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The Epic Momets of the Reboot Star Trek films  

19 members have voted

  1. 1. What's the most Epic Moment in the Reboot movies?

    • The Death of Kirk's father, ramming the Kelvin into Nero's ship to save his family.
    • Kirk and Spock meet... again.
    • Vulcan falls in on itself.
    • Kirk is promoted to Captain and given the Enterprise as his ship.
    • The Military is good as a tool for war and is bad as a tool for peace. (Into Darkness)
    • Kirk and Spock swap spots in the death scene, but both get out alive in the end.
    • Something else? Share!

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Ugh! Stop defending it as "Someone-else's vision" At the end of the day it NEVER lived up to prospects or expectations, It tried hard and it cast REALLY well. J.J. is not without talent (I LOVED Super 8). Its a case of not understanding the original work.


I don't think it is a necessary position to defend....

Posted (edited)

Technically, it was all JJAbs that ripped off Wars but then again, Wars ripped off Trek, how do I know. I once had a very enlightening conversation with a fellow by the name of Roddenberry Gene Roddenberry and in the conversation he made reference to how even Star Wars had elements from His Trek in it. And since Trek shot first lol.... Literally it did shoot -film first, and Lucas is a fan of Trek and Gene, well the rest is as they say film history.

Indeed... (Lucas interview starts at 1:40)

So, I just eat my popcorn and watch them.

A good attitude I think to approach 'em. I dunno. My issues were with 09. Honestly, I don't really understand why Into Darkness has gotten *such* a backlash. Yes, yes, they ripped off the last act of Wrath of Khan, but hey, maybe this means we'll finally get to stop having each new Trek movie promising to try to redo that movie yet again.

To me, if you were going to complain about everything that's happened to the Trek universe in the alternate reality, 09 pretty much established the rules that we were now clearly in an action movie universe where cadets can jump to the rank of captain, people can beam from a planet to a ship traveling at warp, and so forth. I honestly thought at least Into Darkness included a message to its story which was about Kirk realizing that revenge and executing Khan without trial was wrong (and I really wish instead of seeing Khan back in the freezer, we saw instead him facing that trial). A bunch of non-Trek fans at least heard those words from Spock about what is right vs wrong, and that's at least more in the spirit of Trek than the throwaway line of offering Nero assistance at the end of 09 before he of course in typical superhero/comic book movie fashion refuses so we can be absolve our conscience of guilt as our heroes blast him out of the sky.

Edited by Rich

I think J.J. was trying to include every "nod"from the TOS as he could. But it ended up having a feeling of doing so much in to little time.

Simon Pef,"Sulu ","Chekov "and McCoy were hilarious. Chekov being so young. "Do you shave yet? "


I think J.J. was trying to include every "nod"from the TOS as he could. But it ended up having a feeling of doing so much in to little time.

Simon Pef,"Sulu ","Chekov "and McCoy were hilarious. Chekov being so young. "Do you shave yet? "

  • 4 weeks later...

Personally I think the most epic moment of the reboot films was in the first one when on that Icy ball, we here the name James T Kirk and the face wrap goes down to reveal Spock Prime standing there looking at new Kirk and Spock.


Epic moments in the new Star Trek movies eh? Right off the bat I vote for Sulu in the captain's chair! Cause that was an epic moment of badassary right there. After that there's quite a few action packed scenes that I find it hard to pick from. Surprisingly tho my next pick isn't really one of the fast paced ones. It's when Kirk meets old Spock and all us fanboys get to see 'real Spock' or 'Spock Prime' or whatever you call him. Cause come on! Old Spock is awesome!

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