Popular Post Renos Posted May 23, 2018 Popular Post Posted May 23, 2018 BACK - Antidis Memorial Medical Center, Lyaksti’kton (Alpha Sauria IV)) :: The sun’s golden rays danced across the labor room and lit up a few of the shiny metal instruments displayed on the table. The nurses were walking around, with purpose, carrying several tools and sterile cloths. Yiggtissi stood next to the bed. A slight look of confusion on his face. He was positive that he was somewhere else a few minutes ago. He couldn’t quite remember but it he was swear he remembered seeing himself lying on a bed. Something was happening. He felt a hand on his shoulder. :: Dr. Yogish: Yiggtissi! It is time.. :: The Saurian looked down and was met by the smiling face of his wife. As quick as they came, his previous thoughts vanished and all that mattered was this moment. It had taken almost ten months to find and isolate the gene that was responsible for Innuoasag’s infertility but with his mentor’s help, they had done it. The research team, led by Yogish and Yiggtissi, put to bed the nasty DCOP syndrome that had plagued many female Saurian’s over the centuries. It had been a win for the entire species. The Saurian Science Academy had awarded Dr. Yogish with ribbons and plaques and the all the glory that came with it while Yiggtissi had only one motive. Was it selfish? Absolutely. He didn’t care. Curing the terrible disease for the whole, of course, was their intended result but Yiggtissi only had one thought in mind. And I was this moment. :: :: Innuoasag was in the final stages of labor. Sweat had beaded up on her forehead which Yiggtissi carefully wiped way with a sterile cloth. His smiled lovingly at her, knowing that any second, the beautifully speckled egg that would hold their daughter would enter the world. A daughter they thought they would never have. They had spent weeks trying to settle on the perfect name and they always came back to one word. The Saurian language word for miracle. Jainnorra. He glanced up and saw a large group of Saurian’s plastered against the room’s window. Both families of the coupe had come together and were watching. Smiling and laughing at the pure joy of it all. :: Dr. Yogish: Ok Innuoasag, now one more small push and we can greet this wonderful miracle. :: After several seconds, the room was full of happy chatter from the female nurses and the deep chucking of Dr. Yogish. He held up the blue and white speckled egg in a large blue cloth. Yiggtissi leaned down, placing his forehead against Innuoasag’s. :: Yiggtissi: She is here my love. :: Innuoasag could not contain her happiness. Tears of extreme joy ran down her cheeks. Dr. Yogish handed the egg off to the nurses who placed it on a small bio bed. They began various scans as Dr. Yogish came around to the side of the bed and joined Innuoasag. :: Dr. Yogish: ::Whispering.:: We must thank the First One’s for this incredible miracle. I am so happy for you both. Rest and we speak later. :: Dr. Yogish stood tall and gave Yiggtissi a pat on the shoulder. With that, he made his way over to the nurses to assist them in their scans. Innuoasag closes her eyes as the two shared a kiss. Yiggtissi heard his eldest brother shouting from the outside the room. He was dressed in his Saurian Defense Fleet bdu’s and pounded on the glass. :: Guzk: Way to go little one!! :: He grabbed a passing nurse, who was clearly shocked. :: That’s my little brother and his wife in there!! :: The nurse freed herself from the brute and quickly scurried down the hall. Yiggtissi had finished his intimate kiss and was watching the interaction. He chuckled. :: Yiggtissi: Well it appears that Guzk is very happy for us. Innuoasag: :: Laughing. :: So I hear. Why don’t you greet them? I need my rest. :: Yiggtissi nodded and planted one more kiss on Innuoasag’s forehead. As he made his way to the door, he caught a glimpse of his daughter’s beautiful shell sitting on the warming bed. For Saurian’s, the coloring of the egg would be talked about for years. There were various meanings for various egg colorings that had been passed down from generation to generation. It was customary to save the egg, as Yiggtissi’s mother had done with all of her children. They were displayed, proudly, on a shelf in her home. The door’s swished opened and the Saurian doctor joined his family in the hall. His father, Tukmeeh, was the first to greet him. :: Tukmeeh: :: Grabbing his shoulders. :: I am so proud of you my son. Treasure this moment in time. :: His mother, Cairittin, was next in line. :: Cairittin: Look at that beautiful coloring. With those deep blues, she is going to be very athletic. :: Being a man of science, Yiggtissi dismissed the old “wives” tales surrounding the coloring of the eggs. Of course, there was no way to tell that just by looking. Or so he thought. Later in life, his daughter would prove him wrong. She would become the most athletic in the family, even besting her uncle Guzk in several hunting trips. :: Yiggtissi: Mother, you know I do not believe in those superstitions. Cairittin: You will see. :: She kissed his cheek and wiped away her tears. Yiggtissi made it through the rest of his family as well as Innuoasag’s, until he came to his brother. :: Guzk: Well look at you Doctor Yiggtissi. Yiggtissi: I am glad you could be here Guzk. I did not think you would be able to attend. Guzk: There was no way I would this the birth of my only niece. :: His smile faded. :: I love you brother. :: Yiggtissi was taken aback by the show of affection from Guzk. He remembered as a child, this was the Saurian who thought it was a good idea to throw Yiggtissi head first into the deep end of a large river. Simply because he thought it was funny. As he stared at his brother, he noticed the hallway fading away into nothingness. Just as before, it was happening again. :: :: Yiggtissi stood in the vast of nothingness. The previous incident before he found himself in the labor room quickly filled his mind and it all came back to him. He felt a presence but was hesitant to turn around. His wasn’t quite sure he could stand seeing the mythical God he had seen before. Slowly turning his head, he was face to face with the glowing figure of Mellitt once again. :: Yiggtissi: Please….What is this? Mellitt: These are the points in life that you hold dearest to your heart Yiggtissi. These points in time are simply what you have allowed me to show you. I am here only to help your transition easier. Yiggtissi: I have no intention of transitioning…into whatever you think you are preparing for me. If that is your only reason for existing in…:: He waved his arms in the air.::…whatever this is, then you have wasted your time. Mellitt: Your alien friends are very assiduous in saving your life. However, time is not a luxury you have. Your physical shell is dying and if you do not prepare yourself, you will not be allowed to transition and your essence will be lost forever. :: Yiggtissi rubbed his forehead in frustration. :: Yiggtissi: I grow tired of this game. Please just….leave me alone. Let me be. Mellitt: You are preparing to show me one more vision it would seem…. :: The white room began to change into something else. Walls and various other objects began to materialize around him. He closed his eyes hoping that it would all go away, hoping each time that his next leap will be the leap home. But it would not be. :: (To Be Continued) Lieutenant (JG) Yiggtissi Medical Officer USS Gorkon G239406Y10 5
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