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Liam Frost

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Everything posted by Liam Frost

  1. Well done, Lads. Head's held high, you're just getting to the good part.
  2. Lt(JG) Cross is currently on LOA from the Apollo. We're hoping for a return before too long.
  3. Heads high, lads. You've done yourselves proud. Now comes the good part.
  4. This poll will close at Midnight (EST) on Wednesday, Just 19th. This is a run-off poll, where our members will choose from the top sims of the second set of six rounds of the contest to find the best sim that will proceed to the final round of the contest. Please read the six sims below, which were chosen by a panel of judges (one from each ship) to find the best sims from each round of Set 2: Captain Reynolds: The Sole SurvivorLt JG Ben Livingston - Brotherly Love PNPC Sherana & Cmdr. Tal Tel-ar - Sparring Match PNPC Matthew Brice - Federation Man, Galaxy Defender PNPC Unky - Umm. This one kind of got away from me, actually.... Lt. Cmdr. Katy Orman - Clashing Once you've read the sims, vote in the poll above. Choose the sim that's the best written, most evocative, makes you feel the most, and generally deserves to be considered as one of our fleet's very best. If any crew is found "stuffing the ballot" -- having everyone on the crew vote for the same sim to ensure it proceeds to the final round -- that crew will be eliminated from the contest for the remainder of the year. Good luck to everyone.
  5. Based on the fact that they were all written by you, and assuming they're meant to be read more or less together, I would say yes.
  6. 1. If it was originally intended to be written as a single source sim (either by one writer or as a JP) and was split into parts for reasons such as length (separating it into parts to make it easier for the reader, for example), it is alright to submit them as one sim. If I've misunderstood what your asking, please correct me. 2. Not only permitted, but encouraged.
  7. Heads high ladies and gentlemen. You're just getting to the good part.
  8. Not in and of itself. It might affect the way some judges rank it, but that's at the discretion of the judges.
  9. Round 11 is now open. This round runs until May 5th.
  10. We are now on round 9, which runs until April 14th.
  11. Hey guys, just a head's up, we're now on Round 8, which runs until Sunday, March 31st.
  12. Keep it up, folks. You're just getting to the good part.
  13. Kahn was, in my opinion, a better villain. He had a singular vision to destroy one man. The one man he blamed for his downfall. He didn't want to just kill Kirk, he wanted to break him. And if he had to destroy someone or something along they way, he wouldn't hesitate. I think the worst Q ever got to was malevolent curiosity. HE never actively sought to destroy Picard, but rather to challenge him; to see what he, and by extension, the rest of humanity could do. Dukat was a charismatic sociopath. Simple as that. Wynn is a strange one. As much as it's easy to see the villainy in her actions, she really did believe what she was doing was for the good of the Bajoran people.
  14. Heads high, lads. You've done yourselves proud. Now comes the really good part
  15. Well done, lads. Hold your heads high
  16. Heads high, folks. You're just getting to the good part.
  17. Hold your head high, lad. You're just getting to the good part.
  18. Well done, lads. Keep your heads high out there
  19. Well done guys. We'll see you out there.
  20. Welcome to the fleet, folks. You've done yourselves proud so far.
  21. Welcome back, friend. Must have made for an interesting class.
  22. You guys did yourselves proud. Have fun out there.
  23. Well done guys, you did yourselves proud.
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