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Dranzer Damaer

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About Dranzer Damaer

  • Birthday 08/08/1987

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  • Current Vessel
    USS Victory
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Sci-Fi Groupie

Sci-Fi Groupie (15/28)



  1. Awesome, many congradz to you both and welcome formally to Starbase 118
  2. Haha :: Watches you eye the Kanar and laughs :: Fear not, I hear it is an acquired taste among other races so I shall give you more time to acquire it before forcing you :: Winks :: I hope you have a fantastic time on the Ronin, be sure to let me know how it goes. Congradz JaHaad as well, welcome to Starbase 118
  3. YAY Saveron *Hugs you* Well done my friend *Pats you on the back* There was never any doubt, but we should celebrate anyway *Hands you a Kanar* Which ship have you been assigned to?
  4. Uhh strange, did you effectively get to write the story yourself, or did you follow their lead? I imagine they will have given you lots of encouragement if you were the only real cadet in the class
  5. At least I know what happened to Belinda and why I couldn't find her in the Member area when I searched to add her as a friend :: Laughs :: I had been rather baffled by that at the time :: Puts away investigators kit :: It is an awesome idea, and I am glad you used it as well. I can barely imagine what I would be doing if I hadn't been simming last week and graduating this week! So much free time...the prospect is scary !!!
  6. Now there's an idea, it saves me having to think of a song to go with the idea I have :: Wonders off to research Cardassian music and whether they even listen to music! ::
  7. :: Gasp :: Really? That would explain a few things :: Nods :: Fascinating, I am curious to know now if the other really active member of our team was a ghost now! :: Laughs :: How did you find that out, did they tell you after you graduated or did you have to spy on your commanding officers? Oh and your secret is safe with me, no worries there, you can always trust a Cardassian with your secrets :: Winks ::
  8. Oh wow I am surprised that only 3 of us got through, I felt for sure we would have had 4! It is a pleasure to be formal member of the team now, and I so far really loving my time simming with the crew of my new ship, it is going to be amazing Thanks for the welcome everyone .
  9. Haha I can't believe it, we are on the same ship. I have no idea why but I find that very exciting, and I look forward to simming with you in the future XD

  10. Hi Alleran,

    Take as long as you need, I am in no immediate hurry to have the picture back! I just look forward to seeing what it turns out like when you are finished :: smiles ::


    PS: I am a perfectionist too when it comes to creativity, it drives me nuts :: laughs ::

  11. Hi Dranzer,

    I've been working on the Cardassian pic! Unfortunately, it is, as I anticipated, very difficult. I try to maintain a high level of quality with these things, so if it doesn't work out I tend to hide it away in the dark corners of my file server. :)

    I'll keep working on it and see what I can come up with!

  12. Not at all. :) I've enjoyed our run and hopefully we'll have some more opportunities, even if we're on different ships.

  13. Hi Jarveth, I know you said you couldn't get on forums easily but I wanted to add you anyway to keep in touch. It has been a pleasure simming with you and I hope we get to do it again in the future. All the best, Dranz

  14. I hope you don't mind me adding you as a friend, I loved SIM'ing with you in training and I hope to keep in touch should we both get assigned to ships :: smiles ::

  15. Hello Alleran,

    I decided to go for me after all so I have sent you an e-mail using the sites feature :: smiles ::

    Now to get some sleep before the sun starts to rise :: laughs ::

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