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Ensign Romyana Casparian - Let The Adventure Begin!

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((StarBase 118 – Academy Campus Green))


::Romyana was sitting on a bench enjoying the view across the Academy green. She was told she would be met here by someone to escort her to her new duty post. She already knew she would be staying on the Star Base instead of speeding off on a star ship, but that did not make her any less exited. Quietly Romyana reminisced about the unique experience of the Final Exam that she had completed two days ago. At the time she was convinced she had failed, but to her delight she passed and with a pretty good grade too!::


Dal: Ensign Casparian?  I am Commander Ishreth Dal.  Welcome to StarBase 118, Ensign.


::She turned her head to see who had called for her. An Andorian man wearing a Marine green Starfleet uniform and three pips on his collar, ranking him Commander.::


Casparian: Sir. ::as per the training that was systematically drilled into each Cadet in the first weeks of the Academy, she stood to attention when addressed by an officer:: Thank you Sir. I am looking forward to meet the rest of the crew.


::Romyana's eyes flickered from the Andorian's eyes to his antennae and back. When she realised how silly this must look, she tried to control it and focus on the Commanders eyes, but each time the antennae moved she couldn't help but looking at them.::


Dal: We are very pleased to have you join our senior staff.  I am here to bring you up to date on the current mission our crew is working on as well as bring you to meet Lt Commander German Galven, our Chief of science.


Casparian: Yes, Sir. Please lead the way.


::Romyana was nervous so her answers were brief, but she made an effort to sound strong and confident. This came easy to her as she had a relatively low and carrying voice for a human woman. An excellent voice to shout orders with, her father once said.::


Dal: Commander Galven’s team is working on an antidote to a deadly poison known as Silicon Platinochloride.  When inhaled it destroys the membranes of blood cells, causing terrible internal bleeding. ::He drew in a breath, antennae curling downwards:: Have you heard of this chemical before?


Casparian: No, I can't say I have. It sounds like a horrible way to-- ::she let her sentence trail off:: Is it lethal to humanoids?


::Romyana visualised the effect of the chemical on the human body. Impressions of her lungs filling up with blood, gasping for breath and finally slowly suffocating in her own blood shot through her thoughts. It sent shivers up her spine.::


Dal: Yes, it is known as Death Fog.  ::he tipped his head slightly as they entered the lift and he keyed in the correct deck.:: It is illegal in the sector.  Heavily illegal in the Klingon Empire as it has a particularly strong effect on Klingons.


Casparian: Hm, interesting. ::she nodded thoughtfully:: The Klingons would be especially grateful if Commander Galven and his team succeed. Are they close to finding the antidote?


Dal: I am not sure where they are in their research, but I can try to answer any general questions you have.


::The turbolift came to a gentle halt and the door slid open. Romyana stepped forward but then came to an abrupt halt. She had never been here before, so she wasn't sure which direction to turn next.::


Casparian: Where do we go from here?


Dal: To the left, come, I will show you. 


::He waved her forward, walking quickly enough to be efficient but slowly enough that they could still easily converse.::


Casparian: Commander, I do have a question about the chemical actually. Where does it come from? Who has developed it?


Dal: Originally it was a by-product of deuterium mining methods using old fashioned cobalt explosives.  It does not naturally occur within the natural galaxy that we know of. The current poison is manufactured by criminals and refined to increase toxicity.


::His soft voice had a deep undercurrent of distaste.  His expression was still quite calm – that was expected for higher rank Andorian clans that emoted with their annetnnae while generally keeping their facial expression blank.  Ishreth had been raised with this tradition impressed upon him strongly, but he had also worked for two decades with non-Andorians and a bit of that had rubbed off. Every once in a while his lips would twitch or his brows would perk, but mainly his face stayed calm.


His antennae however curled with a deep dismay and flexed for a few times like a massive frown.  As they slowly relaxed he spoke again.::


Dal: Any other questions, Ensign?


Casparian: No, Sir. No more questions for now. ::she gave him a quick almost apologetic smile and pushed her auburn shoulder long hair behind her ear.::


Dal: I’m sure Commander Galven will be able to give more insights, both scientific and otherwise.


((Cybernetic/Robotics laboratory & testing facility - 8th Level, Deck 529, Starbase 118))


::When the sliding doors opened Romyana was positively surprised by the sight of the lab. It was not just any science lab, it was full of the latest technology. She had expected lots and lots of glass vials containing brightly coloured chemical substances, in an otherwise sterile room, but instead there were several robotic like creations and a multitude of machine parts scattered around the workbenches. She could see two people further in the back but her eyes now focussed on a Denobulan man approaching. He had a funny looking smirk on his face. He must be the Chief Science Officer that Dal was talking about earlier.::


Dal: Commander Galven, please meet Ensign Romyana Casparian.  Ensign Casparian, Commander German Galven. ::He offered polite introductions.::


::Romyana blushed as she listened to Dal introducing her. It had been Cadet Casparian for so long, that it was now strange to hear anyone call her Ensign and it would probably take a few weeks before she would really get used to that.::


Galven: ::grins:: Pleasure to meet you, ensign. I suspect the journey from the bottom of the base was a smooth ride and the Commander filled you in, yes?


Casparian: Yes, Sir.


Dal: I ran down the basic information on the Silicon Platinochloride. I will let you fill in the rest, Commander.


Galven: ::nods:: Very well. ::moves to the side, then extends his hand outwards for her to walk more into the room:: Allow me to introduce you to a couple of other people. Lieutenant Junior Grade Karen Stendhal and our brilliant civilian scientist, Taelon.


::The Denobulan's smirk had now formed into a reassuring grin. Whilst Dal made to leave, Romyana used the moment to take everything in and she moved her head from left to right looking around the place like a child in a candy shop.::


::Careful not to stumble over any of the Robotics scattered around the lab, she took some tentative steps towards the two other crewmembers.::


Casparian: Hello Lieutenant Stendhal, Mister Taelon. I am Romyana Casparian. Pleased to meet you. ::she paused shortly to take in the tall man's unique looks:: What are you working on there?


((OOC - Like I said before @Romyana Casparian, I'm very excited to see what you have to write because you've shown just from your first couple of post aboard Ops that you're a valuable member of the crew! Keep up that enthusiasm and infectious positive attitude!


Thank you for the compliment! 
I didn't think my very first post would be worth a special appreciation. This is very motivating and I cannot wait to write more and sim with the others aboard SB118 Ops.


~ Romyana Casparian

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