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Jo Marshall

Captains Council observer
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Everything posted by Jo Marshall

  1. Congratulations, dude! You did a great job!
  2. Well done, guys! Welcome to the fleet!
  3. On this, our glorious day of April 1st, where the pranks are many and the fools roam free... we remember that the Federation has moved on from a calendar based on the movement of the Earth and now April does not exist in our future timeline. However! Fear not, brave prankster, as there is still many jokes to be had within our futuristic realm. Practical jokes on fellow officers is a tradition older than Starfleet itself, with arms stretching back throughout the history of Earth with the Feast of Fools in France, Royal Court Jesters being an actual vocation for some, and the Lord of Misrule in England's Christmastide. While our post-scarcity utopia strives for peace in all things, we can still let out the jovial jester from time to time, and we've seen many a prank cross our TV screens throughout the series. Would your character prank another? Are they known as the ship jester? Do they revel in mischief and delight in disorder?
  4. None have the suave edge Bashir brought to the Bond.
  5. @Jona ch'Ranni Fantastic job at writing for an NPC Slime Devil point of view post that showed the flip side to what's going on in our cavernous adventure! ((Dead Zone, Væron)) Vorl blinked her pupil-less eyes in the low light of the Cavehome. She had explored every centimeter of the place and knew right where everything should be without looking. Her two pronged fore-claws skitted on the rocky floor as she crept forward. It had been three cycles since the Change had occurred. She did not remember much of her life before the Change - only that her existence had been filled with caring for baser needs like food and procreation. Since that time - after being placed in the Cavehome - the Change had brought about many differences. She began to ponder her own existence, to plan, to learn. She had the sense that the Change was not a normal experience of her kind. She was blessed with a gift and she believed it was because of being brought to the Cavehome and because of the Sphere. Vorl gazed up at the Sphere of Life, its yellowish-green glow nearly matched the bioluminescent sacs along her crimson dorsal spine. She found the light and warmth strangely appealing. Vorl: oO It must be protected, it must be preserved. Oo Her head tendrils swayed at a new sound, the scraping of rocks and voices on the ledge above. It was a new sound and new often meant dangerous. She paused, listening for a few minutes as the sounds grew louder. She would not fail in protecting the Sphere. Vorl lowered her carapace to the floor and lay in wait. A blue-skinned prey animal lowered itself from a web into the Cavehome. Would she finally be able to use her new-found abilities to hunt a worthy prey? She inched toward the unsuspecting meal but a shout from above alerted the blue one to her hunt. She locked eyes with the animal and knew in that moment that she would be the victor. Nextmeal's antennae quivered in fear as they rightly should. She took another step forward as it rummaged uselessly among its belongings. She could make out the scrabbling sounds of her Bondmate far above as he tried to get to the prey animals. It mattered not. She would share the Nextmeal feast with him. Vorl: oO A shame that such a creature must die. But one must keep their strength up ... and one must protect the Sphere. A flash of light against an object hurtling toward her was the only warning before the searing pain of her severed tendril was quickly followed by the sharp ache of something hitting her dorsal shell. Vorl cried out in anguish, rising up on her hind legs in desperation. A second Nextmeal joined the first and then a third. A hot beam of light shot forward and caught her in the center of her thorax. As the enroaching darkness melted away her vision, Vorl had but one thought. Vorl: oO What of the Sphere? Oo -- Vorl the Denebian Slime Devil simmed by Lt. Jona ch'Ranni Chief of Operations USS Gorkon (NCC-82293) C239510JC0
  6. I've always written Jo as a bit of a vintage rock fiend but I imagine she's expanded her repertoire in recent years when her partner, the classical pianist, moved in with a piano.
  7. Food. Where would we be without it? From croissants to cakes and burgers to belini, food comes in all shapes and sizes, flavours, colours and a beautiful crescendo of all things wonderful. Food in Trek is a whole different ballgame, introducing alien cuisine and replicator technologies. creating a veritable smorgasbord of combinations. Fancy a bit of Klingon and Vulcan fusion? Bajoran and Ferengi? There's something for everyone in the ever evolving world of food in the 24th century. Is your character a chef with the culinary flair of Neelix? Or the traditional human-style cook of Sisko's Creole Kitchen? Do they long for a kitchen of their own to sling pots and pans around in, or happy enough to set the replicator to launch mode and catch popcorn in their mouth? Presented with a buffet of all things bountiful, would you be willing to try any of these foods from around the galactic atlas? Give us your vote and let us know your thoughts in the comments section!
  8. Looks like I'm not alone in my rooting for Quark and Latinum 😂 I did love Janeway/Seven vibes as a microgay growing up. I'm afraid it'll always be B'Elanna and Tom for me!
  9. Star Trek has rumbled through galactic intrigue, space invasion, species annihilation, and still made time for friendships and romance on the side. While most made it into the history books as some of the best examples of bromance and non-traditional friendships (Geordie and Data, anyone?), some of those intergalactic pairings never showed up again on our screens, leaving fans to wonder "what if" for their favourite ships through the years. Over six decades of Trek, times and attitudes have definitely changed for the better and the tradition of showing these interspecies relations has continued into Discovery and the brand new Picard. It's one element of storytelling the writers got right. As this month marks Valentine's Day, we're exploring the best romances Trek has to offer. Barriers between gender, species, religion and race have come down and we're on the cutting edge of showing love is love. With that in mind, this brings us swinging into our Poll of the Week. Be aware; they may divide opinions! Which romantic pairing did you root for in Star Trek?
  10. Well done, guys! Welcome to the community! If you need anything, you know where to find me!
  11. I've been meaning to post this in here for a while, and as my schedule just managed to wedge some space in it, here it is! @GhantXerix and @Samira Neathler did a fantastic job bringing to life this element of Xerix's life in a way that felt creative and real. I enjoyed reading this immensely, and while I won't past all seven parts here for a mammoth sim, I'll chuck in the link to the parts. Make yourself a brew, sit yourself down and strap in for a jolly good read! [JP] Lt. JG G. Xerix, Lt. S. Neathler - The Clash For Victoire (Part I) [JP] Lt. JG G. Xerix, Lt. S. Neathler - The Clash For Victoire (Part II) [JP] Lt. JG G. Xerix, Lt. S. Neathler - The Clash For Victoire (Part III) [JP] Lt. JG G. Xerix, Lt. S. Neathler - The Clash For Victoire (Part IV) [JP] Lt. JG G. Xerix, Lt. S. Neathler - The Clash For Victoire (Part V) [JP] Lt. JG G. Xerix, Lt. S. Neathler - The Clash For Victoire (Part VI) [JP] Lt. JG G. Xerix, Lt. S. Neathler - The Clash For Victoire (Part VII)
  12. Possibly the most anticipated TV series of all time (at least, for us) is due to hit screens worldwide on Friday the 24th January. Reportedly faces have already melted, minds were blown, and there are good things expected all around. What we know already is in the Spoiler Channel it looks interesting. With this in mind, we're looking at getting everyone's thoughts on what you're looking forward to in watching the new series, and anything we might have missed from the list above. We're all very excited to see the continuation of the Picard saga, and more than happy to see Number One is his French Pitbull. What aspect of Picard are you most (or not!) looking forward to? Sling in your vote and don't forget to leave a comment!
  13. Language be that way 😂
  14. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/hampster "Other" - the Goose. Murderous, tribbleian Goose.
  15. But would they be werewolves in space? Would seeing a moon through the viewscreen turn them wolfish? What if they were stood on a moon? These are the questions. I went for Vampires. A being that has to survive on the blood of the living beings and is technically undead? Sign me up.
  16. "Quantum warp drive? Sevo, you can't just add sci-fi word to a ship word and hope it means something! ... Huh, looks like something's wrong with the microverse battery..."
  17. The long awaited marriage on the USS Gorkon! Beautifully written and absolutely draws you in from the off. Now, to the Reception! ---- ((Former Chapel, Reichsburg Cochem, Earth)) ::It was a small gathering of people in the castle's old chapel. Quinn's father, of course, shepherding Dylan and Amelia. Her elder brother and sister were there too, accompanied by their spouses and the small horde that was her nieces and nephews — including the eldest, Ryan, who had elected to wear his dress uniform to the occasion, much to her sister's dismay. Walter's family was smaller; his mother and step-father, and his indomitable grandmother. ::Petra Bjarnadottir was there as Walter's witness, in a sunny yellow dress that befit the season, her hair tumbling over one shoulder in thick curls. Not a surprising choice, all told. He had a soft spot for the fiery administrative officer, as he did for anyone who could legitimately hold their own against him. The pair had met as members of the infamous Yarahla Nine, and it had been to Walter's ship that Petra had first sought refuge on when her marriage had begun to fall apart. ::On the other side was Jo Marshall, who had only managed to stop smiling within the last five minutes. Her hair down for once, the waves of blonde reached her shoulders and flown down over her tea dress, the cut falling just below her knees. A friend to both, this time there solely for the bride; her commanding officer, and a friend through the trials and tribulations weathered together. Hands clasped in the small of her back, unable to fully leave the officer behind, she glanced over at Petra and shot the woman a quick wink. ::Then of course, there was the bride and groom themselves. Walter wore a navy three-piece suit, waistcoat and tie in dove grey, and he wore it well. Neatly pressed, shoes shined to a mirror polish, he was as perfectly turned out as it was possible to be. Quinn stood beside him, her dress in shades of silver and sky blue, the delicate chiffon embroidered and beaded with flowers. Her hair was swept up and away from her face, but otherwise left to fall in loose waves about her shoulders. ::Leading the ceremony was a local officiant, Miriam Schulte. With a head of short, white curls and a twinkle in her grey eyes, she was clearly a woman who loved her job. With the bride and groom stood in front of her, the guests seated and (more or less, in the case of the younger children) settled, she began.:: Schulte: Family and friends of Walter and Quinn; welcome to their wedding ceremony this afternoon at Reichsburg Cochem. In this place, high above the busy town below, we take ourselves out of the usual routines of daily living to witness a unique moment in their lives. Today they join together in the union of marriage and to all their guests, they are happy to share this moment with you. Because you are the ones who love, support and know them so well, it is only fitting that you are the ones to share this once-in-a-lifetime moment with them. ::Her accent was almost identical to Walter's, though stronger for remaining in the lands of her birth. Warmth exuded from her every word, genuine in her delight.:: Schulte: Walter and Quinn are pleased to have their parents and children in the front row, close by for the ceremony. Quinn thanks Stephen for providing her with opportunity possible and for being the best father anyone could ask for. ::Glancing over her shoulder, Quinn saw her father swallow as he smiled at her, his adam's apple bobbing in his throat.:: Walter appreciates all the love and support Annalise and Daniel have given him over the years. ::Where his temperament had come from his grandmother, it was clear where Walter had got his looks from. His mother had a head of luxurious, pale blonde hair, swept into an elegant chignon for the wedding, and the same piercing blue eyes as her son. Annalise smiled at him, squeezing the hand of the man stood beside her, Walter's step-father Daniel Wolff.:: Schulte: A wedding day is often a day when couples miss those no longer with them. For Quinn and Walter, there are family members whose memories they hold dear. Walter's sister Emilie passed away some years ago; he misses her very much and holds her always in his heart and mind. Quinn would like to take a moment to remember her mother; she wishes Sarah could have met Walter, and knows she would have been happy for them both. And so it is that our couple present themselves to be married; with fond memories to brighten the day, and surrounded by the people they love the most. ::If she was honest, when it came to her mother Quinn wasn't sure of any such things. But she knew that the sentiment was something that would delight her father to hear, and so into the ceremony it had gone.:: Schulte: As our couple prepared for this part of this wedding celebration, they reflected on what brought them together, and what keeps them together. A shared career, shared interests, a shared stubbornness, ::a quiet chuckle rippled through the guests, while the bride and groom shot wry grins at one another,:: and through it all, an implicit acceptance of the other as an individual, as well as a partner. It is this mutual respect and understanding for one another that led them to select "On Marriage" by Kahlil Gibran as the reading for their ceremony, which will be read by Walter's grandmother, Else Brunsig. ::At the mention of her name, a slim, elegant woman stepped up to the lectern. She had a strong jaw, severe blue eyes, ice-white hair and a voice that made everyone sit or stand a little straighter. A formidable woman and a serving judge, Else commanded the attention of the room with ease.:: E. Brunsig: "Love one another, but make not a bond of love: Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls. Fill each other's cup but drink not from one cup. Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone, Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music. Give your hearts, but not into each other's keeping. For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts. And stand together yet not too near together: For the pillars of the temple stand apart, And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow." ::The sentiment echoed around the former chapel for a few moments, resonating through those in attendance. Else returned to her seat, though first she sent a sly wink in her grandson's direction, and his answer was a wry, crooked smile and a dip of his head.:: Schulte: We come now to the words that take Quinn and Walter across the threshold from being engaged to being married. A marriage, as we here understand it, is a voluntary and full commitment. It is made in the deepest sense to the exclusion of all others, and it is entered into with the desire and hope that it will last for life. Before you declare your vows to one another, I want to hear you confirm that it is indeed your intention to be married today. ::She paused, and smiled first at the bride in blue.:: Quinn, do you come here freely and without reservation to give yourself to Walter in marriage? If so, answer "I do." ::A small grin caught at the corners of Quinn's lips and she glanced up at Walter. Standing there, doing what they were doing, it wasn't something she'd ever really thought would come to pass. And yet, there they were, saying the words and sealing the deal.:: Reynolds: I do. Schulte: Walter, do you come here freely and without reservation to give yourself to Quinn in marriage? If so, answer "I do." Brunsig: I do. ::Quinn's breath caught in her throat, a supernova igniting behind her ribs. There hadn't been a gram of hesitation in his baritone, his answer assured and confident.:: Schulte: Walter and Quinn, having heard that it is your intention to be married to each other, I now ask you to declare your marriage vows. Please face each other and hold hands. ::If there was any part of the ceremony that made her nervous, this was it. Quinn wasn't one for emotional declarations, for putting the fragile parts of her heart in the plain view of others. She turned and reached for his hands, smiling at the warmth of his skin against hers, the light scratch of his calloused fingertips. His thoughts brushed against hers, soft and frictionless, like silk sheets sliding against one another. That sent her mind spiralling, and it was only a gentle tug on her hands that brought her back into the present, a blush on her cheeks and a sly, knowing smile on Walter's lips.:: Reynolds: There are three words that are stronger than I love you. Today I stand in front of you to say "I choose you". I choose you over all others. I choose you to share happiness with. I choose you to care for. I choose you to have a family with. I choose you to grow old with. ::She took a breath.:: Walter Brunsig, I choose you to love for the rest of my days. ::She felt his hands tighten around hers, a faint flush creeping up from under the collar of his white shirt. The effect of her words on him, and the effect of the words he was about to speak.:: Brunsig: Today, Quinn Reynolds, I join my life to yours. From the moment our paths crossed, you’ve fascinated me, challenged me, frustrated me and improved me in ways no person has done before. I have fallen in love with you again and again. I promise to be true to you, to support and encourage you, and to challenge and frustrate you. I know that we're good for each other and that we will continue to grow stronger together. ::Quinns stood there, smiling at him, struck by his vows and the fondness in his gaze as he'd spoken them. Left wordless and quite enraptured, it was a good thing that there was someone there to propel the service along.:: Schulte: Your wedding rings are the outward and visible sign of the inward and invisible bond which already unites you. Petra, please give Quinn's ring to Walter. ::The Icelander stepped forward, pressing the simple ring into his palm with a nod and a smile. After a pat on his elbow, Petra stepped away from the broad-shouldered blond, and the officiant continued, still beaming away, her eyes sparkling.:: Schulte: Walter, place the ring on Quinn's finger and repeat after me— ::He took her hand again, echoing the words while he slipped the gold band onto her finger, next to the glittering diamonds of her heirloom engagement ring.:: Brunsig: With this ring, I marry you; with my loving heart, with my willing body, and the promise of all my tomorrows. Schulte: Jo, now please give Walter's ring to Quinn. ::Stowed in a particular place for safe keeping, Jo retrieved the band from the pocket of her dress and smiled at the woman with a small nod of her head as she handed it over.:: Schulte: Quinn, place the ring on Walter's finger and repeat after me— ::One hand curled around his, Quinn eased the ring onto his finger. Nerves dried her throat and slid a tremulous rasp into her voice. For once, she didn't care.:: Reynolds: With this ring, I marry you; with my loving heart, with my willing body, and the promise of all my tomorrows. Schulte: May the wedding rings you exchanged today remind you always that you are surrounded by enduring love. ::The officiant smiled and clearly elated, she clasped her hands together:: Now, by the power vested in me by the town of Cochem, it is my honour and delight to declare you husband and wife. You may seal this declaration with a kiss. ::Their hands still intertwined, Walter dipped to do just that, and Quinn rose up on her toes to meet him part way. Soft, tender and lingering, he left his forehead resting against hers, just long enough to murmur a few words.:: Brunsig: Wife. Reynolds: Husband. ::She grinned.:: We actually did it. Brunsig: Chilly day in hell. ::He smirked at her, the wry observation making her huff a quiet laugh as they parted. Quinn wasn't the only one laughing, and Miriam Schulte chuckled, gesturing open-armed to the pair.:: Schulte: I am pleased to present the newlyweds! Walter, Quinn — your wedding ceremony is over, and it's time to celebrate! -- Rear Admiral Quinn Reynolds Commanding Officer USS Gorkon T238401QR0 & Captain Walter Brunsig Commanding Officer USS Triumphant
  18. Well done, all! You did excellent! 😀 Good luck with your posting, and if you ever need anything, you know where I am!
  19. Massive congratulations to everyone! The nominations were brilliant, and show how much love this group has for one another. Hugely inspiring absolute stars, have loved every minute of this year's awards/ Some of you are getting Google Groups stalked after this, FYI. Apparently you're too good not to be! :shrug:
  20. Congratulations, everyone! Thoroughly well-deserved awards up there. A lot of hard work and dedication, it's all very inspiring! Here's to the next year!
  21. As the player, I'd go with Romulans. They're a fascinating culture and, especially with the Romulan Republic formation going on, would be interesting to serve with for a time. Jo, however, would staunchly choose Andorians. Her best friend (Sera zh'Aella) is one and ditched her for a year to play with the Klingon Defense Force, earning herself some PTSD in the process. Seeing what life would be like on board an Andorian starship would be up there on her bucket list.
  22. The awards ceremony is fast approaching and it's time for us Gorkonites to strut our stuff! In the wonderful tradition of the Fleet Awards, get up in your gladrags and stick in that jewelry mum gave you that never sees the light of day! What are YOU wearing to the Fleet Awards? Black tie? Dress uniform? Full banana suit?
  23. Congratulations, Cayne! Welcome back!
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