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Kettick last won the day on September 27 2023

Kettick had the most liked content!

About Kettick

  • Birthday 04/13/1983

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  • Interests
    Reading, roleplaying games, rugby, science, space...

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  • Current Vessel
    Denali Station
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Kettick's Achievements

Member of the USS Fastfingers

Member of the USS Fastfingers (7/28)



  1. Vastly superior to Lt Commander Williams' chocolate abominations. Let no one tell you otherwise.
  2. From our illustrious Commodore @Oddas Aria , on something that is either the Bajoran version of manna from Heaven or a very fancy delivery service.
  3. "This city is one gigantic riddle. Keep alert." - Captain Kirk, Star Trek the Animated Series
  4. By @Nolen Hobart Of all things to have transferred to the Star Trek universe ...
  5. @Dekas being his usual Trill-seeker self.
  6. From Ensign Freck, on the ease of reading Remmilian non-verbal cues, or lack thereof:
  7. Ensign Y'zyr was apparently excused from Piloting 101
  8. It's a constant of the Universe : sooner or later, crabs. On the other hand, we have @Dekas going full, er, well: That. Whatever that is. 😂
  9. Don't run with cleavers, kids. On another note, @Dekas is writing the script for our future Denali sitcom here:
  10. @Dekasw Well played.
  11. We discussed that one and its impact on the rumour mill by mail. You couldn't possible think I would miss the opportunity. 😁
  12. I have been told this crew could use a non-human with a propensity for deadpan. *Inhales* Indeed.
  13. From @Jaelyne Isa: Honk if you think that's funny.
  14. I know I already made that joke once, but I'll keep sneaking it in until it sticks. 😋
  15. And hidden in the signature, there's this gem of a nod: @Sera
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