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About Solkar

  • Birthday December 10

Personal information

  • Location
    St. Petersburg, Florida
  • Interests
    Discovery and DS9, Call of C'thulhu RPG, James Bond and Battlestar.

Fleet information

  • Current Vessel
    USS Eagle
  • Current Post
    Medical Officer

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Solkar's Achievements

Member of the USS Fastfingers

Member of the USS Fastfingers (7/28)



  1. I picked Romulans just because I LOVE ROMULANS and want it to be true, even if they are a little feisty to begin with. - Bill
  3. I always thought that a crippled Deep Space Nine or a similar station would be a horrifying setting, if done correctly. It's like the Nostromo, only different. - Bill
  4. Ha ha! Yes, Solkar is as dry as three day old burnt toast Thank you for posting this, I appreciate it! - Bill/Solkar
  5. They will be so much more aerodynamic without ALL THE DEAD PEOPLE ON THE OUTSIDE - Bill/Solkar
  6. We had a great time in the training sim! Much thanks to Commander Blair and Lt. Commander Jolara for putting us through our paces. Onward and upward! - Bill
  7. But, let's say that you have more brain power than Denebian Slime Devil, but less than your average Talosian, and want something between one page and 150 pages. Bill has got the hook up for you! It's the previously mentioned "Where No Man Has Gone Before", another high camp, TOS based, free RPG. It's got core rules, or you can download the fancy pants illustrated core rules, a supplement, a life path generator to help your lazy [...] cadet get through academy, or even a quick start pocket mod. It's all there for the downloading! Grab your dice and get to gaming! - Bill
  8. But I can hear you now, "Bill, ain't nobody got time for all that!" As someone who loves his RPG's easy peasy, I understand! I hear you! So, I'm going to give you "Lasers and Feelings". IT IS ONLY ONE PAGE. Throw in some new names, a new ship, spend 20 minutes brainstorming with your fellow players, create the universe, drink something tasty, eat something with cheese on it, and you are playing Star Trek, baby! - Bill
  9. My love for Trek is closely followed by my love for tabletop role playing games, so I thought I would share my resources and maybe turn folks on to yet ANOTHER way that they can enjoy Star Trek. "Far Trek" is a TTRPG based on the Original Series. Based on Mike Berkeley's "Where No Man Has Gone Before" (more on that one in another thread) with a little bit of Fate and Microlite thrown in, all you need to play is a copy of the free PDF, and some six sided dice. Checking the "Far Trek" website, the author, C. R. Brandon hasn't posted in over two years, but the file(s) are still available. When I first discovered Far Trek about 4 or 5 years ago, it paid to follow him on social media or get his blog on your RSS feed, because he would have, for lack of a better word, popup sales, where you could actually purchase (at cost) a dead trees nice little paperback of Far Trek. I have two, but I am mad that I didn't get the animated series cover edition. The interior of all the books were the same, only the cover changed. It was wonderful. Go over to the right hand side of the page, click on the Far Trek edition with the animated series cover, and hey presto! You have about a dozen files to download and start playing Star Trek on your dining room table tonight. The core rule book is less than 150 pages, is easy to read and understand. If you are looking for a fast and easy way to get into Star Trek RPGing, then this might just be your huckleberry. Enjoy! - Bill
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