Popular Post Theo Whittaker Posted February 5, 2018 Popular Post Posted February 5, 2018 OOC: While it might seem rather big headed of me to post a simm I had a direct hand in writing- I'm actually posting this because @Kali Nicholotti absolutely knocked it out the park here. An absolutely stunning piece of prose from her! -- (( USS Blackwell - Deck 1 - Captain’s Ready Room )) (( Time Index: 1000 Hours - 2 Days After the Holodeck )) ::Theo Whittaker had already had three coffees that morning and it was shaping up to a day where he would have three months. At least. On top of the minutiae that came with his new role as Blackwell’s Commanding Officer, he had to sign off several to new duty rosters while also continuing to learn all he could about the Par’tha Expanse and the volatile situation threatening to unravel on Arndall. But above all that day he had to deal with the fallout from Lieutenant Commander Cecil’s decision to retire from Starfleet for the second time.:: ::The Pelian had inferred that his wife would not be happy with his hastily reactivated commission at their first meeting. Apparently he had not anticipated the depths of her displeasure. According to Cecil, she had been so enraged that she had threatened to dissolve their marriage if he did not return. Not wishing to stand in between a man and his wife, Theo had been forced to accept the situation. He had informed Starfleet Command immediately and requested instructions on how to proceed. To their credit, they had acted quickly. Less than 24 hours later, new orders had been received.:: ::He drained the dregs of his coffee as he reread said orders for the second time. Certain that he understood them, he nodded to himself and settled back in his chair. Taking a deep breath in, he tapped the communicator afixed to his uniform.:: Whittaker: =/\= Lieutenant Commander Adyr, please report to my ready room. =/\= ::Theo had expected Starfleet Command to assign somebody from outside the Andaris Task Force to the role, given that there had been a recent influx of new blood, himself included. With that said, he could understand the logic behind the decision- another new face in such a senior position, might be difficult to accept for some. Although Adyr was still relatively new to the Task Force, she was at least known to a good number of the crew and she had served as a Command Advisor aboard the U.S.S. Apollo-A. Those facts coupled six lifetimes from being a joined Trill told Theo that the Lieutenant Commander was a good fit for the role.:: ::With Adyr summoned, he little to before she arrived. Eyeing the now empty mug, he considered getting himself another coffee but he reasoned that he wait awhile lest he jumped to transwarp. He downloaded Adyr’s new orders onto a PADD and sat in the quiet of his private sanctum. As the seconds passed by, he found himself listening to the omnipresent hum of Blackwell’s engines. His engineer’s hearing told him that something was not quite right- probably a slight misalignment of the Torque sensors. It was nothing to be concerned with as he knew that those sensors were often temperamental and he was confident that Ensign Avarin would see to it. Smiling to himself he closed his eyes, pleased that two years of command had not dulled his ability to pick up the various ‘tells’ of a starship.:: -- ((Adyr’s Quarters, USS Blackwell)) ::The depths of fatigue that had been brought on by the long holodeck adventure spanned more than just a few hours, but well into the next day, and beyond. Muscles protested slightly, especially those used to rapid fire the bow that had been in use throughout the program. She was fit, but she didn’t fire arrows at things often. Or at all in this lifetime.:: ::Sleep had only done so much. Now she sat at the table in what was the small kitchen area of her quarters, staring at the steam drifting upwards from the mug on the table. In that steam was a million memories, and the easiest way to disconnect. It was mesmerizing and it always seemed to take her to a place in the distant past.:: ((Flashback - 2370, USS Valor)) ::There wasn’t another location that could even come close to offering the view that the lounge did. A few years after taking command, Ric had put in a proposal and to his surprise, it had been accepted. It seemed that Command didn’t mind catering to proposals that would increase the wellness of the crew and their ability to sustain in deep space.:: ::And so, the grand lounge had been born. With massive windows that gave off the impression that one was standing out in the middle of space itself, and decor that only accented the feel, anyone could come and relax, connect with the universe, and simply be. He had spent many hours there, right next to the best friend he’d ever had.:: Reese: How many of them do you think we’ll visit. ::Ric considered the question as he sipped from the blue hued drink in front of him. There were billions of stars out there and they were still discovering and exploring them all. Would they ever get to see each one?:: Adyr (Alaryc): Us personally? ::The question was a valid one. The Adyr symbiont had survived through multiple lifetimes and many years. The fact that this could go on for quite some time would lead Ric to believe that perhaps one day, each of those stars would be known to Adyr.:: Reese: No. As an intelligent group of species I suppose. Adyr (Alaryc): Hmm. If we survive long enough, maybe all of them. ::Wishful, perhaps, especially for a starship captain. But that was how he chose to live his life. There was good in everything. Sometimes it just needed to be found.:: Reese: I guess. ::Ric only nodded and took yet another sip of his drink. Silence and contentment in that moment surrounded them and the stars seemed to brighten ever so slightly as if to offer hope for the future.:: ::Then his badge chirpped.:: ((End Flashback)) ::Cayden heard the badge and the ensuing command, acknowledging it and gulping down the rest of the now-lukewarm coffee in the mug. It seemed like today there would be no rest either, but she was used to that.:: ::Tugging at the bottom of her uniform jacket, she left her quarters and made her way to the Captain’s ready room.:: -- (( Ready Room )) ::Theo had drifted into idle thought long enough to be startled by the door chime that indicated that somebody wished to enter the ready room. He did not know how much time had elapsed but je knew it could not have been more than a few minutes, after all Blackwell was not a big ship. Shifting his chair, he straightened himself before speaking.:: Whittaker: Enter. ::In walked Cayden Adyr and at the sight of the black collar of her uniformed he smiled, knowing that very soon she would be swapping it for deep red. He got to his feet and picked the PADD up off the desk and held his hands behind his back. This was going to be a first for him. He had never had the privilege of telling an officer of a new assignment.:: ::As she entered, Cayden noted that he stood. It was kind of a strange thing, and one she certainly wasn’t used to, but this was a new CO and he undoubtedly had his own way of doing things.:: Adyr: Reporting as ordered, sir. ::She stood at attention until it was apparent that he wanted more than to just tell her something. This wasn’t the normal interaction she’d expected.:: Whittaker: Yes, yes. Thank you for coming so promptly, Commander. Would you care something to drink? Tea perhaps? ::Shaking her head, she declined, but thanked him.:: Adyr: No, thanks. I just finished my third coffee moments ago. ::She smiled at him, but it seemed like he was a bit distracted. This wasn’t the normal call to the ready room she’d expected, and apparently it wasn’t a social call either.:: Whittaker: As you are already aware, Commander Cecil has chosen to step down as Blackwell’s Executive Officer due to a family crisis. ::Theo had already informed the crew about the Pelian’s decision to step down the day before but had chosen to be as vague as he could with regards to the reasons out of respect for the man’s privacy.:: I have just received new orders from Starfleet Command in regards to his successor. ::He produced the PADD from behind his back and passed across to Adyr.:: Congratulations! ::he grinned at her.:: ::She looked at him quizzically and then took the padd from him to read the orders there. In plain language, it was all laid out. It appeared that she had been placed as the new first officer of the Blackwell. Involuntarily one of her eyebrows shot up.:: Adyr: I can’t say I expected this. ::Indeed she hadn’t. Years ago, when she had begrudgingly agreed to rejoin Starfleet at the bequest of an old friend of Alaryc’s, Cayden had been quite hesitant. Then they removed the block on the memories of the symbiont and it all came crashing back like giant waves on a tiny island. She’d come to terms with all of that, but she never in a million years thought that they’d put her back into a command role.:: ::Theo peered across the small cabin, searching for something that was not there. Quite naively, he had expected a more…. excited reaction. Who wouldn’t find themselves elated at the idea of becoming First Officer of a starship. Adyr’s grounded reaction served as a reminder in that moment that not everybody aspired to be a CO or an XO. Some never aspired to be placed in a position of command at all. And then it hit him- he himself had been one of those people. He had wanted to be an engineer, nothing more. He had wanted to regulate plasma flows, prevent holodecks breaking down and to repair faulty replicators. That dream seemed so long ago, like a lifetime. The realisation was as profound as it was unexpected.:: Whittaker: You seem… ::he struggled to find the right adjective to use for several moments.:: perturbed? Adyr: Starfleet and Adyr have quite the history. I’m not sure what you have and have not read, but I never saw this coming. ::Or did she? It would have been a waste of talent to never tap her for command again, wouldn’t it have been? Her eyes narrowed and she wondered if her old friend knew. Perhaps later she’d send him a message.:: Whittaker: I’m aware that one of your previous hosts was a Starfleet CO and that, presumably, you have his memories of that life. ::beat:: I also know that you were Starfleet Command’s first choice for this role. ::he smiled:: Cayden- if I may call you that- I may not know you very well at this point but Starfleet Command clearly believes in you and I believe in them. So in a roundabout way, I believe in you. Adyr: Of course I am not planning on arguing orders, I just hope that this host can live up to what they are expecting. ::Cayden was not Alaryc. Did Command know that…?:: Whittaker: ::he stepped from around the table.:: I’m going to let you in on a little secret, I said something very similar to Captain Taybrim when he asked me to serve as StarBase 118’s XO. I’m not a joined Trill and I only have one lifetime- but I have some idea of what you must be feeling. I was an engineer before I ever put on a red collar, and I had never aspired to be a leader- but here I am three years later in command of a medical vessel. ::he smiled again, pointing to her black collar.:: You’ll need to change your uniform. I can step out while you replicate yourself a new undershirt if you like? ::What choice did she have? Cayden thought back to Ric’s old friend Jack, who she felt originally got her into this mess. Back then she was only to be a civilian advisor, and now here she was, on the command track in a modern Starfleet. It was strange where life took you. For a long moment she thought back to the moments she’d spent with Liam Frost, and how their connection eventually sealed this deal.:: Adyr: I guess now is as good a time as any. ::She wasn’t defeated, or upset, just slightly surprised. Perhaps that took away the reaction that Ric had given when he’d moved up to XO. That day stood out in her mind and for a moment she wondered if she were doing herself and her captain a disservice by not being quite so excited.:: ::He nodded.:: Whittaker: Well, I will be on the bridge whenever you are ready. Take a moment, if you need it and then we’ll announce your appointment to the Blackwell- ::he smiled again at her as he moved towards the door leading to the cramped command centre.:: - Number One. ::Cayden offered him a smile, both reassuring in nature and grateful. She was well aware that there were others who would kill for the opportunity, and to that end, she had shoes that required filling.:: Adyr: Sure thing. ::Interwoven lifetimes and the paths taken on each had led her here, to this moment. From the songs of the Typhon Expanse, to the ‘Retreat’ that she’d built on Ops. Each and every step gave her the knowledge and experience that she had now. As she pulled on the uniform of red and gave her appearance some extra color, she found herself staring into the mirror.:: ::There, in the image, was the eyes of so many - Alaryc, Eliza, Rodan, Jazra, and even Norah. Her face may have been young, but her eyes showed just how old she was.:: -- (( Bridge )) ::As Theo walked the short distance to his chair in the centre of the bridge, he heard the familiar voice of his personal yeoman, Lieutenant Haneer, calling out.:: Haneer: Captain on the bridge! ::As he took the chair, he shot the Angosian a waspish expression. He did not feel comfortable with such formality yet and he had never served aboard a vessel where the crew were required to do that. He had no idea whether Captain Zaekia had expected the Blackwell crew to do that- but now that the vessel was under his command, he was content not to indulge in that ancient naval tradition.:: Whittaker: As you were. ::he glanced over his shoulder and looked at Haneer, dropping his voice to a whisper.:: Don’t ever do that again. ::His order was undercut with a smile.:: ::Having dispensed with that moment, Theo looked down at the left arm of his command chair- a small panel was built into it that allowed the CO to access various ship’s systems such as the navigational array, tactical overrides and, mostly importantly in that moment- the vessel’s internal communications system. He tapped in his command code and opened a ship wide transmission. A boatswain’s whistle sounded.:: ::Cayden walked out onto the bridge as the whistle sounded. Taking up a position next to the Captain, she stood in silence as he spoke.:: Whittaker: This is your Captain speaking. ::he considered asking for their attention, but decided against it- feeling that the whistle had already garnered that.:: As I announced yesterday, Lieutenant Commander Cecil stepped down yesterday as Blackwell’s Executive Officer. I have been in communication with Starfleet Command who have now transmitted new orders. Effective immediately the post of Executive Officer is to be filled by Lieutenant Commander Cayden Adyr. ::Short. Sweet. To the point. There was no turning back now and Cayden knew that. It seemed like she was in it for the long run this time.:: Adyr: Sir. ::Nodding her head in acknowledgement she looked out into the tiny area they called a bridge and for once longed for the Valor again. It was a strange feeling, and one she’d never share, but it represented a turning point for her. She’d given up the fight and would do only her best for this new crew, and Captain.:: ::It was the dawning of a new day, a day where she was more than just a footnote in history from a prior life. No, this time she’d be the one making history.:: ::And she still wasn’t quite sure how that would go…:: OOC: Feel free to simm your reactions from the bridge- or anywhere else on the ship for that matter! -- Commander Theo Whittaker Commanding Officer USS Blackwell NCC 58999 Andaris Task Force C239203TW0 & Commander Cayden Adyr Executive Officer USS Blackwell Andaris Task Force R238605KN0 6
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