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Poll of the Week: Best Supporting Character?   

23 members have voted

  1. 1. Who do you think was the best supporting character in Star Trek?

    • Harry Mudd (TOS)
    • Q (TNG/DS9/VOY)
    • Lwaxana Troi (TNG/DS9)
    • Gowron (TNG/DS9)
    • Martok (DS9)
    • Dukat (DS9)
    • Weyoun (DS9)
    • Grand Nagus Zek (DS9)
    • Commander Shran (ENT)
    • Silik (ENT)
    • Ambassador Soval (ENT)
    • Garak (DS9)
    • Damar (DS9)

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They can’t all be from Starfleet! Certainly, our beloved crews are the main focus of virtually every episode of Star Trek, in some form or another. However, while interpersonal relationships and conflict are featured, it is generally an outside force or character that sets the tone of the episode, and the events that occur. Star Trek has a bad, though not entirely unearned, reputation for “one-off” characters- created simply to hammer home a message or make an otherwise improbable story believable.
And then there are the regulars- characters that show up from time to time and have, in many cases, become as beloved by fans as the bridge staff themselves (sometimes even more so). How many times did Marc Alaimo’s brilliantly complex Gul Dukat entertain and intrigue us with his villainous (or not so villainous) ways? Who could forget the insidious, dangerous Weyoun, demure and alternatively vicious in the blink of an eye? And of course, there is the almighty Q to consider, the only antagonist to try the patience of three separate starship crews on screen. Really, though- what other fabulous being could earn such a distinction?
Supporting characters are a must in Trek, and though their names might not appear in the opening crawl, their importance and regard cannot be overstated. With this in mind, which was your favorite supporting character in Star Trek? Was it the brusque but likable General Martok? Or did Garek the simple tailor strike your fancy? Perhaps someone not listed below is your choice. Give us your vote and let us know in the comments section below!

((Note: To be considered a supporting actor in this list, they must have appeared in at least two episodes across the various series.))


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I voted Shran because, well, Blue. And that actor plays a lovely, nasty badguy. I would have chosen Q or maybe even Lore, but I'll stick to Shran.

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Toss up between Dukat or Garak, but then I remember the terrible arc they gave Dukat that last season and it clinches it for Garak.

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Posted (edited)
11 minutes ago, Valin Dermont said:

Toss up between Dukat or Garak, but then I remember the terrible arc they gave Dukat that last season and it clinches it for Garak.

You may have a point there. 😁 I'm not at all surprised Garak is in the lead. 

Edited by Randal Shayne
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Dukat and Garak were both excellent, personally thought Dukat should of been written out at the end of Season 6, but I still enjoyed Season 7.  Garak was the best.  Rom as a honorable mention.

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