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Everything posted by Jack Stavins
((Holodeck 2; U.S.S. Darwin-A)) ::The holodeck doors opened with their customary drone, admitting one red-haired offered through. Kaitlyn stepped several paces in as the door droned shut behind her. She allowed the end of her training staff to slide to the floor, maintaining a loose grip on it.:: Falcon: Computer, activate program Kaitlyn Spar 1. Computer: Acknowledged. ::The room around Kaitlyn shimmered, floor replaced with a hard white surface as the room faded into darkness all around her. A spotlight illuminated the center of the room, a black ring marking the floor. A similar light remained over her head, showing a table and chair form nearby. Atop the table were a line of bottles of chilled water and a number of hexagonal weights for her staff.:: ::Kaitlyn stepped over to the table, testing a number of weights before deciding on the ones she wanted. She attached a pair of them to her staff, one near each end, then leaned her staff against the table.:: Falcon: Computer, reduce ambient temperature to 18.3 degrees Celsius. Computer: Working. ::The room chilled as she removed her jacket and started stretching out. A slight shiver a few minutes later told her that the room was ready. Kaitlyn grabbed her staff, walking to the center of the ring and holding the staff in a two-handed ready stance. From there, she gave a few practice swings to get the feel of the additional weight, and nodded to herself.:: Falcon: Computer, begin round one. ::The computer gave its acknowledging beep, Kaitlyn adjusting her stance back to ready. The listened to the darkness, watching for what the computer would be throwing at her first.:: ::Points of light manifested; eyes in the darkness. Two figures entered the light; Orions in patched leather jackets and tan pants. Each had one of the Syndicate’s symbols on their shoulder. One cracked his knuckles, the others his neck. Then, both charged.:: ::Kaitlyn spun away from the charge, bringing her staff low to knock the feet out from under one Orion. In a smooth motion, she brought the other side down hard toward the fallen Orion’s face. Impact… and the Orion vanished. The second came back in for another attack, moving more cautiously. Kaitlyn allowed him to come in, then took him out with a combination of hits to his flanks and head. He, too, vanished.:: ::This was a program Kaitlyn had asked a friend to make in her time on Earth after leaving the Nova, before she’d applied to the Academy. It was also made when her hatred of the Orion Syndicate was at its highest. While the anger had faded, the program itself still served as excellent stress relief. It would throw waves of Syndicate fighters at her with increasing difficulty, each attacker disappearing once sufficient damage had been caused to incapacitate them.:: ::Sometimes, practice dummies were enough of a workout. At that moment, though, she needed something that could fight back. Safely, mind you. She wasn’t about to turn off the holodeck’s safety protocols. She was just practicing, not suicidal.:: Falcon: Computer, begin round two. ::Kaitlyn took her place at the center of the ring as four assailants emerged from the darkness. They stayed in two pairs, moving around the ring attack from two directions. Kaitlyn rotated, keeping the pairs at her left and right.:: ::The two groups charged. Kaitlyn saw just enough separation between the pair on her left to get her staff between. She took a step back, putting one end of her staff against the back of one Orion, then twisted hard to send him careening into the second pair. At the same time, she brought the other end of the staff into the other Orion’s back, knocking him onto his face. A sharp strike to the back of the fallen Orion’s head removed him from the program.:: ::The remaining trio got back to their feet, Kaitlyn swinging around to the ready once again. One came in first, Kaitlyn swinging around for a strike. He managed to grab hold of her staff, a smirk on his face. Kaitlyn immediately wrapped her hand around the close end of the staff, shoving it hard against him. The staff struck, knocking the wind from him and making him crumple to the deck for a few moments. The other pair advanced, Kaitlyn giving the fallen Orion a shove toward them to trip them up briefly. She fell back a few paces, remaining in the circle.:: ::One managed to get freed quickly, rushing her. She saw a vulnerability and exploited it, swinging her staff up hard between the Orion’s legs. He fell over in an almost comedic fashion, then vanished.:: ::The other two got back to their feet, advancing on Kaitlyn. She sidestepped, getting her staff against one Orion’s back and swinging him around to collide at high speed with the final opponent. A fast one-two combination to each took them down.:: ::Kaitlyn took a moment to catch her breath, her staff making for a convenient support.:: ::That was enough of pure attack. She decided it was time to throw in a bit more defense. Once more, she returned to the center of the ring.:: Falcon: Computer, round three, one-on-one. ::Another acknowledging beep, and the lights came up around the room. A single Orion stood near the corner, holding a staff similar to Kaitlyn’s. She resumed her ready stance, nodding to the Orion.:: ::The Orion approached, entering the ring and hefting his staff. He took his first swing, Kaitlyn deflecting it and countering. The Orion was fast enough to block her, taking a few steps back. His next attack came as a flurry of strikes, Kaitlyn focusing on blocking or deflecting him without worrying about countering. This was where the real work-out was, forcing tired muscles to continue performing.:: ::Kaitlyn saw an opening and went for it, bringing one end of her staff against the Orion’s chest and shoving him away. Contact was broken, for a moment.:: Falcon: Computer, remove movement restriction. ::The black ring on the floor vanished as the Orion charged again. Kaitlyn rolled to one side, popping back to her feet and falling back as the Orion continued his attack. He struck furiously, Kaitlyn having to bob and weave along with deflect and block. The computer was throwing a more difficult challenger than usual at her. Kaitlyn needed to get past his staff.:: ::She turned and ran to the wall, the Orion following at a slower pace. Kaitlyn jumped at the wall, planting her foot against it and shoving off hard. She got both hands at one end of the staff, bringing it into a hard overhead swing. The Orion brought his staff up to block.:: ::Kaitlyn’s staff struck the Orion’s at dead center, and the Orion’s staff snapped in two.:: ::Kaitlyn pressed her advantage, the Orion now having to fend of her attacks with his two shorter sticks. He was forced to block each of her strikes with both pieces of former staff, which she could see was starting to tire him. She swung upward, the Orion stopping her staff with both his sticks in a scissor-block. Without hesitation, she reversed her swing and brought it down into the Orion’s temple. One hard hit to that vulnerable spot, and he was down.:: ::This time, Kaitlyn leaned a bit more heavily into her staff as she caught her breath. THAT had been a good one.:: ::However, before she could do something silly like going for round four, the computer beeped.:: Computer: Your quarter’s terminal has received a message. Would you like to read it now? Falcon: Yes, I would. ::The text appeared before her in mid air, Kaitlyn reading over the message. Operations admin stuff… Figured. It wouldn’t take particularly long, but it did need to be completed sooner rather than later.:: Falcon: Well, duty calls… ::She returned to the prep table, removing the weights from her staff and grabbing a bottle of water. She took a long swig from it, feeling the water starting to cool her down.:: Falcon: Computer, end program. ::The room faded out, returning to the usual grid. The table, weights, and water bottles faded likewise. Thankfully, the water bottle in her hand remained. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she was thankful that whoever designed the holodeck included some replicator technology for whenever food or drink were requested.:: ::She started for the door. It was time for some paperwork and a shower.:: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Lieutenant Kaitlyn Falcon Chief Helm/Comm/Ops Officer USS Darwin-A =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
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(( Command Center: Kjenta II )) ESKYYS: You want to do this? :: Reaching up to his collar he removed the pips and held them in his hand for a moment. Looking at Tyr he dropped them to the floor. :: You do it without me. I quit. ::Tyr looked down where the pips had fallen, mixing in with the gore and blood from the battle. Esk quietly stared at the top of his head and said nothing more. He returned his eyes, dull and unsympathetic, to the Hallian.:: WALTAS::Flatly:: Fine. Then get out of the way. You’re relieved of duty. ESKYYS: oO Again Oo :: Esk walked away quietly as Tyr ordered the transports to begin. He could not stay and watch what may happen. He fallowed the passage Amman had taken. When he found the open door he smiled grimly as he walked outside. After a few minutes he found the Cook laying on the ground like a broken toy. It looked a lot like Esk felt, cracked and buckled along the whole length of its body. Sitting at a 20 degree tilt to port, it took a few minutes to release the hatch and pull himself up into the cabin and found a seat. He sat quietly as he wondered how long it would take before somebody noticed he had not beamed up. Not that he cared at the moment, once Discovery got back in contact with Starfleet Jen would come for him. He closed his eyes and thought back over the last seven year. Seven year, had it really been that long since he had first met Tyr, not even a Captain then. Esk had spent a lot of time proving he was a good officer for Discovery, even if Tyr could never understand that all Esk wanted was to be the Chief Engineer. He had no desire to ever captain his own ship. He liked being an engineer as much as Rode loved to fly. It was just part of who he was. But now, his heart was hurting. It was not so much Tyr had accepted his quitting, but what really hurt, he had ignored Esk warning. After all those years working with him, his concern was not just ignored, it was thrown back in his face. He knew everyone was ready to leave this place, but to do so depending on unknown tech was just insane. He would have only needed an hour to go over the equipment, possibly less, with the antenna Discovery probably have pulled them out without even using the equipment. He could have verified than in minutes, but Tyr had not even given him a few minutes to check even that idea out. Still his only thought was to pray that the transporter had pulled everyone out without further loss of life. His friend did not need anymore death on his hands. With a smile that was almost more grimace than smile he realized he would still remember Tyr as a friend, even if they never saw each other again. After all they where who they where regardless of what happened. TBC Lt Cmdr Eskyys CEO(?) USS Discovery-C(?)
((The Eagle’s Roost, USS Discovery-C)) ::Fearing the worst for the away team, and specifically, the first officer, Emerson had sought the solace of spirits and a sympathetic (pointy) ear.:: CRUELLA: Your day will get worse. You have already guaranteed yourself that much. I think in a minute you may be glad to have avoided physical violence. RAVENSCROFT: Nah, ::waving his hand arrogantly:: I doubt it. I need the violence right about now. ::He stared longingly into the empty glass as if it were an eye of a lover.:: I need the distraction. ::Someone howled on the other side of the bar. Emerson looked up, and into the fathomless and timeless eyes of the Reman.:: CRUELLA: How are the Columbia survivors getting along? A few of them have been chatty about your assistance in bringing them to the present. RAVENSCROFT: Meh. It was nothing. Steve taught me well. ::His emerald green eyes moistened. He clenched his fist around the empty glass while simultaneously clenching his jaw till his masseters bulged hideously and screamed in searing pain. Furrows dug deeper between his eyebrows, bringing them closer together. Quinn. Now Raj, Steve. He was in Starfleet, he reminded himself, chided himself. A day like this would ultimately arrive, abruptly and rudely. Why wasn’t he prepared for it? How *could* he have prepared for it anyway? His commbadge chirped. He almost reached up and ripped it off his uniform realizing he was off duty at that moment when a familiar, spine-chilling voice, stopped his hand in mid-air and stopped his heart in mid-beat.:: ROGG: =/\= Ravenscroft, get to Sssickbay! Raj will want you. =/\= ::The commlink went dead. He looked up at Sister Cruella, eyes blazing with green fire, a cold sweat erupting on his brow. He stared at the emptied glass then back at the Sister. Surely this was a biochemical trick played on him by the purple prankster. Or a Reman hex. He narrowed his eyes suspiciously at the ancient woman clad in swathes of black fabric behind the counter, but a soft sigh emanating from her was all he needed to assure himself that this was no trick, this was no spell, this was no hallucinatory intoxication. This was Steve back on the Discovery! And.. this was Raj back too!! He jumped back and over the barstool, almost toppling it, and raced out of the Roost on heavy legs, with a spinning head and a queasy stomach. But also with a heart filled with hope and gladness bursting at the seams.:: ((Shortly thereafter)) ((Sickbay, USS Discovery-C)) ::All throughout his dash along corridors and in turbolifts, Steve’s words finally made an impact on his purpled brain. Sickbay. Sickbay, the Dachlyd had uttered. Now outside the doors of the infirmary, the queasiness in his stomach began to rise in the form of bile to the back of his throat. What horror awaited him on the other side of the door? Would the fates seal themselves with the death of Raj Blueheart, as his future self had tragically witnessed, in another time, in another universe? He hadn’t the patience or the courage to contemplate the unknown, no, not then and there, and as such, burst through the doors in a cloud of fearful anticipatory joy, into a brightly blinding and sterile world.:: TBC ====================================== Ensign Emerson Ravenscroft Xenolinguist/Transition Officer USS DISCOVERY-C as simmed by Commander Raj Blueheart First Officer USS DISCOVERY-C
academy 4 Graduating Class of 239007.16
Jack Stavins replied to FltCapt. Sidney Riley's topic in Graduation Hall
Welcome to the fleet! -
((Security Office, USS Discovery)) ::He had spent the time from releasing the monks into Westerbridge's custody until now organizing Security details and reforming the patrols to protect the critical areas of the ship. Still humiliated at his failure and his complicity earlier, the Gorn was silent and morose throughout the process, despite Daisha's attempts to cheer him up or to comfort him. He snapped orders out of his massive maw and his tone left no room for debate. For the Gorn, friendship was everything. His friendship with Tyr and the subsequent loyalty that friendship provided had been shattered with one uttered chant from the blasted monks. More than once he had considered snapping Ishtahr's neck-the only thing that kept him from it was that he would not do any further damage to his already-tarnished reputation.:: DAISHA: Ghyurn, Dad said it's over. Stop pining. GHYURN: Tyr may have forgiven me, Daisha, but I have not forgiven myself. DAISHA: We can't be strong all of the time, Ghyurn. There will always come a time when we need help from someone. Even you aren't invincible. GHYURN: I never claimed to be. But I claimed to be Tyr's friend. And I would have killed him had the monks ordered me to. Those two thingssss do not reconcile. DAISHA::Sitting on the edge of the desk, sharpening the wakizashi:: So what good are you? ::He paused, looking up from the terminal screen for the first time, his yellow reptilian eyes locking on to the dark ones possessed by his best friend's daughter.:: GHYURN: Excuse me? DAISHA: What good are you, if you won't forgive yourself and you think you're a failure? What kind of a friend can you be, if you truly believe that? Can you defend this ship, its crew, your family, your friends, if you truly believe you're a failure? Can you live with believing that every moment you will betray them if the right singing monk comes along? GHYURN: I don't know. DAISHA: There are things that we can't control in this lifetime, Ghyurn. You've been out here almost as long as Dad has. You KNOW that's true. No matter how powerful, loyal, or faithful you are, something comes along to remind you that you ARE still fallible. ::Snorting:: Life seems to have gone out of its way to remind ME of that. GHYURN: It's not that sssimple. DAISHA: I'm not saying it is. But you've already been beaten by the monks. Do you really want to be defeated again, by yourself? ::The Gorn sat back in his chair, gazing at the young woman who, in spite of her youth, had harnessed her father's wisdom in the last few years. She had grown from an impulsive, aggressive brat of a child to a thoughtful and beautiful young woman. And he loved her, as he would a sister. As he loved Tyr as a brother. Strength from that love flowed through him, and his tail swished thoughtfully.:: GHYURN: You are much wiser than you look. DAISHA::Scrunching up her face:: And you're a lot smarter than YOU look. Now quit sulking and let's get this ship back together. ::Adding:: Sir. GHYURN::Smiling a toothy smile, he stood:: Indeed. ::The comm channel interrupted any further discussion.:: WESTERBRIDGE:: =/\= Westerbridge to Ghuyrn =/\= GHUYRN: =/\= Ghyurn here. =/\= WESTERBRIDGE: =/\= Monks have used some mental powers to overwhelm the security force members in the cargo bay one. The monks have escaped the cargo bay one, and they took some security weapons with them. =/\= ::The furious hiss of the Gorn sent chills down the spines of all who were in the Security wing.:: GHUYRN: =/\= My command codesss. I gave the monks control. =/\= WESTERBRIDGE: =/\= I and security officers became unconscious. I already initiated full security alert to neutralize the monks. The monk are likely trying to take over the ship again. =/\= GHUYRN: =/\= No. They will run. They know we can nullify them. I will alert the bridge. Are you alright? =/\= WESTERBRIDGE: =/\= I am suffering from headache now, and we need medical treatment. =/\= GHUYRN: =/\= Head for sickbay and get checked out. I will deal with the monkssss. =/\= WESTERBRIDGE: =/\= Yes, sir. Right away, sir =/\= ::Calling up the system log, he saw the Discovery cripple a shuttle and then transport it down to the surface. Realizing this was more than likely the shuttle containing the monks, he sighed.:: GHYURN: They are on the surface. Unfortunately alive. DAISHA: We should secure them before they can cause any more mischief. GHYURN: Agreed. We'll monitor from here and transport down once they've secured the wormhole. ::The Gorn glared at the tiny blip on sensors, silently wishing that the monks would be consumed by the heat of the desert, or even better, by their beloved wormhole.:: Commander Ghyurn Chief of Security USS Discovery -and- Lieutenant JG Daisha Waltas Security Officer USS Discovery
((Cargo Bay 1, USS Discovery-C)) ::The cargo bay door was brought down in a fiery show of phaser beams and smoke. Brother Ishtahr turned around swiftly, his eyes filled with venomous rage. Security officers moved silently inside, securing the cargo bay, making the monks restless. All except Ishtahr, who maintained a posture and expression carved from stone.:: WALTAS: ::walking up to the monk:: Brother Ishtahr, so good to see you again. ISHTAHR: ::voice cold as ice:: Salutations, Captain Waltas. ::He did not bow this time.:: ::Rather, he closed his eyes and raised his arms and head heavenwards, chanting loudly and indignantly, the other monks soon joining in. Their combined voices strove to acoustically overpower the shipwide countertone.:: ISHTAHR: ::rapturous voice:: To incur the wrath of Arthfael is to invite Death into your heart and home!! Arthfael is just!! Arthfael is the one true God!! Praise be to Arthfael and his prophets!! Praise be to Arthfael!! Praise be to Arthfael!! Praise be to---- ::A clawed hand tightened around his neck.:: GHYURN: I will sssssnap your neck for what you made me do. ::Ishtahr choked and coughed, struggling to pry the claws off of his neck. He was unsuccessful. Yet he smiled. A cold, demented, vicious smile.:: WALTAS: Ghyurn, let him go. He's powerless now. ::The Gorn dropped him and rummaged through his robes to retrieve the Captain's katana. The stranded Bridge crew rematerialized in the cargo bay, dehydrated and sunburnt. His sharp eyes spotted an ancient book in the hands of the First Officer. Despite the apparent defeat, he laughed softly.:: ISHTAHR: oO They think they have all the answers because they have found the book. Fools! Oo It has only just begun! You cannot deny Arthfael!! ::The ship shuddered with an unearthly force. The monks all fell to their knees, praising their chosen deity.:: WALTAS: The wormhole.. ISHTAHR: Come, my brothers! Let us pray! The hour is upon us! ::The monks grouped together in a tight circle and whispered hymns and sang canticles. There was no longer a need for hypnotic chants. The proximity of the ship to the wormhole would almost certainly lead to it being swallowed into the vortex. The prophecy would be fulfilled, as it was written.:: ISHTAHR: Pray for your souls, brothers, and for all the souls of our brothers and sisters across the universe. Arthfael will keep us safe in the coming Rapture and lead us to Heaven! We shall watch the Infidels be slaughtered by His wrath!! ::His inhuman cackle echoed eerily across the room. A lonely, desperate cry for help that history would soon forget.:: TBC =============================== Brother Ishtahr Brotherhood of Mikaere The Temple of Arthfael as simmed by Commander Raj Blueheart XO USS DISCOVERY-C