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Everything posted by RaWolf

  1. Welcome towards the Fleet (and welcome back)! Congratulations on succeeding in your exam!
  2. The Prime Directive is what Starfleet or the Federation drives in moving forward in exploration. My own Character, while a Klingon by blood, his Scientifical mind and love for it keeps himself busy with the PD. Last mission with the Za, it was my character that question the morale of helping out The Deep with their illness due that they just met with warp engines and already in the search to get help. In the end he helped them out, but it was fun to see it develop. I don't mind getting to be put onto a moral choices path again when exploring the galaxy again.
  3. Congratulations to all that have pass the exams! Welcome to the fleet
  4. In my years in RPGing I to had my characters have relationships and I do prefer for them to have a relationship with a real player. Why? It makes it unpredictable of what will be said, done or reacted when something happens. I like that and prefer that then written on something that is already planned out for years.
  5. No timeline containment! The timeline should be pure and not touched!
  6. Welcome and indeed welcome back!
  7. Welcome to this lovely community!
  8. I just have to say it...your name still amuses me due seeing:



    Gorn liked a post in a topic:

    And my imagination goes wild seeing a Gorn trying to like a post and getting frustrated over it xD

    1. Gorn


      I've used the username Gorncaptain for so long I usually forget how inconvenient it is in Star Trek communities. But the image of a big rubber lizard monster trying to use a keyboard amuses me greatly.

  9. Congratulations and welcome to the fleet!
  10. http://trekmovie.com/2016/08/28/breaking-bryan-fuller-reveals-new-star-trek-discovery-details-in-august-27th-interview/ And there's new details! Not much, but some good insight on the creative choices.
  11. Welcome to the fleet!
  12. Congratulations towards all the new Ensigns! and Welcome towards the SB118!!
  13. Congratulations and welcome to the fleet!
  14. More info (well recap) has been released Here
  15. For more official statements: http://www.ign.com/articles/2016/08/11/star-trek-discovery-will-have-a-female-lead-is-set-10-years-before-kirk-took-command-of-enterprise?abthid=57abdcc2b342d0865800003c
  16. Thank you all for the passing congrats! We look forward writing with you all
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