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MSPNPC Arbitrator Parven Try'vel - Welcoming committee of one


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MSPNPC Arbitrator Parven Try'vel - Welcoming committee of one

((Beta Quadrant, Par'tha Expanse, Illara Prime, Diplomatic Landing Pad Delta))

:: Parven had received word that the Federation shuttle had been detected by the system patrol ships and was descending towards the city-planet with the haste one would expect from a group posting such serious claims against one of the more well known and respected businesses within the Expanse. That they had arrived several hours early had been unexpected however and had been of a slight inconvenience as he had been enjoying quite the relaxing time in the fashion district when word came of their imminent arrival an hour or so later and Parven just had to have enough time to make himself look presentable. ::
:: Ever prompt Parven had arrived on the landing pad several minutes prior to the El Dorado's descent into the atmosphere and the Caraadian stared up at it as the sleek vessel alighted on the pad with ease, its landing struts absorbing the weight of the shuttle itself as it settled on the pad. Parven casually strode around to the rear of the shuttle, the aft he believed it was referred to as the rear ramp lowered into place. A moment later the crew within emerged and Parven was delighted to see a familiar face, even though he knew she was among the delegation. Seeing Lyldra the Caraadian smiled the over extravagant smile one used to pomp and circumstance preferred. With her he noted another, somewhat portly Bolian in Starfleet uniform of crimson highlights. From his knowledge, the male matched description of the renowned commander of the Federation's lone starship in the Expanse. Behind the Bolians Parven noted a pair of Terrans, one in gold and one in teal. Though he wasn't overly certain of the significance of their colors. The arbitrator did notice the sidearms both the male Bolian and the female in gold carried openly on their hips. Such was the right of dignitaries and he found it amusing in a way. None here would question the weapons, though many might find it entertaining to see such meager weapons being displayed as if marks of honor. :: 
:: As for the Caraadian himself, to say he was flashy was more than an understatement. He wasn't overly tall, standing somewhere between five and six feet in height was the least remarkable thing about him. Shoulder length blonde hair rested about his shoulders, billowing in the breeze from the winds roiling about on the landing pad. At least, there was enough blonde noticeable that one could tell that was possibly his natural hair color. At first blush it might not be so easy a thing to peg as vibrant streaks of silver, teal, and bright blue seemed dyed into the man's hair like a resplendent rainbow of eye-catching hues. Still, that was only one of the notable things about the male. His garb, if one could describe it in words looked like a tailor had taken the scraps of a half dozen different discarded outfits, or the scraps that had not gone into the final product and stitched them together in a rather odd, but well manufactured canvas of at least three different fabrics. Some of the suit he wore was at strange angles and might have gotten in the way had they not been made of soft material. The suit had as many colors as his hair, purple, deep green and orange highlights. The emblem of Arbitrator was sewn into the left breast of his clothing. And then there were the frills. So many frills. He looked like a walking pillowcase. And even it had a stylistic edge to insignia itself. Every hand had a ring, some gem encrusted, some not but all of them excessively ostentatious. Yet as he stepped up to greet Lyldra when she exited the craft his eyes would be the last thing of note. The unnatural heterochromatic tint of his eyes, contacts of course though they were hard to spot. The right eye a pupil-less silver, while the left was a vivid forest green. Parven outstretched his arms to his sides and in the air slightly in an overly dramatic flourish as he greeted them all. :: 

Try'vel: ::His voice a soft baritone:: Ah! Lyldra! It's such a delight to finally get to meet you! ::He gestured to them all with his hands beckoning them all to come closer:: Welcome to Illara Prime!


Lyldra: Good to meet you in person. ::Looking to the others.:: This is Try’Vel is the arbiter who will be hearing our argument against the Consortium.  


:: Parven saw the looks he received from the gather Starfleet officers and let out a raucous roil of laughter then clasped his hands together so all of the rings clinked together and were quite visible. ::


Brell: Ah, Nice to meet you sir. I look forward to your judgment in this matter.


Try'vel: Oh, my dear Captain it's a pleasure! I had no idea the person speaking at this arbitration would be the Ambassador's own husband. I must say, the Federation knows how to keep their people well fed! ::He laughed and waved a hand dismissively:: Parven Try'vel, House Lanaxa. Well, formerly. ::He cackled and expressively waved his hands about in an exaggerated manner::

Hyden: :smiled: Pleasure to meet you.


Anyone: Response


Try'vel: Oh, the pleasure is all mine. ::He said with a bit of a lascivious curl to his lips as he scooted closer to Hyden:: I dare say I haven't seen such a lovely woman so well armed since we had a Klingon contingent through here a few years back. ::He clasped his hands together and eyed Hyden's uniform:: I say, it's not very flattering. I know a wonderful tailor that could put some wonderful touches to your uniforms. They're so drab..and....functional.


Lyldra: response


Try'vel: Oh yes. My apologies, ambassador! You'll forgive me I could talk about fashion all day! ::He made a giggling sound and gestured with a flourish that had his hair and the trails of his suit billowing about behind him:: Please, follow me and I'll see you someplace confortable to await the hearing.


:: The Caraadian lead the Federation group from the landing pad through the nearby structure that, like many all over the planet towered in the sky. Several hundred floors at least and in this particular case all housing various diplomatic personnel and facilities. One such locale, a rather luxurious lounge that had a view overlooking a central square of sorts. The communal square was still several thousand feet in the air, but below the view offered by the windows and had the faint, ant-like shadows of people milling about among the shops and establishments on offer. Across the way was a view of the landing pad where the El Dorado was parked and several other spectacular views. Parven stopped centrally in the room and spun about as if he were on a fashion runway, palms open and gesturing around the well furnished room. Several couches, chairs, tables and even a bar with a wide assortment of libations sat at the back. A communication console sat on the wall opposite the floor to ceiling windows. ::


Try'vel: Your accommodations! Splendid isn't it? I mean, I'm sure it must be horribly drab and cramped on those starships of yours yes? ::He said in genuine ignorance:: Well, the proceedings are to take place within the hour. I've already contacted the Consortium's representative and notified him of your arrival. As soon as the Phoenix arrives and it's commander lands we can begin.


Anyone: response



MSPNPC Parven Try'vel of House Lanaxa (Formerly)

Freeworlds Council - Arbitrator

as simmed by

Lieutenant Commander Toryn Raga Mission Specialist

USS Atlantis NCC-74682

PodCast Team

Atlantis Staff Member

Writer ID: A239410TR0



@Toryn Raga This was one of the most humorous introductions of MSPNPC ever!

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  • 2 weeks later...

:D Thanks! I had a lot of fun envisioning an MSPNPC that was different than the ones we've had before. Glad it was an enjoyable read. 


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