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Lawn last won the day on March 14 2011

Lawn had the most liked content!

About Lawn

  • Birthday 05/13/1977

Personal information

  • Interests
    Tactical Jiu-jitsu, all things combative, hiking, bouldering, reading,... Star Trek!

Fleet information

  • Current Vessel
    USS Challenger
  • Current Post
    Chief of Ops

Recent Profile Visitors

1,310 profile views

Lawn's Achievements

StarBase 118 Groupie

StarBase 118 Groupie (17/28)



  1. Blake

    Thank you for being such a FANTASTIC First Officer aboard both the Ronin and the Challenger-A. We really appreciate it, and if it wasn't for Lawn, Deven would still be whimpering on the sidelines of a fight - I mean his character, and not Nathan.

    THANK YOU!!!

  2. Thank you Evanna. :)

  3. Renos

    Happy Birthday, hope you've had a lovely day.

  4. Renos

    Happy Birthday, hope you've had a lovely day.

  5. Ensign Blake, I'm sorry you're feeling ignored. I sent you a detailed message about our current situation and instructions to report to me on the bridge 5 minutes after Admiral Wolf sent me your transfer. There must be a mix up. My character's been waiting for you on the bridge. I have re-sent you the information. For what it's worth...I'm a brand-new XO and I had to process 4 new Ensigns at the same time. It's possible something slipped through the cracks...but I assure you, no one's ignoring you. I have also sent you an OOC message and a private e-mail...
  6. Congrats! Welcome Ensigns!
  7. Congrats and welcome to all of our new Ensigns!
  8. Hey, that's not a bad idea...perhaps I'll do that.
  9. Thank you for creating the banner! It looks awesome!
  10. Wow! I didn't expect to win this one! There were some great stories...especially Ehlanii's! Speaking of which, thanks for the congrats Ehlanii...right back 'atcha for some nice work.
  11. Congratulations Ensign Drageran. Best of luck in your first assignment!
  12. Thank you very much Boby!
  13. I'm afraid I don't know how. I'm not very technologically adept.
  14. So, I tried to post my new story...but I couldn't figure out the Horizontal arrow/WiP icon thing. Can anyone give me a hand? As of now, my story is posted under the thread "broken".
  15. Okay. So this work is complete, and I do wish to submit it...however, I cannot figure out the "horizontal arrow post icon" or the "WiP" icon. Can anyone tell me how to do this? At least I was able to start a thread this time.
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