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Fleet changes for July, 2015

StarBase 118 Staff

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Change is a constant force in a community like ours, and turnover among our staff is not uncommon. This month we’ve seen a number of changes that we’d like to inform you about.

The crews of the Atlantis and Gemini have been merged, with most members joining a reactivated ship, the USS Apollo-A, under the command of Fleet Captain Kali Nicholotti. Some members were moved to other ships in the fleet, while Captain Liam Frost has taken a Leave of Absence, and Captain Raj Blueheart has decided to step back from command to focus only on simming. This brings us down to nine total simming installations.

To learn more about the USS Apollo-A and her crew, see the wiki.

Unfortunately, due to real-life changes, Captain Ben Livingston of the Columbia has decided to take a Leave of Absence to focus on his career and family. The Executive Council has tapped the ship’s First Officer, who was recently promoted to Commander, to lead the Columbia. We wish Cmdr. Brek all the best during his promotion process to captaincy and in leading the Columbia to future successes!

To learn more about Cmdr. Brek, the first Ferengi captain in the StarBase 118 fleet, see his profile on the wiki.

Captain Nugra, recently elected Magistrate of the Captains Council, has also decided to step back from commanding due to changes in real life time commitments, and will be focusing on his role as Magistrate. He has also decided to transfer to the Columbia to assist Cmdr. Brek with ship administration.

Meanwhile, Captain Quinn Reynolds — recently appointed to the role of Captain at Large for the Executive Council — has decided to step back into the role of Commanding Officer for the crew of the Victory. But she, and her new crew, will be moving immediately to the USS Gorkon, the first ship in the StarBase 118 fleet named for a Klingon. The Gorkon is a Sovereign class vessel.

To learn more about the new USS Gorkon, see the wiki.

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