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Everything posted by Salak

  1. *reads rules thread* Is there a restriction on who can enter? I'm inactive but given I will prob have time to burn when I go home (woot, 6 hours of coach journeys then over a week without my PC) then I may be able to write something...
  2. When's the 18nd? The 18th is Sunday but I don't know of an 18nd... Sorry, I can get stupidly picky to the point of annoying...
  3. Yeah.... Congrats to the winners. In fact, congrats to those who entered, all winners in my eyes
  4. ...well, I would 'cept I seem unable to concentrate on writing (very familiar in recent months) and can't seem to get past the intro. I know what I want to write but not really how to write it...
  5. I have my notes in my pocket and plan to write it up... well now actually.
  6. I'm planning to write my entry during my journey from my Uni (in South Wales) to my mums home (250 miles away in East Anglia) for Christmas on Monday... I've got a couple of coach journey's and a train journey so plenty of time. Hope to post it on Tuesday when I visit Cara Maria for the day so you should get at least 1 entry
  7. I'm looking at almost 100 years after First Contact, hence the Temporal Mechanics issues. You don't have to take that approach, it's just the one I'm choosing to do. However, the ideas I raised in my first post on this thread could be set at any time when Earths first contact could occur with little knowledge of canon needed. It could be upon the Phoenix flight (when Vulcans made first contact), it could be earlier or later... If the entry is a contemporary one, there should be no temporal mechanics issues and thus no need to worry about forgetting or not knowing a piece of canon that would hugely affect your story. Setting mine 100 years after contact means I need to consider all the changes to the timeline over that time, hence why my ideas might seem a bit daunting or off putting. There are multiple paths to take, I'm taking a pretty complicated one... Don't let my ideas here put you off, people!
  8. Well I have an entry in the works, just don't want to post it before it's ready... You'd have a thread full of notes about temporal mechanics at the moment for my brainstorming... sorry, that's thought showering for the PC crowd.
  9. Neither did I but I've got a headache because... "Timeline, this is no time to talk about time, we don't have the time!" (Ok, so I wasn't as bad last night as Troi was but still...) No way I was trying to get my head around temporal mechanics last night and I think I'm having some aspirin before and after I try later today... Really hated the Xindi plot myself but it's technically canon and has a huge impact on the setting I have in mind due to it's effects on sector 001 and its neighbours. Need to work it all out, want to do this properly
  10. Much as I dislike the Xindi, they have a big role in trying to work out the temporal mechanics of my latest idea... I hope it doesn't give me too much of a headache...
  11. Cardassians, Bajorans... I know they both had at least limited capability before Earth... perhaps as far back as the 14th Century? Possibly Andorians, Romulans, Klingons... Most major species I think...
  12. The T'Plana Hath is a canon ship (though not sure if the name is), as is the Phoenix, though you could write this without mentioning Cochrane by name I suppose. The same problem had crossed my mind as well though.
  13. I can see 2 obvious ways of attempting this... one from the human view point and one from the view point of whichever species is in the place of the Vulcans. I can see two alternative view points as well though, of which I may try to pursue one. The wording doesn't seem to exclude Vulcans entirely, it just says if some race other than them, so they could still observe the event. So what if written from the Vulcan perspective watching another species reacting to Earths flight? Or if the Vulcans do make first contact but are themselves being observed by a third party watching Earth and the T'Plana Haths reaction?
  14. I don't normally read any other than my own (if i enter) until after the closing date... I don't want to read what others have writen, start trying to write my own and find myself basically writing another version of their story. Plus I don't want to frighten myself out of writing an entry by reading what is regularly very strong competition; I've never been the strongest of writers I feel so if I read and see entries I enjoy, I'll think I don't stand much of a chance and not really see the point in me spending the time drafting multiple times to get a decent entry of my own. I still have my entry for "Windows" (May/June '06) in a position where it needs redrafting, hence why I didn't enter it... Time's been short in recent months.
  15. Cheers, I think I'll bookmark those
  16. I'd write but I'm still stuck for ideas...
  17. Just to clear up, I wasn't trying to rip judges comments apart. I find them useful myself, and would even like more detail perhaps, although I know it may not be possible given time restirictions, etc... It was just a comment that raised an eyebrow for me... Thanks
  18. Would you believe I only saw that episode for the first time on Friday? By the way, I just ran Cara's entry for the last challenge through a spell check and although it suggested some grammatical corrections (nearly always punctuation), there were no spelling errors. Did Julia take into account that Cara, like myself, uses UK English? I only ask as "minor spelling errors" were mentioned in the first paragraph of her feedback
  19. CARA: everyone's been busy i think, that's probably why EDIT: Yup Cara's right. I'd've entered had my connection been a bit more steady before the closing date.
  20. I might finish this entry at some point but if I do post it, you'll want to have a discography of The Pretenders open as you read it...
  21. My story won't be submitted... partially due to the fact it's still not quite finished.
  22. Well I only tend to let a select few see any work in progress... Mine is still going through a massive rewrite but I won't forget the deadline. Afterall, it is my sisters birthday the day before.
  23. Yes, and I knew it still needed a drastic rewrite. It's the idea I wanted feedback on so thanks for that
  24. *looks for quick reply* Ok, I'm now on my 5th story idea, having rejected the first four for various reasons. First one lacked substance and meaning, didn't like the idea of the second one, third one overlapped a lot with another entry and fourth overlapped with a JP being written to be posted in a couple of months... I hope this fifth idea is good enough and doesn't clash with others, though it can easily be explained if it contradicts another.
  25. There is good reason why my descriptions occassionally include reported speech...
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