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Alexander Brodie

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Everything posted by Alexander Brodie

  1. Congratualtions Ensign, and welcome to the fleet. Please see the quartmaster for your straight jack...erm...uniform.
  2. Welcome to the fleet one and all! Congratulations on your graduation.
  3. Congratualtions and welcome to madhou---hmmm what?---I mean fleet.
  4. Welcome to the fleet. You may be an ensign alone but surely that just proves you're the best. Hope you have fun here and congratulations again.
  5. Congratualtions. Welcome to the finest fleet in the galaxy.
  6. Congratualtions on your gradution and welcome to the fleet.
  7. Welcome to the fleet everyone. I'm sure you're going to love it here, I know I do.
  8. THanks for the welcome everyone. Looking forward to meeting you all.
  9. I think I'd have to give it Kai Winn. Her personal adgenda masked behind her faith. I think DS9, as a whole, had some top quality villains (Gul Dukat, Kai Winn, The Dominion, Sloan - and may minor ones besides) and these were able to be developed a little more due to the shows static nature. I'd also like to give an honourable mention to 'The Holodeck' - as the collective 'it' seems to cause no end of trouble for just about everyone who uses it. Also to the M-113 'Salt Vampire' - mostly as it's the first one a really remember atching the show as a kid.
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