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Ensign Quentin Collins - Reboot

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((OOC: I cackled at work. Confound your ability to make me laugh, Mr. @Quentin Collins III!)) 


((Interior. DECK 2. SCI Lab 1. After SB281))


::It had been and long and thankfully boring day of specimen inspection for Ensign Quentin Collins. As was Science Officer protocol after a ship engagement, all of their current experiments and stowed research materials had to be inspected and uncatalogued in case of damage or containment failure. So far they had only lost a rack of fungus for a study Mr. Terumak had been cultivating and Quentin wasn't going to be the one to tell him. But it was steady work and welcome to boot for Collins. Especially after the fiasco that was getting his books back on the 281.::


Collins: oO Not exactly our best moment...Oo ::He winced, closing up another cold storage and marking it "INTACT" on his PADD. God, what if it interfered with the upcoming awards ceremony. What if it just cost him rank?::


Collins: oO is my career over before it even starts? Oo


::The chirp of his comm jolted him from the edge of melancholy.::     


Anders: =/\= Commander Anders to Ens. Collins. =/\=


::Just what he needed. He tapped his badge, setting the PADD down on a nearby work table.::


Collins: =/\= Collins here, Commander. What can I do for you?=/\=


Anders: =/\= I was wondering if you had a few minutes to stop by Crypto, I am having an issue that I could use your help with. =/\=


::He felt himself brighten. Crypto was the flash new designation that lab up on the Bridge had now. He had done a quick duty shift in there, but he hadn't seen it since CMMD. Anders had moved in and put it to the actual purpose it was built for. If anything it would be worth just a look around.::


Collins: =/\= Absolutely, Commander. I'm on my way.=/\=


::The line cut and Collins turned toward the main doorway of the Lab. He started to step forward, but saw the unmistakable frame of Mr. Terumak. The spiky Tellarite was in the middle of resetting a workstation, damaged in the ship contact. Quentin sighed quickly and stepped in time. Might as well go ahead and rip this bandage off now.


He slipped in next to the petty officer on his way to the doorway and cleared his throat. After his instinctual huff when realizing who was talking to him, he continued his work.::


Terumak: Yeesir?


Collins: I need you to finish up the materials inventory, Commander Anders needs me upstairs. ::He said pushing the PADD into the crewman's hand. He took it and started to look it over, surely scrolling for his mushrooms.:: Also, your mushrooms are dead.


::He started to look up to Quentin but he had already started stepping toward the door. Quentin heard only a sad scoff as he stepped.::


Collins: ::Calling over his shoulder:: I'm so sorry! When you mourn we all mourn!


::The silence of the corridor was a tonic.::


((Interior: DECK 1. CRYPTO))


::All awkwardness from his last encounter was blasted away as soon as he stepped into the lab. It was like a whole other compartment. Somehow sharper and keener, as the equipment gleamed and warbled silently, gathering intel. He instantly spied Commander Anders hunched over one of center consoles. He approached and stood at a loose attention.::


Collins: Commander. How may I assist?


::Maybe a touch formal, but it was better safe than sloppy.::


Anders: I am trying to get the sensors from all the different science departments to link with the Cipher so that it can analyze all data in an extreme situation and for some reason it will not stay linked.  It will start the sync and then bump off.


::Quentin furrowed his brow.::


Collins: Well, that's frustrating. ::He motioned toward the console:: May I?




::Collins nodded and stepped up. Keying in his access codes, he quickly acclimated himself to the new streamlined interface. the Commander really had done a number in here and it was a sight to behold. Even better to actually work with it. He pulled up the synchronization reports and confirmed the Commander's assessment. But even more curious...::


Collins: It looks like all the labs' data streams have linked properly, but something keeps weighing down the whole sync




Collins: I know, stating the obvious, right? Let me try and isolate the specifically unpaired system and then we can work from there.


::He pulled up all the available data streams to CRYPTO. The sheer amount of information was staggering. Almost intoxicating. But even it seemed to miss something to Quentin...::


Collins: Wait...




Collins: I think I have something, sir. ::He tried to access Astrometrics and the computer blerped a denial.:: There we go! It's Astrometrics. My guess is the main scope arrays haven't been updated since you set up shop




Collins: We can try to reboot remotely, but I'm guessing to get you and Astrometrics fully paired we would have to restart the whole eyeglass. But that's not really my school of thought as it were.


::As if by magic, Mr. Hayley stepped into the space.::


Collins: Ah! Mr. Hayley. Perfect timing!


Anders/Hayley: RESPONSE






U. S. S. EAGLE NCC-74659


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OH MAN thank you so much for saying that. Crewman Terumak was actually a creation of @Kayla Drex but I do so love torturing him.

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