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LtCmdr Alexander Richards

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Status Updates posted by LtCmdr Alexander Richards

  1. God speed James Avery. You will be missed by those of us with fond memories of 'Uncle Phil' from the Fresh Price of Bel Air for brightening up our younger years.

  2. Lewis Hamilton Formula 1 World Champion 2014!

  3. right, shave, shower, meet up with the lads, eat beer o'clock - in that order :D

  4. huzzah for ale festivals - great night - thanks to the lads Giles Smith, Paul Anstey & Matthew Lark

  5. Rule 34 is fallible - the end of days is nigh

  6. what horrible weather *yuck*

  7. stupid weather last night, rain was supposed to be gone!

  8. R.I.P Sir Jimmy. - Gone to that great place of fixing things in the sky

  9. Ok, proper r.i.p. this time. Farewell to the inventor of the Disco (club) and the double deck (whatever you call it.)

  10. Ok my computer scared me, it dropped back an extra hour today.. and I didn't touch anything

  11. Just completed DNF - Kind of meh ending but hey, it was never going to live up to 14 years of hype and rumor.

  12. Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes :)

  13. thanks for the birthday wishes guys - :)

  14. So I walk out on the piaza and I'm like zomg the carnival is in town :D

  15. Arggh, it's friday night... what to do, what to do...

  16. *Squee* I'm so excited :) - The shuttle program is older than I am :)

  17. bugger it all, 2 hours after going home white as a sheet and I feel fine - [...] you fate, [...] you :(

  18. Bitter sweet that launch, end of an era but brilliant memories - the true spirit of mankind went into that program

  19. Screw the 5th, it's gun powder, treason & plot, Todays the 11th, the day WW1 ended 93 years ago. It's armistice day and that means it's time to reflect on those who have lost their lives fighting for freedom.

  20. Computer glitch brings London airspace down... Ah the joys of modern technology!

  21. I don't think Ms Dynamite will be at L2 tonight...

  22. Is Ms Dynamite at loft????

  23. would also like to add that the [...]ebags known as Paul Anstey & Matthew Lark can erase me from their friends list. Given ewnough time I'll pay back what I know but, as far as I am concerned tonight is the end oif our friendship!

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