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Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf

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Everything posted by Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf

  1. Details about the new series were revealed at Comic Con, including the name and a teaser of the ship: More info here: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/star-trek-50-comic-con-913958
  2. Just saw it! On the whole I though it was a fairly good movie.
  3. RT @RSwirling: All of this. Kaine will not champion abortion rights & that's unacceptable in our VP RT @soaringleap424: https://t.co/J1ZFVs…

  4. UH OH! I FEEL A WAR ON CLIMATE CHANGE COMIN' ON! https://t.co/f41eZoFgNO https://t.co/yIiRcei9RE

  5. RT @erintothemax: But will he protect the LGBTQ community from Mike Pence? #RNCinCLE

  6. The new movie comes out on Friday (for many people -- sorry for those who have to wait)! Let's use this thread to collect our excitement, as well as our groans and moans
  7. For gays, global warming means forgetting that shirts with sleeves exist. https://t.co/7cRZLBqCTl

  8. RT @mvmt4bl: Global call to action 7.21 Plan one in your town today. TXT FREE to 90975 visit https://t.co/KkZQZeD2hO #FreedomNow https://t…

  9. To be fair, the first couple of seasons of each were awful
  10. @SUPGVNetwork Unfortunately, that was a hoax -- he never said that: https://t.co/Wq4sI2rXtI

  11. RT @nytimes: DeRay Mckesson, a Black Lives Matter leader: "The movement began as a call to end violence. That call remains." https://t.co/w…

  12. Get your copy of “The Ultimate Guide to Starting an Online Business” https://t.co/cpOvK1r39y via @ramit

  13. @sigtrent Just heard u on @heathpadgett's podcast. Thanks for great insight! If you like to write & D&D, check out https://t.co/IoaCc7wKYW!

  14. Your favorite artists are teaming up to #RockAgainstTheTPP! Stop the #TPP corporate takeover https://t.co/SZSRWeAjqD https://t.co/5UoAJbhiYv

  15. The Problem Is Over-Policing: https://t.co/quIsq6VqO9 #BlackLivesMatter via @truthout

  16. Thank you @LeonHWolf for this thoughtful article: "Why it Came to This in Dallas" https://t.co/ijwykH6NDs #BlackLivesMatter #tcot #RedState

  17. Hey #BlueLivesMatter, just a thought. #BlackLivesMatter #alton #philando https://t.co/fXGxIDmqoV via @crazylexxicool https://t.co/Cng4MUUx4u

  18. @lifeafterdawn ❤️❤️ thank you!

  19. #GOP #tcot: You Are More Than 7 Times As Likely To Be Killed By A Right-Wing Extremist Than By Muslim Terrorists https://t.co/uLNaj3F4qn

  20. "Good cops don't let bad cops kill defenseless citizens." via @ArtAndResponse, h/t @other98 #BlackLivesMatter https://t.co/EyZqUSA231

  21. June was a big month for fleet news, with all the awards stuff! Nonetheless, we had lots of participants who I'd like to recognize: The Federation News Service Team submitted our monthly plot summary articles as well as an additional post; LtCmdr. Brell & Lt. Valdivia together submitted five Poll of the Week articles; FltCapt. Renos submitted four of our awards articles; Capt. Nugra submitted a podcast article, and our tribute to Anton Yelchin; LtCmdr. Jorey submitted two Featured Bio Contest articles; Capt. Taybrim submitted two chat reminders; Cmdr. Blair submitted the monthly apps & grads count; LtCmdr. Traenor submitted a Top Sims Contest reminder; and Capt. Faranfey submitted the monthly post totals. Thank you 1,000x over to everyone who helped us get a full month of news out. You folks are amazing and so appreciated!
  22. Hey folks, Wanted to make sure you all saw this Graphics Contest retrospective by Capt. Sal Taybrim, which we posted on the news a few days ago. Although the contest has ended, we wanted to feature the winners of this contest and thank everyone who participated, including Capt. Jalana Rajel, who originated and facilitated the contest.
  23. RT @africanarchives: Gloria Richardson removes the rifle of a National Guardsman from her way during a 1963 Civil Rights Protest. Brave! h…

  24. RT @SUPGVNetwork: This is the reality of open carry. THIS. #DallasPoliceShootings (HT @Ed4Austin8) https://t.co/MkWCHfRnda

  25. RT @CREDOMobile: Now is the time to embrace love and stand against hate, racism and violence. #BlackLivesMatter #EmbraceLove https://t.co/9…

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