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Ensign M'Roa - M'Roa and R'Iondr

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((Par'tha Expanse, Shuttlecraft B’hala))

M’Roa: oO How good to finally graduate. This one’s path has been long and winding. Thorny bushes have obscured the way and cut M’Roa’s beautiful soft fur as she hacked and carved a path through. Oo

::By contrast, R’Iondr’s path was well traveled, with smooth brick underneath to guide the way. They met one another as starry eyes freshman cadets, yet he had completed his training, a year long cadet cruise and graduated a full four years ahead of her. She had been left alone from that point to raise their cub and S’Emar was such a daddy’s girl. It was no wonder she was so clingy with him now.::

S’Emar: Are we nearly there yet?

R’Iondr: For the last time, no. Now settle yourself. We’ll get there when we get there.

::His tone was firm but not harsh. He let out a long sigh and looked longingly around the cramped shuttle. There weren’t many seats and few of them were empty but it hadn’t stopped S’Emar from trying them all out. The young Caitian was moulting into her summer coat and leaving short hairs everywhere. While R’Iondr and M’Roa both wished they could stretch their legs, there wasn’t really anywhere to go. They weren’t filled with the impudence of youth and could tolerate discomfort for much longer.::


S’Emar: S’Emar is bored! ::Whining petulantly::

::M’Roa didn’t blame her. They had all talked for many hours when reuinted on the shuttle. After having spent so much time apart, it felt like they would never be able to catch up. Yet, they had and while the adults were content to simply enjoy one another’s company now, the lack of bold and exciting stories left nothing to distract their child from the boredom.::

M’Roa: Why don’t you read one of your novels then?

::There wasn’t room to lay out card, dice or board games. What little entertainment they’d brough along had to be quiet to avoid disruption to other travellers. S’Emar’s PADD had various ebooks downloaded. M’Roa had let her choose her own, hoping that would ensure they’d hold her attention. S’Emar liked funny and scary books the best.::

S’Emar: Borrrring…

::It also had some interactive games. As long as she used the earbuds, it wouldn’t disturb the others.::

R’Iondr: What about one of your games then?

S’Emar: Okay!

::M’Roa was sure she would have set to licking their boots clean if R’Iondr had asked for it. Rolling her eyes they settled back as S’Emar contended herself a while longer. A Bajoran woman approached. Up until now the olive skinned woman had been occupied with other things and they had paid her no mind.::

Udro: I’m sorry I have not been much of a traveling companion to you all.

M’Roa: Apologies are not necessary.

R'Iondr: You are heading to Atlantis too, yes? Are you new, or returning?

Udro: I’ve been on Atlantis over a year now, its a good ship. Will this be your first postings

M’Roa: For M’Roa, yes. This one just graduated.

R'Iondr: This humble engineer has served at Deep Space 26 a few years now. We’re glad to be reunited.

M’Roa: We just thought it might be on a planetary assignment or a station.

::The advisors at the Academy had assured them that Starfleet families were quite common and that as far as reasonable possible, they did try to keep families together. They said they tended to avoid placing families on ships with more dangerous or far flung assignments and that they would likely work different shifts to ensure at least one parent was able to be with the child as much as possible. It had certainly put to bed fears of being absent parents with a child raised by a computer. Things weren’t working out entirely as envisioned but Starfleet has kept their word about keeping the family together and that was the most important thing in their minds.::

S’Emar: S'Emar is hungry!

M’Roa: oO Sun and moon! We still have a good days worth of travel ahead and she is increasingly restless. Oo

M’Roa: There are snack bars in your bag.

S’Emar: Mother refers to ration bars. This one is sick of dry, tasteless ration bars. S’Emar longs for steak.

M’Roa: You can’t have steak just now, but as soon as we get settled into our new home, we will celebrate with the most succulent steak you’ve ever tasted.

S’Emar: Okay! ::Her tone was bright and chipper. She was a true child of the sun:: But what can this one have now?

::Neither of them could blame S’Emar for being tired of the same textures and flavours. They’d tried to include as much of a variety of foods as possible and she’d been really good about things up until now. The shuttle was equipped with a small replicator, but one could hardly sit and eat a delicious bowl of soup. One little bump in the ride and they’d all be scalded. Still, perhaps it was time to retrieve something a little more exciting.::

R’Iondr: R’Iondr knows just the thing, hold on a moment.

::He went to the replicator, leaving her with the nice Bajoran lady.::

M’Roa: What role do you serve in on the Atlantis?

Udro: Response

M’Roa: How is Starfleet life? What’s it really like beyond the pretty advertising, the sunshine and smiles.

Udro: Response

Ensign M’Roa
Intelligence Officer
USS Atlantis


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