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About Takashi

Personal information

  • Location
    Where ever I am, there will I be

Fleet information

  • Current Vessel
    USS Independence
  • Current Post

Takashi's Achievements

Warp Speed Poster

Warp Speed Poster (13/28)



  1. Congratulations, Ensign Krell. Nicely done. Too bad we never did find out more about the shuttle bay incident. Nevertheless, best wishes on your next posting.
  2. Congratulations and welcome to the fleet. Nicely done all around!
  3. iIndeed...welcome back, Mike and Seph!
  4. Congratulations to all. Have fun out there in your next posting. And welcome to the Ursa Major, Mr Bono.
  5. Well, Rocar, if any more of us discover that we are the Geordi types, will we have to create a support group?
  6. You work well with others and often fix problems quickly. Your romantic relationships are often bungled. Geordi LaForge 80% Jean-Luc Picard 75% Mr. Scott 65% Phew! At least I am not Wesley Crusher.
  7. Well, I am off with Jacobs to the Aurora. Good luck and Happy SIMming to everyone. T.
  8. Still waiting for the postings to come out. Don't mind the wait, as I am neck deep in RL work this few days. Takashi
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