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Hello all you gamers!

I got back into WOW with the new expansion. It's been a real blast, though I do miss being part of a nice social guild. So I was thinking, is there a guild already with members from the Fleet?

Posted (edited)

Not that I'm aware of, but I know myself,  @Ishani Kasun, @Aitas, Mirra Ezo, Tatash, and Antero Flynn play. The first 3 of us are on Wyrmrest Accord (us)

Edit: tags r weird

Edited by Taelon
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!! WYRMREST ACCORD?! That's my server!

I'm not in a guild but you are free to friend me.


4 hours ago, Reni Svalasdottir said:

Darnit, I am a EU player :/

Aw man - I've heard there's ways to get access to the US servers via an EU account (http://eu.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/6787929329 this thread mentions changing a line in your Config.wtf file) but you wouldn't have access to your main D: 

9 hours ago, Ayiana said:

!! WYRMREST ACCORD?! That's my server!

I'm not in a guild but you are free to friend me.


Added! My tag's rarepepe#11756 :) We play mostly Horde at the moment, though we have some Alliance alts. 

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FOR THE HORDE!!! :harry:

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1 hour ago, Taelon said:

Aw man - I've heard there's ways to get access to the US servers via an EU account (http://eu.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/6787929329 this thread mentions changing a line in your Config.wtf file) but you wouldn't have access to your main D: 

Well, I'll think about it :)


I got 30 days free from lootcrate, I should start playing again...

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Tatash and Quinn Reynolds are on EU servers (Argent Dawn I think?) so you're not the only one Reni.

Also Ayiana I added you as well. :) My battle tag is maevarie#1899

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