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MSPNPC Da’al Ypartin – A new world order

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(( Prime ministerial offices, Vman – Da’al capital city ))

((OOC:  I paraphrased and took inspiration from Philippe Pétain’s speech to the people of France from 1941.))

Ypartin:  Are we ready?

Speaking to a junior staff member in his office, of whose name he wasn’t certain enough to attempt, Ypartin impatiently awaited the all-clear.  The text had been written, checked, re-checked, and approved by all of the necessary people.  He had spent much of the afternoon committing the finer points to memory, but also had it programmed into the viewscreen opposite him just in case.

The staff member nodded.  Ypartin quickly tucked the tails of his tunic back in and resumed a more premierial posture at his massive, hand-carved desk.  A trio of technicians checked the transmission and one of them adjusted Ypartin’s collar.  In just a moment, all media outlets on the planets and the outlying colonies would cease their regular programming at the notice of an important address from the prime minister.

The destiny of Da’al, and Ypartin himself, would be written tonight.  Taking a deep breath, Ypartin adopted a stern, yet compassionate expression.

Ypartin:  My dear people of Da’al.  I speak to you this evening, not to burden you with weighty words, but to share with you information from your government which you have a right to know.

So far, so good.  Ypartin punctuated his first statement with a longer-than-average pause, then continued.

Ypartin:  For some time now, there has been a rising tide of unease on our shores.  Our relations with the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire have been defined by conventions entered into by a previous government and upheld by each of its successors, including my government.  Despite declaring our desire for perpetual neutrality time and time again, there are many on our planet and in our neighboring space who wonder, anguish, and weep about the future of our great society.  Today, at the frontiers of our space, and indeed on our own metropolitan soil, a war has begun.  Our neutrality has been violated, and we are no longer in the position to respond with inaction.

Ypartin leaned forward, reasoning that his slight change of position would better communicate the compassion in his voice.  Despite his young age, he must present himself as a fatherly figure, a protector of his people.  An image of softness was necessary to project, but only just.

Ypartin:  I know how you must feel.  Some of you will undoubtedly feel betrayed, both by the aliens who have violated our borders, but also by your government for failing to repel them.  Others of you may be feeling abandoned, especially those living in our regions, where alien occupying forces have arrived and are certainly causing chaos.  Some of you must be wondering where your duty lies, now that our neutrality has been taken from us.  ::long pause::  And, as much as it pains me to say this, a small number of you are seeking to exploit this tragedy for your own interest.

The Da’al were a principled people, and if Ypartin could not appeal to their patriotism, at least he could appeal to their guilt and suspicion of their neighbors.

Ypartin:  We must take this opportunity, my dear people of Da’al, to overcome a legacy of distrust and introversion, which was the product of previous governments’ disunity and self-interest.  We must recognize that we live in a space dominated by two superpowers; one of which can, and must, protect us from the other.  As your first citizen and head of your government, I know how difficult of a task this is, and it will require both labour and patience from each of us.

Ypartin:  I will not lie.  There will be suffering.  But I do not wish that our people’s suffering should be for naught.  I think of our farmers and our labourers who, despite difficult harvests and difficult working conditions, will supply our people, and our protecting powers, with that which we all need to survive.  It is thanks to all of you, and your efforts, that we will maintain a life nearly indistinguishable from that we knew.  We are no longer neutral, but we are not defeated.  Our great Da’al society will continue.  The Da’al of tomorrow will be more powerful and more prosperous, this I promise you.

Ypartin:  I am sure many of you youths will join me in quoting the guiding principle of our constitution:  “Divisions within our society should be reflected in proportion to their number.”  This is how I have governed for the past five years, in consultation with all of the broad factions that constitute our society.  My dear people, it breaks my heart to tell you this:  In light of the invasion by hostile aliens, Da’al can no longer be effectively governed from the regions, and Da’al can no longer be governed effectively by the lengthy process coalition building, which has defined our politics for centuries.  What Da’al needs now is unity, to speak and act as one people, one society.  With one voice.

Ypartin:  Da’al cannot wait.  Our people, as ready for sacrifice when its honour is at stake, need certainty, space, and discipline.  I shall provide this on your behalf.  Until further notice, authority no longer emanates from below.  The only authority is that which I entrust or delegate.  This is what I have decided:

Looking down at his list of bullet points, Ypartin drew a slow breath.

Ypartin:  One; Activity of factions and factional leadership is suspended until further notice, including meetings and distribution of notices.  Factions that fail to comply will be disestablished.  Two; the Great Council is hereby dissolved, and in its place, a Council of State shall be created.  This Council will determine how best our society will adapt to our new circumstances and seek out and destroy obstacles which abuse the efficient functioning of government, The Council of State will issue guidances which shall carry the force of law.  Three; the powers of Regional prefects and assemblies, and colonial bodies, shall be given over to the Council of State.

His mouth suddenly dry, Ypartin eyed the glass of water nearby.  He increased the pace of his speech, making the glass of water another reward for its successful completion.

Ypartin:  These measures will assure those Da’al who think only of the well-being of our people.  As your prime minister, and your protector, I know what victory is, and I know what defeat is.  I have taken on the responsibility of stewarding a wounded and attacked planet, and it is my duty to maintain our great society at all costs.  When a man of my young years dedicates himself to his people, there is no sacrifice he can refuse.  His only concern… my only concern, is the future of Da’al.  If beaten people divide, they die.  If beaten people unite, they are reborn.  Da’al will be reborn.

((OOC:  TL;DL, self-coup.  I was careful not to name either side as the threat or the saviour.  This was intentional.  I suppose we’ll find out who is who, at least in Ypartin’s scheming mind.))




MSPNPC Ypartin
Da’al prime minister

simmed by

Ensign Yogan Yalu
Helm Officer
USS Resolution NCC-78145


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You beat me to it, Commander. This is such an incredible sim... I feel like I’m there, listening to a world on the brink of war or salvation.

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