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LtCmdr Alexander Richards

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Everything posted by LtCmdr Alexander Richards

  1. Screw the 5th, it's gun powder, treason & plot, Todays the 11th, the day WW1 ended 93 years ago. It's armistice day and that means it's time to reflect on those who have lost their lives fighting for freedom.

  2. So I walk out on the piaza and I'm like zomg the carnival is in town :D

  3. thanks for the birthday wishes guys - :)

  4. Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes :)

  5. Ok my computer scared me, it dropped back an extra hour today.. and I didn't touch anything

  6. Ok, proper r.i.p. this time. Farewell to the inventor of the Disco (club) and the double deck (whatever you call it.)

  7. R.I.P Sir Jimmy. - Gone to that great place of fixing things in the sky

  8. stupid weather last night, rain was supposed to be gone!

  9. what horrible weather *yuck*

  10. huzzah for ale festivals - great night - thanks to the lads Giles Smith, Paul Anstey & Matthew Lark

  11. right, shave, shower, meet up with the lads, eat beer o'clock - in that order :D

  12. lol @ the iphone queue outside O2

  13. And so the founder of Apple has passed on. We should really take a moment to realize what he did for the world through is company. I personally believe that without Job's apple computers, the world we live in today would genuinely less advanced. He, alongside the other Giant, Gates drove technology forward always striving for bigger and better. R.I.P Steve, The tech world will miss you.

  14. I am sick and tired of all benefits claimants being tarred with the useless sponger brush..

  15. Oh god. Please no - That should be left to the imagination and the imagination alone..
  16. I know that the command staff who run this have been very busy recently and that yes it is running a bit behind. I'm sure they will get us back on track soon
  17. Emergency dentist my [...]ing [...]. Ring up 8:30 am for an apointment on Thursday.... I could complications by Thursday - what a [...]ing joke :@

  18. I realized today just how little everybody on my friends list knows about me. None of you really know me because you've only seen my nice side. If you saw the other side, you'd turn around and walk away not looking back - fact.

  19. Ow! Did somebody get the number of that freight train? .. What do you mean it's a hangover - oh [...]

  20. no cash so I'm staying in tonight. Have fun all whatever you are doing.

  21. yay for firefox add ons. I just got rid of so much [...] and got some additional functionality using Feedfilter :)

  22. When FB finalizes it's next set of plans (the timeline etc) I'm gone from here. Those of you who really know me know how to get in touch ;)

  23. Just got my 24hr heart black box.. cept it's gray in a black belt pouch *lol*

  24. Am I dreaming or are Spurs really 3-0 against L'Pool and playing against 9 men??

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