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Poll of the Week: Best Double Act of the Series  

10 members have voted

  1. 1. Which was the most iconic duo of our Star Trek universe?

    • McCoy and Spock
    • Picard and Lwaxana Troi
    • Neelix and Tuvok
    • Kira and Jadzia
    • Tom and Harry
    • Bashir and Garak
    • Odo and Quark
    • Janeway and Seven of Nine
    • Archer and Shran
    • Other! Did I miss your favourite? Let me know!

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For all Star Trek is a science fiction series, one reason it draws such a diverse range of fans is the episodes center on the characters and the relationships cultivated on the journey the characters take throughout the run. viewers go on this journey with the characters and see how their natural chemistry works on screen, how they form strong bonds with one another, and over time, have become as iconic as the starships they live on. 

From The Original Series through to Enterprise, we saw these relationships develop. From on screen tension you could cut with a bat'leth, to emotional connection forged in the fires, to mentors who impart their wisdom and learn something new about themselves. We wouldn't be anywhere in the Star Trek world without the double of Spock and Bones — so iconic in its inception that it's replicated to full effect in later series, giving us such delights as Bashir and Garak, Neelix and Tuvok, and Data and Geordi.

This week, we'd like to know which of these pairings brought you back every week for a new episode? Who's one liner and well delivered zingers left you roaring? Which was the most iconic duo of our Star Trek universe?

Posted (edited)

Lwaxana Troi and Picard just because.

Somehow, without even seeing the rest of the episode, if Lwaxana showed up, I knew it would  be a great episode and I couldn't wait to see her appear in future episodes.



Edited by Samira Neathler
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Bashir and O'Brien 100%

The way their friendship develops is a joy to watch.

Nog and Jake are close runners up in my mind, for the same reasons.

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I go for Bashir and O'Brien too. Their friendship was brilliant.


"I love my wife!"

"I know. I'm just saying you like spending time with me, more..."

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