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Daydan Taboo

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Everything posted by Daydan Taboo

  1. Discovering an Inheritance by Captain Tyr Waltas A ships log, nice touch Tyr, it is funny how something that as a Captain we do every day can cast such a long shadow, it makes us realise how insignificant we are, and yet we can touch history, what one person can achieve, I liked that Tyr took the story away from himself thinking about the people who had touched his life and put their mark on history... In UFOP we are explorers looking at the great unknown to inspire us, but rightly so, we are still such a mystery to ourselves, what drives us, what paths our own desires take us on.... Nice, quite a tough group this time around Tyr, lots of ideas.... I always enjoy reading peoples stories, I find the voting the hardest... In my honest opinion you are all winners... Keep up the good work Tyr, always a pleasure...
  2. The Eagle’s Cry The Eagle’s Nest was the chosen name given to the recreation area of the Starship known as the USS Eagle, the eagles nest was a space set aside for all the ships ranks and guests, it consisted of a well stocked bar, food and drinks replicators, and a small kitchen area. Several well placed tables and chairs in order to both give the best viewpoints of the view out of the viewing windows and the other seating areas to help set a mood of calm relaxation. There were one or two other blind spots that gave that little bit of extra privacy for those occasions that needed it, this was the scene of the unfortunate but necessary infighting that breaks out every once and a while under Captain Taboo’s command, it is an occurrence that in the young Captain’s eyes, he knows he must win.. It was a lesson that every young officer should learn at some point in their careers, and for some a lesson that if not learnt would no doubt cost them their lives.. The half Betazoid male sat against the wall of the eagles nest with his back pressed hard against the firm bulkhead pillars, outside through the viewing windows the cold vast expanse of space rolled away into timeless dark satin sheets of emptiness… Stars that had once flashed past as the ship sailed through this infinite cosmos of space at speeds of warp plus nine had seemed like a life time away… The rush of exploration was now taken over by the rush of battle.. His heart raced, his head spinning with the tactical training exercises from as far back as his childhood.. Even with the very advantageous skills of his telepathic and empathic abilities they were of little use to him now, the sheer lust for Victory from his foes only metres away was without question… Surely they could taste it, he was after all outnumbered, at least twenty were on board but now they had been whittled away by his fallen command officers.. Carefully he popped his head around some cover quickly to assess the enemies response, it took mere seconds for a shot to whistle past his ear and hit the thick toughened plasteel glass of the viewing window behind him.. Not bad. He thought to himself… The Betazoid half breed was still clearly out numbered, and closing his eyes for a few seconds he could perfectly visualise their exact locations around the room, a skill he had mastered over the years, and one that had seen him through more than enough s[...]es in the past.. both of the exits were blocked by two very keen officers, and another two of the young officers were slowly skirmishing towards him in a series of leopard and monkey crawls. He had very little time to think and act before they would be right on top of him… What a way to go, he thought to himself, with all of his experience in the fleet he was going to be taken down by officers who looked no older than first year cadets, was this what Starfleet was coming to..? The complete lack of respect for authority, Daydan shook his head, a wry smile formed on his lips.. and then a grin… He could not help but to admire them for their earlier boldness, they were no different than he was at that age, and most of his command team for that matter.. full of life and energy, full of new idea’s… full of such great dreams. It was at times like this that he longed for those early days again… No responsibility, just him in his small role on a starship back in the Science department.. He could only imagine what his old co’s would be thinking of him right now… It did not matter to much really, he was enjoying this, the only way to truly learn is to experience these things for your self… Taking a moment longer to get himself ready for n assault, he flopped down again looking at the last two rounds in his hands at his disposal, four against one and with only two shots left… Maybe he could surrender and end all of this needlessness, but then again it was not the Eagle way to give up.. What lessons would be learned then? His senior staff fought bravely that evening, just as he expected they would do, he puffed his chest proudly as he made ready with what would most likely be his last chance to regain some kind of honour… He readied himself, and once again and peered cautiously around the corner of an upturned table to give some extra added cover… Almost instantly a shot flew past his nose, a sweet smelling scent wafted up his nostrils. With lightning like reflexes the half Betazoid half El-Aurian Captain moved position and let rip with a perfectly aimed shot hitting a Klingon Ensign right on the hard jagged ridges of his forehead, gunge dribbled slowly down his face, and from behind the mess his sharp white teeth snarled back at him, for a moment, his lips curled back angrily, a low guttural rumble of a growl erupted softly and then faded as his shoulders slumped downwards and he headed for the door, next to him a short beautiful young officer in medical blue burst into laughter, her overly stretched arm shaking as the custard pie fell harmlessly to the floor.. she looked at her captain and blushed bashfully before coming to attention and bowing her head politely still grinning like a Cheshire cat, offering to take the last of the captains shots for her two remaining comrades… Daydan also began to laugh, the large room was a mess, custard pie splatters on the walls floor and tables as well as the windows showed that the evening had been a great success with his new officers.. It was the perfect ice breaker and a wonderful tradition.. As he stood up to his full height of 5ft 8inches two very confused faces appeared from behind some cover, both had their hands loaded with custard pies covered excessively in squirty cream… Their eyes were full of life, sparkling happily like young children enjoying their very first Christmas.. He looked between the three of them, there was not a single feeling of hostility in the room, just the sweet smell of custard and cream, and the slight odour of sweat.. There was however an unyielding sense of camaraderie and friendship, a sense of trust and fellowship that would normally take many years to build. A calm looking Vulcan approached, his eyes clear with the taste of Victory, hair and uniform perfectly presented and maintained.. “Captain, you are beaten, surrender..!” Daydan cleared his throat, his own hazel eyes sparkling back, the glimpse of white teeth between his lips gave away his pure unquenchable emotions.. He looked between his newest young officers, the three of them knew that he could not take all of them, victory was theirs.. From the doorways the other officers involved watched with excitement. The annual Cry of the Eagle, where the senior officers of the ship would invite all of the new officers for a presentation, simple rules were announced and then the fun would begin, on the Captains word the fighting would begin and all of the officers in the room would begin. the room was well stocked with custard pies… It was nothing less than a war between friends, Civil, and friendly, but with a clear lesson… It was a brilliant ice breaker, and a tradition that had lived on in Daydan’s heart since his first posting several years ago... “Bring it on.” he yelled with pride and a big smile throwing his last custard pie..
  3. The Good Ship Hospitality by Jackford B. Kolk To say it was an amusing story would be an understatement, I think a twisted almost excited grin etched it's way onto my face with in minutes of starting to read the story, either that or my notion that where ever Farengi are involved there is going to be mischief, and I wasn't disappointed either, I liked the characters descriptions, and on a few occasions the glances between them... It is not easy to let the ideas of a story unfold without just using the words we write, but there was an underlying feeling all the way through of how the story would unfold, I tried to predict the final scene but was left happily way out.... It was a good story Kolk, and I found it entertaining and you gave me some great ideas for some pieces of my own... Keep up the good work, you are on the right track..... Nice job, and thanks for the entertaining read...
  4. Sky/Paradise Portal Outlet, Hospitality? I think the writer delights in his use of words, it is easy to see that they are chosen with care, and some of the words that are needed have not yet even been created... The story rolls out between the characters who seem to delight in philosophy and free thinking, something that most still struggle to understand, although choppy in some parts Xoet has tried hard to try and deliver the story that he had in his mind as best he could, I think the style of your writing is still very unique, [erhaps to unique, but as the Admiral states, these are our opinions and by no means right or for that matter wrong... I see your style develop Xoet 12, and for the vast majority it will be a hard and confusing read, but I do see what you are trying to achieve, keep working on it, being different is what makes us special.... Nice story, keep working at it Xoet, perfection is impossible, excellence comes with practise.....
  5. Test of Loyalty, by Toni Turner A difficult subject, a few writers had the same sort of idea but each tackled it differently.. I liked the idea of putting it into a sort of diary form.. It works quite well.. I found myself reading it back and forth several times, reading over the last paragraph again prior to moving on, I pride myself on being able to anticipate the writers intentions, and while towards the end I had a good idea of the out come I was intrigued with, "So that's why you had me spying on Dad. I thought you were testing my loyalty. Gees Captain, you had me thinking he was a traitor." Now that really got my attention...
  6. Secrets and Lies, by Elisa Verde (Lt. JG Karynn Ehlanii) Very difficult this time around to say the least, I take my hat off to everyone that took part.. Your story lines were so different than what came to my mind on reading the brief, but very enjoyable reading all the same.. Poor Korel, no wonder he was feeling paranoid... I felt for the guy myself and was almost reluctant to get to the end, but you just had to know... I think in private he will make her promise to never do any more surprise parties ever again... It was a hard topic but I think the way you kept it moving was a good and creative way of keeping the reader almost afraid to continue but wanting to see it through to the end... I liked the kisses on the cheek which came up several times and her occasional smiles, it always left that air of doubt in your mind that perhaps he was over reacting... Best of luck with the votes Elisa, keep up the good work....
  7. Els by Jhen Thelev Els, a good story with a nice idea, I remember reading it over two or three times, each time I was imagining my own twists and turns.. The Farengi was a good touch, I must confess he added a little venomous humour to the tale... I wanted to understand more about how their little girl had integrated into Bajoran life.. One of those stories where each paragraph leads you into asking even more questions, for a book, it is a great way to reel in your reader, but for a short story I think it makes the reader think that they have missed something.. I did enjoy the story, it was a good read and very well written, it was free flowing and full of thought... Nice job, good luck Thelev
  8. The Most Important Day of Your Life, (besides being born) By Rama.. Started off nice and was a good read all the way though, no twists or turns just the same kind of talk between a father and daughter probably since time began. I liked how even though she was adamant that she wanted to pursue her own goals that she still respected her farther in every way... There is a hint of the adventurer in this young lady, she likes to push herself and continue to exceed her own expectations, I liked the first two paragraphs, for me I knew I would enjoy the rest of the story.. What I thought the piece fell short was with the ending, not easy when limited to so few words.. I came away from reading this piece with a smile, "Good for her." Nice job.. I hope she makes it in to Starfleet, she'll make a great Fighter Pilot or Helm Officer...
  9. (( Sceptre Academy - Vatican City Rome - Earth )) ::The robed guildsman walked quickly through the shadowy halls of the Sceptre buildings, they were dark cold and uninviting places, their Gothic columns rising up into the sky like razor sharp teeth.. The city was as old as the stones it stood on and more.. It had been a struggle to get this far but he was nearly there, one more obstacle stood in his way... His mind was almost a blank as he could feel mental probes coming in from all directions, he was no novice at this task, he would succeed or die, he had to, the safety of his own beliefs relied on it.. He could feel several strong minds sadistically trying to rape his mind and penetrate his thoughts but he was a skilled Reader, far beyond the understanding of these power hungry Terrans.. Beneath the dark cloak of the guildsman he brandished a small stiletto bladed short sword about thirty centimetres from pommel to tip.. He clutched it closer to his naked skin hoping to hide it from prying eyes, it was not so much the eyes here that was the danger, it was the minds of the many Masters and Aconites that patrolled the halls like Yakuza guards on a death wish.. :: :: All was going to plan though as he paused for a moment looking across the open courtyard, in the late evening sky birds sang as the flew back and forth with nesting material from the small garden area, in the centre a single figure in a long black robe and tall pointed hat like that of a fish head stooped over a fountain pool and gazed at his own reflection.. :: Guildsman: oO Something is not right, I sense others, there, there and there. Oo ::He thought to himself pointing out the location of several points around the court yard garden..:: oO I must flush them out first to ensure my escape.. Oo ::His mind focused on one goal, to kill the Cardinal..:: ::The guildsman took one final look in all directions and then sped across the opening at full speed with his long pointed blade held aloft.. his foot falls were silent and his speed breath taking, with a final scream of strength he struck at the centre of the tall figures back..:: :: Suddenly the figure dropped to the floor falling flat to the ground quickly curling up into a tight ball, the guildsman was puzzled by the defensive move and withdrew his striking arm to strike again... The cardinals evasive manoeuvre was enough to give several priests coming from all directions the chance to throw themselves at the guildsman and smother him before he could fell another blow, frustrated with his failure the powerful reader turned his eyes to one of the priests, sparkling with an unbelievable fire the priest was transfixed in his eyes, another more experienced priest yelled at him wildly..:: Priest: Look not into his eyes, he is a triple star six! :: The master laughed at the comment and watched the struggle as the guildsman tried in vain to break free being slowly pinned and manacled with no mercy or regard for his suffering.. Struggling against six other bodies bent on smothering him to the floor the guildsman let fly with many good hard and punishing blows but each priest was numb to every pain so as to capture the assassin.. As he curled up to fend off the blows the guildsman praised himself, the cloaks the priests wore were stealth cloaks making them blend in perfectly with their back grounds, the cardinal was never alone in the first place.. His instincts were correct all along..:: :: The guildsmans target peered back into his burning eyes and screamed in agony, he tried to cover his face but now the link was to strong, the guildsman looked straight through his flesh and into his soul, even as several priests proceeded to kick and beat him insanely trying to break his mental attack on the cowering priest..:: Cardinal: Your efforts were brave assassin, but your attempt futile, such a waste of your talents.. ::The cardinal shooed his priests away seeing no reason for the need of guards with the guildsman securely bound and beaten.. A single priest lay on the floor sobbing unable to look another being in the eyes, he was eventually dragged away from the courtyard. The guildsman struggled against the manacles and chains trying to assess their strength while the old man grinned at him.. The guildsman could feel fresh wounds on his face and knuckles, the taste of blood sweet and sticky in the back of his throat:: Cardinal: You shall be free of pain in good time, do not waste your strength on trying to escape, more worthy assassins than you have tried and failed.. :: The shaved head of the guildsman was brought into view as the Cardinal pulled the hood from his once covered head.. The guildsman stopped struggling and looked at the much older man in his eyes.. Even with his robes of peace and justice the guildsman knew this mans true history, The Coven, the Illuminate, the Masonic brotherhood, The Alliance. All organisation geared to the betterment of the Few by the many or the ignorant, it left a venomous stain on the good work of the guild and until this stain was removed no guildsman would rest..:: :: The old mans bony weak hand struck the younger looking man about the face several times and laughed.. With his wrinkled old hand it did not hurt the guildsman but the tone of the old mans laughter at the guildsman's plight was one of cruelty..:: Cardinal: Such a waste, I have need of a good Assassin, you could work for me and want for nothing my young apprentice.. ::The Cardinal dug his long unkempt nails into the guildsman's jaw and squeezed as hard as he could..:: Cardinal: Do you not wish to live? Guildsman: Through a clenched mouth.. :: Yes.. ::His tone was raw and unpractised..:: Cardinal: You must have known that you would be watched at your every step in these buildings, there has never been a successful assassination attempt under my rule, and do you know why? ::The old mans arrogance grated on the guildsman's nerves, just two seconds free near this cruel monster and he could end the suffering of millions forever..:: Guildsman: Why? ::Looking coldly into the old mans eyes..:: ::Grinning at him the cardinal lowered his face towards him and squeezed the guildsman's mouth open, as he spoke he cringed and spat globs of saliva into his prisoners mouth and face..:: Cardinal: Because the moment you conspired against me your actions were known to me.. You can not defeat me, I know what lurks behind the eyes of everyone in my sight and you are no exception my weak minded little sewer rat... :: The guildsman struggled helplessly against the titanium shackles.. The old Cardinal pushed his face away and kicked him hard in the chest making him fall backwards, the downed guildsman struggled to pick himself back up on to his knees again..:: Cardinal: You are no fun, you are as weak as a Child, I could burn out your will to live with just one look, why do you serve that useless woman, what of you own desires, do you not want wealth beyond your imaginings, or women so obedient that you do not have to lift a finger.. They would wait on your every need until the day you die.. :: The guildsman looked up at him defiantly.. Guildsman: What good is wealth.. Cardinal: Wealth is power.. Guildsman: What good is a woman's desire to please if it is not done with love.. Cardinal: Love is a Myth dreamed up by poets and dreamers.. What do I care of love when I can have any woman I desire.. ::The guildsman cringed as he imagined the old man crawling over some nubile young beauty.. A shudder rippled down his spine..:: Cardinal: ::laughing..:: You think it sickening. :: Laughing again.:: Perhaps you are right, but I indulge in my every desire and crave each depravity more and more. With power comes privilege and I intend to be very privileged my friend.. ::The cardinal clenched his fist into a tight ball and looked deeply into the guildsman's eyes..:: Cardinal: Join us, join us and enjoy unimaginable luxuries, women, wine and what ever you desire.. :: The guildsman bowed his head.. :: Guildsman: And what do I have to do for this fate, sell my soul to the devil? Cardinal: :: Laughing..:: Nothing so vulgar my young apprentice. Go back to that whore priestess of yours and bring to me her bloody heart, do this and you will want for nothing.. Guildsman: But? ::The Cardinal interrupted abruptly giving the guildsman no time to answer..:: Cardinal: Swear on it.. Give me your oath. Guildsman: She is the figure head of my faith.. Cardinal: Faith is irrelevant, power is almighty.. Serve me worm and live, refuse and die... What say you? ::Looking up the guildsman's eyes showed fear and pain, he bowed his head and kissed the Cardinals robes with his blooded lips.. :: Cardinal: YES!! ::He called to some priests nearby..:: Unchain him immediately.. Priest: But master.. Cardinal: I said unchain him.. :: He slapped the priest to the floor, the priest whimpered under the old mans gaze, the guildsman still looked down at the floor clenching his fists forcing them tightly against his bonds..:: Priest: But he is a triple 6 master.. Cardinal.. You fools, I to am a triple six, do you not think I know when someone is lying to me, free him I tell you or suffer unimaginable pain.. :: The priest carefully unlocked the manacles from the guildsman and stepped backwards trembling, there was something about the guildsman's posture that was not right, he was unafraid almost arrogant in his stance.. He bent down and picked up the long blade at his feet and wiped it's surface against his soft dark cloak..:: Cardinal: Go now my young apprentice, bring me back her heart and I will shower you with unimaginable riches.. ::Putting his arm around the guildsman in a friendly gesture..:: Go now and bring Sceptre to it's total domination of all life in the universe.. ::Something stopped the guildsman traitor in his tracks, a single word, a sound, the tone of the old mans voice so close to his ears.. In a large powerful sweeping arch the guildsman's cloak flew over the old man body like a sheet of darkness.. Before he was revealed again three deep lunges of the long dagger penetrated the old mans weak and feeble body.. each blow puncturing several vital organs.. The old man grasped the guildsman tightly trying to hang on to life just long enough to ask one final question as his last breath slipped from his lips..:: Cardinal: You lied.. you lied, hooowwwwww.... Guildsman: oO And so did you old man... Oo :: The guildsman let the body of the old man fall to the floor, the two priests stared at him in disbelief, not giving them any more time to react the guildsman darted towards the buildings and jumped up onto it's uneven surface, the gothic like buildings were much the same as most of the rock faces on earth and Betazed for climbing difficulty, with in seconds he was up on the roof tops and running back and forth across the darkened shadows.. Before the alarm was raised the two priest searched upwards but could see him no more, just visible was a small ship flying over head that slowed to a halt and then sped off in to the night sky and eventually disappeared in a bright blue flash of light..:: -tbc-
  10. I'm not sure how to take this..
  11. Well done everyone who posted a SIMM, this is the best turn out I have ever seen for a writing challange, you should all feel proud.. Good luck...
  12. Great turn out, great posts.. I'm glad I'm not a judge... Sorry for putting one in twice, I wanted to edit it but that function was not available and I know how strict the judges are... You can delete the other one, please..
  13. ((Bajor - Dahkur Province – Town Square)) Looking down the line at his resistance cell Lah’rel felt a great sense of pride and honour as he looked at his friends with a slight smile on his face.. Tobin the scout, Meaco and Dunna the assault team, Anara the medic and himself, the teams technician come sharp shooter.. They were about to be hailed as hero’s by their kinsfolk for their valour during the occupation.. The Dahkur Province had been hit hard by the invading Cardassians who were rounding up thousands of civilians destined for the famous Galitep Labour camp… It became one of the horrors of the occupation where Gul Darhe’el, the butcher of Galitep murdered thousands and tried to kill the survivors during its liberation by the Shakaar resistance cell of which Lah’rel's team were members… For a moment everything was full of chatter the large crowed of well wishers and locals cheered loudly as the Kai candidate for the Dahkur province arrived to hand over the key to the city and to award them their ribbons.. Lah’rel stood up tall and straight, he was not a particularly large man but he was firm and strong and looked good in his Bajoran Malitia uniform with his ear piece gently rocking as he looked around.. It was strange that he found himself here, Keely Lah’rel, the son of a farmer who left home to be an apprentice carpenter, three years later with his training over he wanted to return home and build houses and furniture in the traditional styles of his people.. His step-father had been behind him all the way and encouraged him to work hard for his dream.. Instead the Cardassians came, they murdered, raped and tortured his people, they destroyed the land turning it almost into ash , it took years of hard work with the ecological reclamators to make the land fertile again, now Dahkur is the wealthiest agricultural region on Bajor.. When the welcoming horns sounded Lah’rel and the others came to attention, the crowds cheered loudly as the Kai warmly waved to everyone and stopped from time to time to mingle with the on lookers, Lah’rel could feel his stature rise with the sheer pride and honour of the day. Finally the Kai stood before him and looked up into his face, Lah’rel still looked straight ahead waiting for the woman to speak first… “Lieutenant, my I.” Lah’rel looked down towards the woman who reached up her hand part way to his ear, when he nodded to her she smiled and reached out for him taking his ear between her fore finger and thumb, Lah’rel gazed into the woman’s dark eyes, it was like looking up into a black night sky but with a million stars sparkling deep with in.. She was a middle aged woman with plump lips and an oval face but her hair and eyes were raven black and her figure was strong, she looked like she too had spent her life on the farms, life was tough there but good… While the Kai held Lah’rels ear the crowd was silent, only the soft echo of the horns could be heard bouncing off the buildings in the town square.. “Where is you Pah my child, do you not honour the prophets for your good fortune..” Lah’rel shook his head and looked away from the woman lowering his eyes. “I have lost my faith in the prophets, since the occupation, perhaps some day it will return.” There were murmurs in the crowd as Lah’rel spoke those words, the Kai smiled back at him and took his hand in hers, she stroked it softly with a touch as smooth as silk, with the hands like a woman half her age.. “Do not blame the evils that others do on the prophets, that is not their fault, remember they did guide you to save many people, people you love and people who love you…” Lah’rel nodded politely and looked at his friends apologetically, most Bajoran’s were extremely religious but they were very understanding of those who had, “lost their way.” so to speak.. The Kai held his hands oddly, when he looked down at her she had a big smile on her face, she kissed Lah’rel’s hand and turned to the crowd and then back to him.. “This Bajoran is gifted my friends.” The Kai announced at the top of her voice.. “His pah is in these strong soft hands of his, we have a great artist with us.” Lah’rel looked at her, why did she say that, could she really feel something in his hands.. “I’m just a carpenter.” The Kai nodded and smiled at him as she walked down the line to check the Pah of his team… Suddenly Lah’rel jumped, it felt like a small charge of electricity Just shot up his arm.. He closed his eyes for a moment.. ((Flashback – Mahme Pass)) He suddenly found himself in the past, he knew the area well, It was the rebellion at Mahme pass, one of the first ever successful counter attacks against the Cardassians with only a hand full of men, the cell was the blight of the cardassian occupation killing many Guls and wounding and hampering many Cardassian warriors… There was a crack of phaser fire, rocks burst open fracturing from the Heat, Lah’rel was already down on the floor crawling through the dry dusty ground to a new firing position.. He could hear one of the Cardassians screaming and yelling at his men. Lah’rel took aim and fired, pausing for a second to watch the shot hit home and drop the Cardassian to the floor.. Lah’rel rolled over onto his back and wriggled backwards through the undergrowth to a new position.. It did not take long for the Cardassians to reorganise themselves and a new leader emerge. Again Lah’rel listened for the voices and their new commander, he broke cover looking up just enough out of the undergrowth, the figure doing the shouting was standing a short distance away pointing and issuing commands looking at the body of the dead Gul at his feet.. Around him Lah’rel could hear Meaco and Dunna shouting at each other, Lah’rel smiled himself, they made it sound like their small team was an army.. Alla had Tobin in her arms patching up a wound, she looked frightened but she continued to work on the teams scout even with phaser and blaster fire going off all around them.. Lah’rel took a breath again just breaking cover long enough to take aim and drop the newly appointed commander. He heard the crack of bone as super heated burst of energy entered the Cardassians skull, then the thud and a groan as the body hit the floor. Lah’rel wasted no time crawling to a new position as rocks and dirt were riddled with energy fire from various weapons all around the area he just fired from, to late, the sharp shooter was already gone looking for his next vantage point.. It took a long time for the next leader to step up to the plate, in the mean time there was lots of sporadic poorly aimed fire amidst Meaco and Dunna’s very convincing reorganisation and counter attack.. A young looking Cardassian commander called for a withdraw, Lah’rel again got the leader in his sights and watched as the Cardassians approached the crest of the hill to disappear down the other side, Lah’rel lightly squeezed the trigger, the Cardassian fell to his knees as a chunk of skull chipped away from his dark head of hair, from his knees the young Cardassian warrior fell forwards flat on his face motionless, the remaining Cardassians fled as fast as they could run, no one wanting to take further command of the assault… ((Present)) Suddenly there was a laud bang, Lah’rel looked forwards to see a very surprised Kai looking straight back at him.. The Bajoran wrapped his arms around her pulling her to the floor covering her body with his, the shocked woman look wide eyed up into Lah’rels face.. Nervously laughing from a prone position Tobin looked up and smiled at his friends.. “It was just a breaker overloading, look..!” Tobin pointed to the power grid.. A puff of black smoke rose from the breaker box that was used to power the few electrical devices in the town, there must have been an overload with all the extra lighting or something.. Lah’rel got up to his feet and lifted the small woman by the waist back up onto hers and smiled.. The others stood up also, at first there was a ripple of laughter but then cheers of approval from the crowd “My apologies First Minister Kai, a bad habit.” The Kai smiled stroking Lah’rel’s face with the back of her hand and fingers.. “And soon enough that fear will no longer be second nature to you, we must now embrace peace.. “ Pausing she turned to the small crowd.. “These men and this woman are our hero’s, they bring us great honour and pride today, they are a symbol of our peoples courage, when you look upon them walk proud and tall, what they did, they did for each and everyone of you, honour them proudly, honour them like Bajorans..” Amid the cheers and the music she turned to Lah’rel smiling. ”I need a good officer at my side young man, would you do me the honour of serving your Kai?” Lah’rel smiled snapping to attention.. “Yes first minister, I would be honoured too.” She looked back up at him and stepped back talking softly and smiling. “If only I were ten years younger." She winked at him. "Good, obedience and discipline, I like that in my men..” The short dark haired woman turned and walked away, Lah’rel smiled holding back his blushes, he looked around to see if anyone else over heard, luckily they had not.. The proud Bajoran closed his eyes in a silent prayer to his fallen comrades, warm sunlight hit his face and eyes as he looked up. It was a beautiful day, a clear blue sky with a few wispy clouds slowly drifting high over head, birds were singing and the trees creaked gently in the soft breeze. It was a good day to be alive.. - To be continued - Lt Keely Lah’rel Ex Assitant Chief Engineer EX USS CONSTITUTION "It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees."
  14. LOL Not exactly a labour of love Sir, but thank you for the apology, as adjacent said, it's not your fault.. If I had to write a story a day and loose it would be worth it to stay in the group.. I've had loads of fun here and made some great friends.. I salute you sir, great job, to you and everyone involved in making this group what it is... Is it okay to put in more than one entry? I was inspired..
  15. I have decided to write another piece as I have missed out before for being late, I am not sure where my other work is, probably lost in some unknown parallel universe.. Anyway, I hope you like this and I hope it gets better reviews than my last one... I know I should have saved my work to repost be believe me, I'm a far worse critic of my own work than any of you could possibly be... Hope all you Yanks had a good day yesterday, take care..
  16. ((USS Crispin – Passenger section)) :: The lights had been dimmed in the passenger section of the small Interstellar cruiser, there were not many of these ships left in service now, capable of a mere warp 3 at maximum speed few governments gave them a second look.. The Kendra class was a Bajoran work horse, fetching and carrying supplies and passengers well within the budget of most of Bajors population.. Daydan rendezvoused with the transport on the edge of the Romulan border light years from anyone else that would even consider picking up a pair of mysterious passengers..:: ((Flash back)) ((CO’s Office, prison colony on the Romulan border)) ::The Half Betazoid man stood up straight in the corridor outside the Commandants Office, his head was spinning with idea’s, he was here to retrieve a Terran who had been kidnapped and imprisoned for crimes against the Romulan Star Empire, naturally there was no trial, no chance of reprieve, no appeal.. “The Guild “ had been hired in order to find the young man, dead or alive. A man known only as Guy.. The task was simple, find him and bring him home, no one said anything about stepping into a prison colony and most likely never being seen again.:: ::Taboo scanned the corridors and nearby rooms for threats, his face eyes and head obscured by the thick heavy cloak and hood that covered most of his body.. He looked like a monk, hidden beneath his robes, a classic thick white shirt and tanned pants with dark boots were simple yet functional clothing… Daydan was considered as amusement by the guards and marched straight to the Commandants office, not a perfect plan for rescue but the best the Betazoid could come up with at the time..:: Guard: You, Commandant La’tek will see you now… ::The guard prodded Daydan with his blaster and grinned, Daydan entered the dark room looking around shivering slightly.. The walls decked with manacles chains and instruments of torture, the green eyes of the half breed Betazoid focused on the smug Romulan who sat behind a desk at the opposite end of the room. In the very middle of the room was a simple stool, the guard pointed to it for Daydan to sit on..:: Guard: Sit fool.. ::Daydans head whipped around to look into the face of his accuser and glared at him from within his hood… The guard arched his neck slightly before returning to his post on the other side of the door..:: Prefect La’tek: Please sit, you will have to excuse our hospitality, we do not receive many guests around here.. ::The guard tittered only to snap smartly to attention when Lat’ek raised his hand disapprovingly, on the inside Daydan could feel the Romulan enjoying every minute… The cruelty in his eyes was evidence Enough… Why do Romulan’s like to enslave everyone they meet… Daydan pulled back the hood of his cloak and remained standing looking at the commandant through narrowed eyes.. He could feel the intensity of his thoughts building, he knew that if he did not control his emotions and feelings he would mentally blast everyone nearby.. The thought sent a cold shiver down his spine… :: Taboo: I believe you are holding a federation citizen, I demand his immediate release to my custody before I take this matter further.. ::Lat’ek jumped to his feet sending his chair clattering to the floor, the guard deftly blaster butted Daydan in his back dropping him to his knees. Another guard stepped into the room, he must have been watching from Some where else the whole time…:: Taboo: oO Now you’ve done it. Oo ::Daydan fell forwards and flexed his muscles steadying himself. He so much wanted to shred their minds, both with his mental skills and his mastery of martial arts, but now was not the time, he had to find this Terran, he knew he was here, he could hear his screams. His cries for help. Even with so many other minds there was only this one that used federation standard.. “It had to be him.” :: :: Suddenly two guards grabbed him, Daydans firm muscular body stood fast like a rock, they marched him from the sparsely furnished room, shoving him forwards at every opportunity, he shunned their heavy handedness with a defiant glare.:: Taboo: I demand you let me speak to the Federation Embassy for this sector.. oO Better to play the fool than the hero, at least not until I know what is going on here. Oo Guard: Of course Federation, what ever you say.. ::The words were spat out like venom from the Romulan’s mouth .:: ((Brig 12)) :: When the doors to the cell opened Daydan could hardly see inside, only a pair of dim green lights that let out little more than a dull glow illuminated the room, his eyes squinted slightly to refocus, as he stepped inside he was shoved the rest of the way in sending him across the room to a low level platform, behind him the door closed with a heavy boom as a metal bar swiftly shifted over the doors surface and then came to a halt with a clank.. Daydan turned shoulder barging the door at full speed only to bounce back again the same distance..:: ::He turned around to the only other source of light in the cell, a small portal looking onto the world outside, it was black, almost in complete darkness, the stars twinkled in the distant sky, ice formed around the edges of the small port hole, Daydan touched it’s surface, he felt the ice melt onto his hand, a smile creased his face as he watched it melt into a few droplets of water, he lifted his hand and dropped the life giving liquid onto his dry lips..:: Taboo: oO Well, at least I won’t die of thirst… Oo ::The Betazoid was suddenly aware of another mind close by, movement, beneath that bundle of rags that he had paid little attention to since entering the cell.. At first he stepped back preparing to defend himself , then the figure slowly rose to a sitting position huddled up beneath it’s torn clothing.. Daydan approached slowly, as he did, the malnourished feeble and half dead human huddled tighter into the corner of the cell pulling up the lengths of rag with him as if to protect himself…:: Guy: Hnenh? ::Daydan recognised the Rahinsu tongue, it just had to be him.. The stranger slowly leaned forwards out of the shadows, dark ringed eyes and grey skin covered in lacerations, eyes blood shot and cold looked back at him.. The emotions that Daydan felt from the being within that skin was of complete despair..:: ::The proud Betazoid moved forwards slowly and took off the long heavy cloak that was now commonly worn by his guild.. He unfurled it sweeping it high above the prisoner and wrapped it around his body draping it over his shoulders, Daydan adjusted it tucking it snugly around the stranger and pulled the hood up over his head, the black ringed eyes of the prisoner looked back at him, trying to open his eyes so he could focus on him..:: Taboo: My name is Daydan Taboo, I am pleased to meet you.. ::Daydan smiled slightly amid the torrid screams of other prisoners not too far away in languages and sounds that chilled the soul..:: Guy: Nohtho... ::He watched Daydan not taking his eye of him, he was not use to talking, or seeing someone who did not want to either torture him or beat seven bells out of him.. He huddled under the Cloak glad of a few moments extra warmth.. They just looked at each other for a while, Daydan looked around the cell for a way out, for any means of escape, it was useless, even the tiny window was far to small, barely large enough to get a fist through.. It was only after inspecting the porthole further that he realised what he was looking at.. They must be on that moons surface somewhere, he could see out up into the permanent night sky but also to the mountains far off in the distance to Daydan’s joy he could see snow.. It was actually snowing outside… Daydan turned and smiled to the other prisoner..:: Taboo: Last time I saw snow was on Earth… Ages ago! ::Guy seemed to look up in recognition of the name, he pulled the blanket around him and rest his head on his knees staring at this stranger, the idea of conversation was now alien to him.. ..:: ::Daydan pushed his hands into his loose fitting shirt and pulled something out, he started to unpeel the paper and broke a piece off, he pushed it into his mouth and walked across the tiny cell back to the single bed that Guy was sitting on.. The aroma of the sweet chocolate on Daydan’s hot breath soon filled the space around them. He broke off another piece and handed it to the motionless prisoner..:: Taboo: It’s chocolate, here , take it.. ::When he didn’t move Daydan gently opened Guy’s mouth and pushed it part way in... When he looked up into the Betazoids face he closed his eyes, a tear slowly streaking down his cheek, he took in the rest of the small block of chocolate and started to suck it carefully rolling it in his mouth..:: ::Daydan sat down next to the Terran and put his arm around him sharing his much firmer and stronger bodies warmth, dark eyes looked back at him weakly from the slightly unshaven face.. He lowered his head onto Daydan’s arm like he was a child Getting comfort from his father, at first it felt odd, but the Betazoid soon realised how little humanoid contact he must have had all these lonely cold endless nights in this chilling cell with little enough light to grow a snowdrop.. :: Guy: Daehp... Guy... Taboo: ::smiling.:: I know…. ::Guy wiped his mouth and finished the chocolate cereal bar crammed with energy and nourishment, Daydan got comfortable on the cold hard bed and sat next to the malnourished prisoner and removed the cloak from him, Guy looked up weakly objecting but too afraid to speak, Daydan then stood up and swirled the cloak open and around his shoulders and then sat down again also engulfing the ragged prisoner sitting with him, he pulled the skinny man in closer by the shoulder as if to hug him, he then closed his eyes opening his mind up to every feeling, every cry for help, every lust to inflict pain, every vengeful thought that was coming from the minds of the guards and the prisoners around him..:: Taboo: oO Sleep Guy Windsor. Tomorrow, we escape. Oo ::Before long Daydan’s head rest back against the bulkhead of the cell, his hood shielding his bare skin from the cold of the walls, he soon started to drift into a reasonably comfortable sleep in preparation for the day ahead..:: ::When the door to the cell opened with a clanking of metal Daydan opened one eye to observe the figure beyond. Guy was already standing in the doorway, now his daily routine of torture so ingrained into him that he knew he would not get any rest or food until that daily nightmare was over.. As the Betazoid looked on at the scene he saw the tattered clothing of his cell mate, the shirt on his back was little more than a collar and upper sleeves, the rest hung about his torso darkened with dirt and his dried blood.. His pants were little different. his waist band and one leg had ripped and tied around him to give him what shred of decency he could muster. The Betazoids hazel green eyes looked over the patch work of deep hideous scars that littered the Terran’s body.. It did not take long for Daydan’s mind to fill with hate, his eyes slowly focused on the guards as they grabbed Guy by the arms and started to manhandle him out of the cell.. :: Taboo: ::Standing up.:: Leave him alone! ::The guards stopped dead, one of them checked the settings on his blaster, the other shoved Guy to one side roughly to put home the point of who was actually in charge here..:: T’louse: Interesting.. ::Said the calm elegant female voice, the Romulan female entered licking her lips as she circled Daydan looking him up and down, he could sense her sexual interest in him as she closed in finally standing toe to toe with him, her dark black eyes looked deeply into Daydans own sparkling green eyes, she smiled at him turning her back on him seductively.:: T’louse: What pretty eyes you have Terran. They would look nice on my desk, or should I give them to my felionoid as play things… hmmm.. Speak prisoner.. ::She grabbed his mouth tightly squeezing his lips into an abnormal shape.. Daydan flicked his head to one side and freed himself from her tarantula like grip only to look right back at her.. The Betazoid stared into her bottomless eyes forming an image in her mind.. Suddenly she was completely naked, her body spread eagled and firmly tied to a chrome wheel, she had her back to him and had to crane her neck to see him. He stood a few meters away cracking a whip over his head, each lash hitting close to her perfect youthful flesh. Each crack of the whip making her scream out in anticipation of the coming pain.. As much as she tried to keep tears from her eyes the fear in them was clear enough. The woman in the cell staggered backwards almost falling over herself to get clear of him..:: T’louse: Get him away, Telepath, away I said.. ::No sooner had the guards looked at each other in confusion than Daydan lunged at the female striking her hard across the jaw, she fell backwards already horizontal before she hit the ground.. The Kung-fu wielding priest soon made short work of the stunned guards, he tied them up and took their blasters. The female was out cold on the floor, Guy kicked her lightly with his toe to see if she would react..:: Guy: Sthe aei hlun... ::He stared down at the Romulan female who had put him through so much pain.. Daydan was surprised to feel no anger or vengeful emotions coming from the Terran, he seemed almost devoid of any emotion that would give him hope…:: ::The Betazoid pushed a blaster into Guys hand and almost dragged him down the long winding corridors easily avoiding oncoming guards with his well honed and skilful empathic senses..:: ::Daydan found his way to an dirt room that had loads of cold weather and arctic gear inside, if everything went well and he could coax Guy to walk the five kilometres to the rendezvous point he could get them beamed up to the small shuttle pod and away.. He looked at Guy, he hardly had the strength to walk let alone march through snow.. Daydan shook his head and went about preparing for the inhospitable conditions outside and helping dress Guy so that he could at least stand a chance of making it.. Once they were dressed Daydan opened the large steel doors, snow flooded in flurries, Guy stepped outside and dropped to his knees smiling and looking up at the night sky, he looked back at Daydan through a thick fur hood and thermal balaclava and goggles, Daydan closed the doors behind him and patted Guy on his back..:: Taboo: Come on you…Lets get you home!! ::He yelled through the noise of the snow storm and the howling winds… The two figures pushed on through the storm, Daydan did his best to shield the frail Terran from the -40oC temperatures but to no avail, the driving wind and the cold soon sapped what little energy the tortured survivor had.. within a few hundred yards Daydan was carrying the Terran on his back and walked tall the way to the rendezvous point.. It was slow headway against the driving snow, however Daydan kept the Terran going by linking with him telepathically, reliving old memories as if they had shared those things together.. Guy had a relatively exciting and comfortable life prior to his kidnapping, it was only for a forbidden love that he cherished more than life itself that led him to this nightmare.. It was a long hard two hours through deep driving snow but when the remote shuttle pod flew over head and beamed them up Daydan slumped down with his companion to the ground relieved to be out of the cold.. Within minutes the shuttle was high in orbit ducking beneath Romulan sensors and flying towards it’s next rendezvous point.. :: ((USS Crispin – Passenger section)) ((Present time)) ::The hooded man of the Guild lay his head back against the head rest of his chair and closed his eyes.. within days they would be at Starbase 118, from there who knows where they would end up. Guy trying to pick up the pieces of his past life and for Daydan onto some other job, some other wrong that needed to be righted.. All that went through Daydan’s mind was “Why?” He now lived by a code of honour far older than the Federation...Going back in time almost two thousand years. To always protect the weak and to honour courage..:: ::Guy looked across at the mysterious Betazoid man and hugged himself, this stranger who saved his life. There was a deep respect and presence about the man.. When Daydan turned to face him Guy closed his eyes and went back to sleep. He was warm, safe, well fed and with a friend he knew he could trust. With his eyes closed he slept without shivering, without the screams of torture and dared to dream again..:: Taboo of the Guild
  17. Excuse me, where did our stories go? Or were they that bad that they were withdrawn.. I'm sure there were a couple more up there....
  18. Well done Idril, I loved the piece too, so why did I put in a piece to challenge it I ask myself, to be honest I saw Alana's piece and took great pride in thinking, hey lets just put something in, I've always wanted too.. Yep, I know my piece was a little rushed, it was a slow boring night shift so hey, my night passed quicker and considering the feedback I'm happy I did... I must admit I think you are all very brave writing about your characters but every piece was a gift, I really enjoyed reading them all.. "Mills and Boon." Jezz. If I weren't already smiling I'd be annoyed. (joke) The compliments and comments are gratefully received, thank you.. Watch out you lot, I'll be back... Everyone, well done, I loved them all.. Guess it's lucky I was not a judge..
  19. That was fun, when is the next one?
  20. I'd still like to read it Makal, send it to me, if you want some feedback I'll do that too.. That was fun anyway, it sure made my night go faster at work, I'm looking forward to the next one, next time I'll do better and check my work before I post it.. Something I should have done already I hear you all say...
  21. LOL, and I thought I was doing something wrong, I wanted to edit mine too, never mind, I enjoyed writing, I'll do much better next time and I'll make sure to not trust the *work in progress line.* I'm looking forward to the next one.. Thanks I really enjoyed that.. Hopefully next time I won't wait till the last minute to write something..
  22. Tell me who they were and I'll look them up for you. I think all of my class mates have long gone, can you cinfirm that Mr Critter Sir.. Its sad really, well I think it is, even with all these people UFOP can still be a lonely place..
  23. Alpha quadrant – Shuttle - The Alice The small shuttled hurtled towards it’s destination only a few hours away, Mikey’s eye’s sparkled as he hit the computer to open a link to the USS GIDEON.. He couldn’t wait to see his wife again, even though they had been married for nearly 18 months now he still could not believe that she was his. He always thought that she liked Billy more than him, when she said yes to his proposal he didn’t know weather to laugh, cry or jump with joy. Louise was a beautiful woman, her green eyes and dark almost chestnut red hair was only over shadowed by her amazing smile.. He giggled to himself just thinking about her and the look on her face when he surprised her.. Louise hated surprises, she didn’t like the extra attention.. Mikey looked out at the star fields as they streamed past him.. He had spent most of the 36 hour journey back from earth reading medical papers and theories of the current medical universities.. He didn’t really want to go, not with Amy their newborn daughter only 6 weeks old.. He sighed, leaning back putting up his feet on the consol. “Computer, open a sub-space link to the USS GIDEON.” As he waited he crossed his feet and closed his eyes wondering what mischief Billy had been up to while he’d been away, he would never give them five minutes peace. At the Academy the three of them were never apart, that was then, but now it was different, Mikey and Louise were a family now, they had Amy to think of, they just wanted some space, besides, Billy was either on the scrounge for a free dinner or out chasing Lieutenants.. Mikey chuckled to himself, Billy always did manage to bring out the worse in him, the guy could turn his hand to almost anything and had the charisma to match.. Suddenly the computer chimed in, Mikey opened his eyes and looked at the screen. A young fresh faced Ensign sat at ops and beamed at Mikey when he recognised him. “Hello doctor, it’s great to see you.” The Ensign looked at his readout and tapped a few buttons. “I have you at just under two hours at your current speed, if you like I can bring you in on auto pilot?” The Ensigns hand hovered over the consol awaiting the Medical commanders word. Mikey took his feet off the consol and sat forwards closer to the monitor.. “No no I’m fine, I quite like flying anyway.” Mikey coughed clearing his throat. “Aldridge isn’t it, Ben Aldridge.” Ben smiled and sat on his hands. “Aye sir, I mean Doctor, uhm Commander.” He shook his head half in frustration and half in amusement. Mikey grinned, his blue eyes sparkled on the main viewer looking down at the young officer. “Either is fine Ensign, OK, fly me in, just do me a favour will you, don’t let on that I’m going to be back early, I want to surprise my wife.” Ben frowned and looked over his shoulder at the sleeping duty CO in the Captains chair.. Ben blinked a couple of times before continuing and turning back to the ships CMO.. “But Sir, won’t I get into trouble with the Captain?” Mikey grinned, he looked at Ben reassuringly.. “Don’t worry, I’ll sort it out with Billy, I mean Captain Kidd when I see him, just type it up but don’t send the report in until you start your shift again.. If anything happens just say you forgot.” Smiling at Ben. “You can trust me you know!” Ben sat back in his chair and looked up at the Chief Medical Officer of the ship respectfully.. “I know sir, I didn’t meant to, It’s just that I’m trying for promotion and, well, you know how Competative everyone is on this ship Doctor Barnes..” Mikey smiled to the young officer. Sure it was competitive, that’s how Billy liked it.. Captain Kidd. The other Captains use to call him Billy the Kidd after the old earth wild west hero, Mikey smiled, his good friend was a crazy son-of-gun.. Ben piped up again this time he seemed eager to get the Commander off the main view screen.. “Was there anything else sir?” Ben looked around nervously realising that he was now involved in something that was not following procedures.. Mikey interlaced his fingers and put his hands on the consol in front of him. “Yes please, could you put me through to Lieutenant Commander Louise Barnes’s quarters.” Ben looked up.. “Sir.” He coughed nervously. “Aye sir!” Mikey frowned slightly, he settled himself into his seat ready to receive the link to his wife’s quarters in the view screen.. Seconds later the screen changed from Ops, to the Federations blue logo and then blackness.. “Who is it?” The female voice was as clear as crystal and with a hint of happiness to it. “Mikey.” Suddenly he saw her, she was standing in front of the screen holding their baby daughter in her arms. She sat at desk and smiled at him as she adjusted her red silk bath robe to cover her partially exposed breast.. He smiled proudly at his wife and just stared at her lovingly.. “Mikey, is that you baby.” Mikey nodded trying not to shed any tears, he put his fingers on the screen in front of him and watched her do the same. She looked at Mikey and hugged their baby daughter giving him a better view of her in the screen.. “How are you honey?” His face beamed.. “The baby is fine my dear, and so am I.” She chuckled to herself. Mikey laughed and winked at her. “I was talking about you!” He said tilting his head and smiling to her. Louise relaxed her arm letting Amy rest gently in her embrace against her body. “So how was the trip, how did the Medical boff’s receive your paper, I have a thousand questions for you when you get back.” She looked at him her beautiful smile fading slightly. “When will you be back?” She looked down Amy and started to rock her softly.. He looked at is consol trying not to give away the surprise.. “About twelve hours, I’ll be home for breakfast.” Smiling. “I can’t wait to hold you in my arms again..” His wife looked back at him and smiled.. “A pity, I have a large bed with nice clean crisp sheets waiting for you to join me, you sure you can’t get her sooner?” Mikey shook his head, if only she knew what she was doing to him, he could feel himself getting aroused and wanted to tell her he’d be home in just a few hours. He put his hands on his lap willing himself not to spoil the surprise.. He looked back at her. Louise smiled and pouted her lips at him. “Guess I’ll have to find someone else then.” As soon as the words left her lips she regretted it, Mikey was eternally jelouse, especially of Billy.. Louise just couldn’t understand it, Billy was a hilariously funny guy but that was it. Even as the ships Captain Billy relied on the close relationship between him and Mikey to keep him out of trouble.. Louise just didn’t like him.. He made her skin crawl.. Mikey sat up suddenly. “Don’t even joke about such things Lou, it would break my heart.” Louise touched the screen and blew him a kiss. “Don’t be silly, I would never do anything to hurt you, or Amy. You are my whole life, I adore you my sexy, brilliant husband.” She smiled at him looking lovingly at his image on the screen.. “Well.” He replied. “ I love you too, I always have, ever since we met at the Academy I’ve loved you..” Louise smiled at him and hugged their daughter closer to her.. “I know.” They both chuckled and stared at each other for while in silence, Mikey rest his chin on his hand and just watched her.. “Look baby, I need to finish feeding Amy and tidy up around here before you get home, besides, I don’t want anything to spoil tomorrow night.” She looked at him seductively and waited for him to respond. Mikey let out a sigh.. “Okay I’m going. I love you!” Louises bright green eyes sparkled, she smiled back at him happily.. Standing up she reached for the comm. panel to cut the link.. “I know you do, just don’t be late for breakfast okay baby.” She smiled and then turned away hitting the panel. Mikey was smiling but as the image closed he saw a tall figure behind her and then the image vanished.. Mikey’s eye’s widened. “What the?” He froze to the spot. In front of him the screen turned to the Federation logo and then to the dedication plaque of the USS GIDEON. He stared out at the stars shaking his head. “No way, she wouldn’t do this to me, we love each other. I know she loves me.” He swallowed. “You can’t fake love making like that.!” Back in Louises quarters on the USS GIDEON she stood and made her way to the living area walking past Billy who was Stood behind her.. “Was that Mikey?” Billy said anxiously. “Yes, he’ll be back early tomorrow morning, for breakfast he said..” Billy touched the bandages around his eyes and turned to her voice.. “Do you think he’ll be able to fix my eye’s.” Billy’s head dropped shamefully.. Louise looked at her old friend and frowned at him. “If Doctor Carter says my Mike can fix your eyes then he can fix your eyes.. I’ve seen him perform miracles, plasma resin shards. Will be easy.” Louise sat on the white leather sofa and opened her night gown for Amy to finish her feed.. Billy stumbled around the room fretting about his eyes and his blindness.. “Still paranoid and jelouse about us is he?” A self satisfiying smile played across Billys face as he found a chair to sit on.. “You make me sick, he worshiped you and you tease him about us all the time, you’re a joke Billy, you know that?” Billy stood up and started walking towards her but bumped into a chair.. “Ha, you wanted me once, you girls were all over me like a rash.” Billy kicked the chair and folded his arms angrily. “That was before we knew.” She growled.. “Before you knew what?” Billy shuddered. Louise hugged Amy and started to rock her.. “That girl, it was you wasn’t it, you tried to rape her.” She sick and nauseous.. Billy snapped, he moved towards her and tried to grab her.. When he couldn’t catch her he started to laugh out laud to himself. He sat on the floor leaning against the wall of her quarters and hugged his knees.. “Tell me Louise, if you hate me so much why did you pretend to be my friend all these years?” Louise looked at her pathetic Captain, the womanizer, Billy the Kidd. She cupped Amy’s head and kissed her sleeping baby gently brushing her lips against her fine head of baby hair. “Sure I liked you once, you were funny, but that was all, when I saw Mikey I knew he was the one, he was going to be the father of my children.” Billy laughed at her, he leaned back against the wall carefully touching the bandages over his eyes. “ He hates me you know, he still doesn’t trust me anywhere near you.” Louise sighed softly to herself and looked at Billy sat in the dark on the floor. “He doesn’t hate you. He hate’s the way you treat women that’s all, and as far as you and I are concerned he has nothing to fear there I can assure you, I only tolerate you because you are his friend.” Billy chuckled.. “I don’t need either of you!” He said sharply. Louise smiled nervously, she looked at the monitor in the corner of the room.. “Well, I’m glad that’s how you feel because I put in a transfer for us both eight weeks ago to the USS Independence, from what I understand they could use a good Commander or two..” Billy hit the floor with his fist. “ I won’t approve it, I won’t let you go, I will stop Mikey going, you can’t take my CMO.” Louise sat up in her chair and tried to keep calm before standing Up to face him. “It’s already been approved, what do you think those PADD’s were that I had you thumb print this morning?” Billy jumped to his feet, he was fuming. “I’ll tell him everything, I’ll tell him we had an affair and we’ve been seeing each other when he’s away on his lectures and stuff, he’ll put two and two together and make six you know he will..” Louise stood up straight and returned to the consol sitting in the chair that was only a few meters away from where Billy was. “That is a sacrifice that I will have to make, if he does not believe me then I will loose my deepest love and it will kill me, but I can’t watch you twist him into a bitter copy of your self. I love him to much for that.” Louise kissed Amy again and carried her to the sleeping area placing her gently into her crib. She placed Amy her on her front and put a light blanket over her back and then returned to the living area and looked around for Billy.. It was dark, all the lights were off. Suddenly from no where Billy grabbed her arm, she tried to struggle free but he was too strong for her, she pushed against him hard and stumbled backwards and fell to the floor quickly releasing his grip. Louise panicked she covered her mouth so he could not hear her fear and wiped away her forming tears, she slowly stood up listening to Billy’s wild screams. “You will loose everything you stupid woman, your sacrifice was for nothing, do you hear me, nothing. Now I’m going to have you myself, and every time your Mikey comes near you you’ll remember me.” Even under his bandages and the dim lighting Louise could see his face twisted and contorted.. “NO, don’t you touch me.” Louise yelled out, Amy woke up and began to cry, tears started to fall freely down Louise’s cheeks as she felt her whole was falling in around her, if only Mikey was here she taught . Billy grabbed her as she tried to get to Amy to comfort her, grabbing her ankle he pawed at her naked legs pulling his way up her bath robe. “Oh God please no! Mikey, please, help me!” She sobbed loudly beating him with her fists as hard as she could. Her throat ached with the pain of shedding so many tears, suddenly the room was bathed in light. Louise screamed out and covered her eyes from the lights of the corridor beyond. A large silhouette of two security officers stood in the door way.. “Captain, you are under house arrest pending a court martial!” Louise didn’t know weather to laugh or cry. She kicked his hands off her ankles and shuffled back towards the sofa behind her. A deep voice sounded beside her and very gently took her arm.. “It’s alright ma’am, it’s over, you’re safe now. Commander Barnes alerted us a couple of minutes ago, we heard everything, the whole of the bridge staff did.” He walked over to the monitor and turned on the screen, the Klingon hybrid smiled at her just as a very worried Mikey looked back at her. “You forgot to turn off the audio ma’am.” Louise looked at Mikey and smiled at him touching his image.. “No I didn’t, it was the only way I could show you all what he was really like. I just hoped that Mikey would want to know the truth and not close the link completely.” Mikey looked at her shaking his head, he looked at the security Officer behind her and spoke directly to him.. “Lieutenant K’mora, Have a guard placed on his cell, he is to speak to no one until we get back to Starbase 118, is that understood?” The Large officer looked at him and nodded indicating for his buddy to take away the blind Captain, “Yes sir!” Mikey coughed getting everyone’s attention back to the screen, he smiled at his wife and looked back to Lt K’mora. “Lt, who is your new CO now that Captain Kidd is under arrest?” The Klingon looked around for a moment, the cogs in his brain turning desperately slowly, he then snapped to attention and faced Louise.. “I guess that makes you our new Commanding Officer until Commander Barnes gets on board ma’am.” Louise blinked hard and stared at her husband biting her lip, he smiled at her. “Hmm, so I have what ten hours as Captain.” She smiled playfully and pulled her bathrobe tightly around herself blushing slightly. “Shush Amy, we have company.” Mikey spoke and smiled at her. “Well actually sweetheart, you have a little over twenty minutes.” He chuckled to himself.. She stared at him, her eyes thinning for a moment, then she smiled happily at him throwing herself at the view screen, she kissed it lovingly leaving a big smudge on it. “I love it when you surprise me.” They both laughed happily. “Now then Lieutenant, get out! I need to get dressed so I can go and meet my lovely husband.” K’mora nodded and quickly did as he was told. “Yes ma’am, I mean Captain!” It was not long before Louise was heading out of their quarters to meet her husband. “The greater the Sacrifice, the greater the gain.” She smiled to herself and quickened her pace holding Amy close..
  24. Hi Well I have heard a lot about this writing challenge and that little Icon you guys give the winner is really something, it’s always nice to be rewarded for your hard work, if you like that sort of thing. Myself, I just love it when someone gets excited about something I've written. So when is the next challenge, what are the rules and how long do I/we have.
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