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FltCpt Jalana Rajel - Just a dream

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((Absolutely great glimpse back into s small portion of the history of our fleet. Great job @Jalana))


(( Dream - Flashback, Trill Private Service, TSS Farel, 2230 ))

There he was, all calm and quiet, as if he had all the time in the world instead of being executed in less than a day. She had not seen a single motion from him ever since he had been brought into the cell and sat down on the thin pallet that was his bed. A statue. That kind of statue that had killed millions of people in a purge only he and his followers believed in. Her ocean blue eyes remained on the unmoving body. She had come here to see the man who had killed so many.

His last stop had been a colony Orgilum IV. Several ships had responded immediately to the distress calls and after he was found to be responsible, Apria had been the one to be put in charge, to make sure he'd arrive in the Klingon Empire for his sentence. She knew that they were helping the Federation with that, which she did not like at all, but this man needed to be punished. It was hard to not take that task upon herself, but she had orders.

Apria stood just as still, arms crossed in front of her, as if the first to move would lose. The knee long black uniform jacket closed up after covering her throat, so neither the security officer at the door, nor the man inside the cell would see her throat tremble in the immense effort not to scream in fury. She couldn't understand how he could be so calm after ending so many lives. Finally she couldn't stand the quiet any more.

Apria Rajel: Why?

He slowly turned his head and looked at her with his dead dull eyes, pretending that he had not seen her standing there in the dimmed light of the brig's control room. Silence, but even without words he made her feel uneasy, like she'd be next on his list. He could be considered handsome, if not for these eyes staring at her like the grim reaper on a field trip.

Mida Shayzier: Why what, Kezra?

His voice, so soft and melodious sent shivers down Apria's spine. There was no surprise that he was able to interpret the 5 bands on her shoulder and fit them to the correct rank. She had taken Command just a few months ago so she was not a full Tezra yet. She pressed her lips onto each other.

A. Rajel: You know what, Shayzier. Why?

M. Shayzier: It had to be done.

She stepped forward, closer to the force field that would hold her back from doing the Klingons' job right here and now. 

A. Rajel: You just HAD to kill millions of people?

He raised from the pallet and stepped forward looking down right into her eyes. Apria forced herself to not step back again, no matter how much her inner alarm screamed to get away from him.

M. Shayzier: ::whispering:: They were weak, Kezra.

Her ocean blue eyes squinted, as her fingernails dug into the fabric of her uniform covering her elbow. It would be so easy, just lowering the field and he would be hers to sent into the fiery pit. It took her everything to remain calm to the outside.

A. Rajel: In less than a day you will join them. We will see who'll be weak then.

Chills ran down her spine as he smiled, as if she had said the most beautiful compliment in the galaxy.

M. Shayzier: You can't stop it. It will come and the weak will cease.

A. Rajel: It?

M. Shayzier: ::He smiled a little more:: You will see. Everyone will see.

Apria wondered what he was talking about. Was he threatening them? Did he have something planned that would fall over the galaxy? Who would help him? With his death Sicarius would be done. Did he know about something that nobody else had heard about? Or did he have delusions and there was nothing but the voice in his head to kill?

Security Officer: Kezra Rajel, Bridge reports that we are passing the border.

As Shayzier pulled up the corner of his mouth she knew that it didn't mean anything good. Did he plan to kill the Klingons as well? Were they followed? She had to get back to the bridge right away. 

A. Rajel: Thank you. ::She spoke without taking her eyes off the walking-almost-dead in front of her, as if he could possibly reach through the energy field.:: No matter what you have planned you can forget about it, Shayzier. I will hand you to the Klingons and will make sure personally that you can't do any more harm. Enjoy your trip. It's the last you'll have.

:: He still smiled as she turned without another word.

M. Shayzier: It won't be over. It will continue. You'll be next.. Jalana. 

(( /Flashback Dream )) 

With a loud gasp the Trill woke and jumped into a sitting position. The darkness engulfing her disoriented her for a moment, only her panting breath filled the air. Her eyes flickered around, spotting the Starfleet badge on the nightstand next to her. Starfleet. Yes... Jalana.. .She was Jalana not Apria. She was on the Conny. Not on the Farel. 

This dream... what had that been about? She remembered everything like she had seen it, it was a memory rather than a dream. But that last bit was different. Apria in reality had left the brig to head to the bridge. Only a few hours later she had delivered Mida to the Klingons. The Klingon Officials had allowed her to be present and she hadn't looked away once when Mida Shayzier had been executed, she still could feel that gaze on her as if he had wanted to make sure that she saw it. She hadn't batted an eye, no matter how cruel it was and when they had been done and his body lifeless, she had approached to feel for a pulse and make sure that he really was dead, just then she had beamed back to the Farel and headed back towards Trill.

But how did the Mida in this dream know the name of her future host? What did it mean that she'd be next? A cold shiver ran down her spine. 

Rajel: Computer, lights. 

The darkness was vanquished, but the odd feeling wasn't. With Shayzier's death Sicarius had been uprooted and destroyed. She had read about underground groups coming up more and more often, claiming to act in his name. Sicarius was back, but they wouldn't come here, right? They didn't know her, right? 

Nugra... he had mentioned them during the party. That must be it. Just a dream called by her subconscious mixing in some fear of retribution of a dead man. That must be it. Yes. It still made her feel uneasy, feeling that tingling in her back as if someone was watching. 

Rajel: Computer, how many people are in my quarters?

Computer: Only Captain Jalana Rajel is in these quarters.

Jalana took a deep breath. Of course. It was nothing. Just a dream. 

Fleet Captain Jalana Rajel
Commanding Officer
USS Constitution B
Image Team Co-Facilitator

GTalk: JessWerner79@gmail.com, Yahoo: Lawinia_A@yahoo.de , Skype: chandni_khondji, Discord: Jessi#6085
Email: werner-jessica@gmx.de

"Maybe it was a gas leak in the shed."
Her parents' mumbling voices went past Alana, it was all too much for her. Never had she seen a fire like that, and the 
pile of ashes in the garden showed how lucky they were that nobody had been inside when it went off. But something felt 
wrong with what her brother said. Not the words themselves in the first moment, but seeing their gazes, the looks her
parents shot over to her every now and then. They were full of shock and something else that the little ten year old girl
had never seen before.

Ashwood Falls - Sra'kalor
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