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Poll of the Week: Love Is In The Air Filtration System  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. Which romantic pairing did you root for in Star Trek?

    • Worf And Jadzia
    • Spock and Leila Kalomi
    • Rom and Leeta
    • Kira and Odo
    • O'Brien and Keiko
    • B'Elanna and Tom
    • Kirk and Edith Keeler
    • Quark and Latinum
    • Riker and Troi
    • Janeway and Chakotay
    • Doctor and Seven
    • T'Pol and Trip
    • Hoshi and Mayweather
    • Neelix and Kes
    • Hold it, Cupid! You missed one (or several)!
    • Bashir and Garak

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Star Trek has rumbled through galactic intrigue, space invasion, species annihilation, and still made time for friendships and romance on the side. While most made it into the history books as some of the best examples of bromance and non-traditional friendships (Geordie and Data, anyone?), some of those intergalactic pairings never showed up again on our screens, leaving fans to wonder "what if" for their favourite ships through the years.

Over six decades of Trek, times and attitudes have definitely changed for the better and the tradition of showing these interspecies relations has continued into Discovery and the brand new Picard. It's one element of storytelling the writers got right.

As this month marks Valentine's Day, we're exploring the best romances Trek has to offer. Barriers between gender, species, religion and race have come down and we're on the cutting edge of showing love is love. With that in mind, this brings us swinging into our Poll of the Week. Be aware; they may divide opinions!

Which romantic pairing did you root for in Star Trek


Oh man these are all fantastic choices. I think personally, especially in my last rewatch of DS9 was really struck by all the romantic pairings once again. Worf and Dax of course, but I had forgotten the whole arc of Odo and Kira which just broke my heart. I also absolutely loved re-experiencing the (not so) subtle episodes devoted to Bashir and Garak. It’s all great. 

I also was kinda struck by Janeway and Chakotay! I had never fully watched Voyager as an adult until last year and I now totally understand why the actors pushed for it. The Doctor and Seven stuff rang...less so for me. I’m not really sure why. Seven always seemed to have better chemistry with others and it seemed a little sweaty to me. 

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13 hours ago, Quentin Collins III said:

The Doctor and Seven stuff rang...less so for me. I’m not really sure why. Seven always seemed to have better chemistry with others and it seemed a little sweaty to me. 

There was a sort of subtle Seven and Janeway thing going on.  I think if the show had been made in a different time ...

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I ABSOLUTELY AGREE! I always loved when they got to share scenes together. That’s absolutely an underrated ship. 

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Looks like I'm not alone in my rooting for Quark and Latinum 😂 

I did love Janeway/Seven vibes as a microgay growing up. I'm afraid it'll always be B'Elanna and Tom for me!

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You know, I was actually really taken by B’Elanna and Tom’s whole courtship and coupling over the course of VOY. I didn’t love it as a younger and dumber person but seeing it all from start to finish was really charming. 


Oh boy, as as I dig many of those relationships (Trip & T'Pol, Bashir & Garak, and some others) I feel like Kirk & Spock was missed...

Not to mention I actually love Odo with Quark (and Lwaxana Troi).

Also, let's not forget Picard and Q... OH WOW.

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