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About Mythrix

  • Birthday 10/21/1982

Personal information

  • Location
    Gilbert, Arizona
  • Interests
    Science Fiction<br />Fantasy<br />Computer/Console Gaming<br />Football<br />Hockey<br />Baseball<br />

Fleet information

  • Current Vessel
    USS Constitution
  • Current Post
    Science Officer

Mythrix's Achievements

Warp Speed Poster

Warp Speed Poster (13/28)



  1. Congratulations to all of the new Ensigns! I look forward to the chance to sim with each of you.
  2. Woohoo! Congratulations to all involved!
  3. Welcome to the fold! Here's hoping we get the chance to sim sometime!
  4. Welcome to the gang! Here's hoping we'll get to sim sometime!
  5. Congratulations and welcome to the Fleet! I'm sure wherever your assignments place you, you will all have fantastic experience! Here's hoping I get the chance to sim with each of you.
  6. Congratulations and welcome to the fleet! I'm no longer the newest member! I hope I get the chance to sim with the two of you sometime! Best of Luck in your travels.
  7. Howdy Commander! Loving things post training so far!

  8. Hiya Mythrix. ::waves::

  9. Thanks for the warm welcome! I must say, training was quite enjoyable. Was a fun storyline, I only wish I could sim that out even more . I've got to give a big hats off to Russ, his "Space-Cowboy" style attitude was great! Thanks again, Commander Turner and Thelev; You guys were a huge help!
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