________________ Lieutenant JG Hallia Yellir Science Officer USS Resolution G239409EK0 6
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