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Everything posted by Beta

  1. But i would love to c a cross between star trek armada 2, away team, star wars galactic battle grounds and the graphics of Generals.
  2. it is the best Strategy games ever. Well one of them. I liked the older ones more than the newer two. The best was Yuri's revenge. It was well gd. I think i cant wait for star trek: assimulation (or was it borg) i never can remember.
  3. You have got me ::he drops on to the floor::. But i will get you and beat you back pichard is better because he beat the BORG and they are far better then the people that sisko was againist so still PICHARD RULES!!!!!!!
  4. i have not seen the episode it has not been air here yet. But my idea is that the J is from say around the 29th, 28th century and they have the large defector because of time travell. My final point is that i belive that both ships are from say 6 or 7 years after voyager arriving home. And are there investigating the temporal gate that the enterprise is genterating. And the reason for the movements of the enterprise is because of weapons discharge on the other side of the rift. Or i have any other plan but i cant be bother to explain now. I will if people dismiss this idea.
  5. Well sorry to disapoint you but its not going to happen becasue janeway with in month of her getting back she became and admiral. Meaning shes a better captain or rather was then every one. Including CAPTAIN SISKO p.s. he anint alive no more so you cant count him any more.
  6. The last time i watch enterprise was a few months ago just as they entered the rift. But i'll stand by what i said enterprise is better then watch the same series over and over.
  7. I vote that we have part of each.Enterprise shouldnt of been made but its better then watch say the same series over and over and over and over and over. Maybe not.
  8. I think you should all leave riker alone. Running along star trek canon it is plausible to beleve that riker will be one of the main men who will negotiate with the Romulans. So thats whatmakes him one of the best captains in history. But i must say Riker is not a copy of Kirk but a new bread of captain.
  9. But wot he was doing was worng she was right to stop him and also janeway is a good cap cus she invented technoly that destoryed the borg and made star fleet stronger
  10. The one where they go to the centre of the galxey was so badly do i hated it i hated it but wot realy toped it off was the wirters who decided to add the kilingons in again witch didnt need to be done y no romies that would of worked as well.
  11. Well i want to c a movie set in the future the seach for data (another time travell) the tian and the ent travelling though space and time looking for data. hey. no copy him, copy B4's mind and build an new Data u can c i realy want data back! :angry:
  12. Can i say that i voted riker because hes younger then all the caps and i think it like a copy of a younger pichard But if he didnt die in NEM then Data would of made a great captain with his poker face. :lol:
  13. I think that J.T. Esteban - USS Grissom was the worsed because if he hadn't of kept asking for star fleet for permission then the Grissom might not of been destory and spock saved at a lot younger age. But saying that the cap of the Equinox was very bad :angry: he could of got away with kill 1 by acceint but 30 40 well u may all hate me for this but wot he did was all right {joke} but if janeway hadn't met him then the Equinox might of made it home.
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