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Caitríona Cayne

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Caitríona Cayne last won the day on July 9 2019

Caitríona Cayne had the most liked content!


About Caitríona Cayne

  • Birthday 02/07/1994

Personal information

  • Location
    Cork, Ireland
  • Interests
    Music, Film, Gaming (video and tabletop)

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Caitríona Cayne's Achievements

Rank- Capt.; Fleet- Talkative

Rank- Capt.; Fleet- Talkative (8/28)



  1. I completely forgot I made this until now! Please welcome to the stage - Caitríona Cayne
  2. Congrats everyone - well deserved!
  3. Praying for a spin off! Just to have more of her 🙌🏻
  4. Marked my answer as a spoiler, just in case it could be considered one for someone who hasn't watch Star Trek Discovery yet
  5. Officially not the newest Ensign. That was quick 😏 Welcome!
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