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Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf

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Everything posted by Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf

  1. Please answer the poll question, and post any comments!
  2. Guidelines: To participate, create a new thread. The subject of the thread must be the title of your story. If it is a Work In Progress, denote that with the heart post icon. If your work is complete, use the horizontal arrow post icon. Items not marked with an icon or marked with the WiP icon will not be considered for judging and will be moved to the "Character Cafe" forum at the end of the contest. Your work must be entirely your own. No co-authoring. You are welcome to create any character you so desire, but they must be from the Star Trek universe. No "canon" characters allowed. (i.e.- No one who has been on a show.) Want to participate, but can't start a new topic? Why didn't you view the "Read Me First!" forum? You'll need to ask a moderator Senior Member to create a thread for you! Length: No more than 3000 words accepted. Beginning Date: Sat. July 6th Ending Date: Fri., Aug. 24th See Also: the Writing Challenge Website Challenge: "The Trickster or Ape" We've recently been establishing some themes for certain rounds. For Mar./Apr. we have themes from Disney films. For Sept./Oct. we have TOS episode titles. For Nov./Dec. we do "What if...?" Last year for July/Aug. we did "the pretender," which got me thinking that perhaps we could do character archetypes for this round each year. In that vein, I presented our last round's winner, Lily Ventu, with a list of Jungian archetypes and asked her to choose one. From that list, she chose "The Trickster" which is also sometimes called "The Ape." We don't care how you interpret the challenge, just as long as you make it interesting. We also recommend that you look up Jungian archetypes for an idea of what all this means. Good Luck!
  3. Please use this thread for any discussion or questions about this writing challenge.
  4. I'm going to do all that either tonight or tomorrow. I have a few irons in the fire
  5. There were some special circumstances here. I just use my discretion
  6. Because of the small group size for this round, we're not going to announce a runner-up
  7. Isn't anyone else going to congratulate the winner? Jeez, tough crowd.
  8. Congratulations to Lily Ventu, now a 3x winner of the Writing Challenge, for her story "Kelly's Wish"! The final review should be coming from our last judge within the next day or two. Thanks to everyone who participated in this round -- our next round is coming up in just a few days! Edit: Banners are up.
  9. Alright folks, look like we're going to try our new method for preparing feedback! This thread is ONLY for moderators to post their feedback as they write it. All other posts will be DELETED. Remember: you are under no obligation to accept or follow the feedback provided. It is only provided as a courtesy to challenge participants, and only reflects the personal opinion of the person writing it. If you don't like the feedback, we don't want to hear about it -- just close the thread and move on.
  10. Hmm. Well, I suppose everyone is welcome to add a "Rate this story" poll to their thread if they want, and then the judges can give their feedback in a separate thread?
  11. Would it provide enough of an in-depth response, though?
  12. The Challenge area website has been updated with the last challenge's winner, etc. Banners are posted.
  13. The reviews that I have for the last two challenges have been posted. Please don't hold your breath that any others are going to get done. My hope is that with the new system of posting directly, we'll be able to get more reviews more often from our judges for future challenges. - Mar.-Apr. '07 - Jan.-Feb. '07
  14. Here are the challenge critiques we have from the last round. The rest will be posted if/when we get them:
  15. Deadline extended until Saturday, June 23rd. Also, this round's critiques will be posted directly into this forum to help speed-up the process. I can't guarantee it's going to work well, or that all the comments will get out there, but we're going to give it a try.
  16. The only caveat to submitting opinions directly is that there may be times when reviews are too pointed. There have been a few incidences where judges have forgotten to include the "constructive" part of the criticism, and the other judges have asked them to refactor the opinion so that it's of use to the participant. If the reviews were posted directly, we'd lose that opportunity to edit the critiques before they go out. But, on the other hand, it may be worth it just to get those critiques out there in a timely fashion. As far as this last round goes, I will be posting the winner on the website, and sending out banners and such hopefully this weekend. It's, unfortunately, a very time-consuming process to update everything that needs to be updated for the challenges, and sometimes when I have a lot on my plate it's hard to get the motivation to do specific things :-\
  17. To be honest, I'm not sure if it's going to get done. It seems to me that this one issue keeps holding us up every month, and it's beginning to become a strain on the judges. Moreover, while some people find it helpful, we've had a great deal of drama with the comments, in the past, as people disagree with the opinions posted. Does anyone have any suggestions about how we can work around the lag time? What about if we were to stop issuing the commentaries altogether?
  18. This is an area for members of this training class to keep in touch with each other. DATES: The class began on May 6, 2007, and ended on May 15, 2007. LIST: sb118-academy1 COMMANDING OFFICER: LtCmdr. Julia Harden FIRST OFFICER: LtCmdr. Toni Turner CLASS MEMBERS: - Ashton Bendix - Daniel Wood - Sovel Congratulations to you all, and welcome to our fleet!
  19. Yes, it was counted as part of the contest. I just reviewed the judges scores, and yours was among them.
  20. I'll get out the banners in a day or so. A bit worn out after sorting through 1500 e-mails in the last 24 hours
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