Maddi Hyden Posted May 7, 2019 Posted May 7, 2019 ((Beta Quadrant, Par'tha Expanse, USS Atlantis, Deck 5, Sickbay)) :: The entire trip on the Illa'vareia had been brief from his reckoning, as the Al-Leyan had spent the vast majority of it unconscious. Even then, under sedation he had a listless slumber. Tossing and turning until restraint fields were put in place to keep him from falling out of the bed as nightmares consumed his sleep. Though the storm wrought on his mind by the device implanted harshly into the back of his neck had abated, the psychological trauma he'd faced at the hands of a cold and calculating RoLF had been extensive. :: ((TRS Torment - Nightmare)) :: Toryn awoke with a start and he was back on board the Torment. The sickeningly familiar crimson glow of the force field and the cold, red eyes of his torturer stared at him as he was restrained to the wall of the cell by those magnetically enforced bands around his limbs. The machine stared at him studying him. Beside the RoLF was a familiar, blue skinned figure. Brell stood beside him, looking just as weary as he felt himself. Like he had when Toryn rescued him off the bridge of the asteroid ship. The Bolian stared at him. :: Nightmare Brell: Commander. You acted recklessly and put yourself in danger. Your actions endangered the entire ship and crew. I'm disappointed in you. :: The interrogator RoLF made a gesture and the electrical field activated but this time it didn't strike him. Toryn watched as the electricity coursed through Brell, the screams of whom mixed with his own as he watched his Commanding officer turn to dust from the discharge. Then he felt the bite of the current touch him and he cried out. Only to black out. :: ((USS Atlantis, Sickbay)) :: Tossing a bit, he screamed out, voicing his agony in the nightmare induced by the trauma he'd endured and the sedatives keeping him asleep. Unaware of those around him, conscious or otherwise as he felt himself snap awake again. :: ((TRS Torment - Nightmare)) :: He jolted awake, still in that damned cell, still with that damned RoLF. This time Several other Atlanteans were arranged around the cell in front of him, all bound as he was and facing him. Logan. McKnight. Maeli. Knight. They all stared at him, a mix of contempt and fear in their expressions. :: Nightmare Knight: You had to know we'd try to come for you. ::His prosthetic eye glowed the same cold red as the RoLF's:: You doomed us all. Nightmare McKnight: You failed to save the Captain. You doomed us all. Nightmare Logan: You doomed us all. ::His cybernetic arm was a solid disruptor, like the other RoLF's had been:: Nightmare Maeli: You destroyed my mind. You doomed us all. All four in unison: You doomed us all. :: Again the torturer robot gestured and the cell's torture field activated. Shredding all four of them with the same intense, insane current of power. They all turned to ash in front of him and he screamed as the current hit him next. :: ((USS Atlantis, Sickbay, several hours later)) :: Toryn's screams once more echoed through the room before a gentle hand was placed over his mouth and a hiss of a hypospray against his neck sent him back into a deep slumber. He almost thought he heard a familiar voice sobbing. :: ((TRS Torment - Nightmare )) :: Toryn gasped sharply as he came to consciousness, being pulled from his dream of being back on board the Atlantis, under the care of the lavender haired Antosian nurse. And he instantly wished he hadn't. The RoLF was there again, but this time the person bound beside him made his breath catch in his throat. The scruffy beard, disheveled hair and perpetually grumpy expression was unmistakable. Dermont. Valin, his best friend. They'd served in the Academy together. They'd bonded over this last year and a half. Toryn had helped rescue the man's son from some less than savory sorts who tried to murder him. Not Valin. He couldn't do this. But his voice would come, like he had been robbed of speech. :: Nightmare Dermont: Ya damned fool. Ye've doomed us. I'll never get ta see me boy again! My Brie! Yer no friend!! :: Toryn shook his head violently, as much as the restraint on his neck would permit as the RoLF gestured and he watched in abject horror as Valin was subjected to millions of amps. Couldn't close his eyes no matter how much he wanted to. He watched his best friend turn to ash before him, the thermos at his side melting from the intense heat. As the blackness consumed him again he welcomed it, he couldn't stop screaming, or sobbing. :: ((USS Atlantis, Sickbay, several hours later)) :: Ragged of voice, he could barely scream and were it not for the restraint field he'd have flung himself out of the biobed, but there was the sensation of presences around him. At least two, they had always been there, but were different as if several individuals had taken turns keeping watch over him. :: ((TRS Torment - Nightmare)) :: A whine of defeat erupted from him when he awoke once more, once more with a start from the peace and calm of Atlantis' sickbay to his reality. This torturous hell he'd been enduring for months. As he looked up Toryn instantly wished he could gouge out his own eyes. The RoLF, Ceti stood in the center of the cell before him, on either side, bound by the same metal rings were the last two he'd ever hope to see in this place. To Ceti's right was the raven haired, slightly pointy eared and beautiful Romulan he'd served with for nearly two years. The first woman since leaving Leya-I he'd fallen for, an alien, someone he, by his own culture should be repulsed by having such inclinations but he wasn't a normal Al-Leyan. Toryn felt himself sobbing immediately, then drew his gaze to the RoLF's left and felt his throat clench at the sight of the an equally familiar blonde. Ears pointed slightly less so than his own, the familiar reflective sheen to her eyes would be unmistakable to anyone familiar with their species, he knew those blue eyes well. He'd stared into them long enough. Lael Rosek, the only other woman he loved and couldn't have was bound and staring at him. He felt as though he would crack in half even before either spoke up. :: Nightmare Serala: You told me you wouldn't let me fail to keep my promise, Toryn. You're a failure. ::Ceti handed a familiar dathe'anofv-sen to her and she took it:: I could never love you. You let me die. You doomed us all. :: Toryn fought desperately to say something, but as before no voice came forth and his gaze was drawn to Lael. :: Nightmare Rosek: Toryn, I'm glad I left you when I did. You ruin everything around you. And even those not. Our link. You've been making my life miserable while you've been here. I can feel it. I thought I'd be free once you're gone, but now you've doomed me too. I see now I could never love you. ::Her beautiful eyes turned red:: You doomed us all. :: The RoLF gestured and he watched in horror as Serala thrust the honor blade into her chest, a moment before the electrical current filled the room more vibrantly than before. The two women he loved evaporated into ash in what felt like hours, their screams filling his ears and when the void of blackness consumed him again he hoped he would'nt ever wake up again. :: ((Deck 5, Sickbay, USS Atlantis, an hour after Dermont's arrival)) :: Toryn jolted awake, screaming for Lael and Serala and felt a hard, invisible force keeping him to the biobed. It was a biobed, not a table. It was certainly softer. There was no red glow, only the bright white illumination of a Federation starship. A familiar one. The Al-Leyan stared up at the ceiling. The Mission Specialist was exhausted, despite having been asleep since his rescue little of it had been restful. He shuddered and felt discomfort on his cheeks, the dried remains of tears, he wanted to cry more but he had none left. A shadow loomed over him and Toryn turned his head to look up at the source and his eyes widened with a mix of surprise, confusion and elation at seeing his dear friend Dermont staring down at him in all of his scruffy glory. :: Raga: Va..::His voice was raspy and he had to cough and swallow a few times to speak:: Valin...Is that really you? Dermont: response Raga: ask...I've seen you die too many times...I don't know what's real...and what's a dream. Dermont: response :: Toryn definitely felt it, despite his body's dense structure the man had landed a square and hardy strike on him. He coughed and nodded. :: Raga: Ow. Dermont: response Raga: Please..tell me we didn't loose anyone. If anyone died trying to bring me back....::His voice trailed off, but the look in his cerulean eyes conveyed the Al-Leyan would consider that a poor trade:: Dermont: response ========================================================= Lieutenant Commander Toryn Raga Mission Specialist USS Atlantis NCC-74682 PodCast Team Atlantis Staff Member Writer ID: A239410TR0 @Toryn Raga This was incredible it shows what torture can do to a person's mind! You did an excellent job at conveying the fear and pain. It may not be a joyous post, but it was very well written! 2 1 1
Toryn Raga Posted May 7, 2019 Posted May 7, 2019 Thanks! @Maddi Hyden I was quite emotional while writing this. I'm glad you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Though we all love our characters and don't want them to suffer, this is part of what helps them grow. Have to balance the good, with the bad. 1
Maddi Hyden Posted May 7, 2019 Author Posted May 7, 2019 7 minutes ago, Toryn Raga said: Thanks! @Maddi Hyden I was quite emotional while writing this. I'm glad you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Though we all love our characters and don't want them to suffer, this is part of what helps them grow. Have to balance the good, with the bad. So true I’ve had some of those moments if you recall reading over some of Maddi’s backstories. 1
+ Valin Dermont Posted May 8, 2019 Posted May 8, 2019 I almost cried real good ole wet years reading this one. Of course, no one really likes reading about themselves being fried into crispy bits o' ash... 1
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