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Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf

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Everything posted by Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf

  1. Read a review that really raved about it. Can't wait to try it!
  2. Some amazing new contributors on the News Team. I love reading the feature articles by @Sorel Kaidun and @aphelion. @Sal Taybrim also had an amazing Witty Wordsmith article that was so great. You folks are all great. Thank you for your contributions!
  3. You can, but only people who are active at the time the CO or committee reviews the nominations will be eligible to receive an award.
  4. DATES: The class began on May 22, 2017 and ended May 28, 2017. LIST: sb118-academy3 COMMANDING OFFICER: Lt. Commander Rune Jolara FIRST OFFICER: Lt. Commander Lyldra GRADUATE: Lukas Vukovic We're so glad you're here. My door is always open if you ever need anything!
  5. The nomination period for our 2017 Awards Ceremony is now open! You can start your nominations here: https://www.starbase118.net/members/personnel/forms/award-nomination-panel/ Have questions about how the nominations or ceremony work? Feel free to ask below!
  6. Well, the production values look pretty incredible, I'll give them that. I couldn't glean anything coherent about the story, though.
  7. DATES: The class began on May 1, 2017 and ended May 7, 2017. LIST: sb118-academy1 COMMANDING OFFICER: Lt. Commander Oddas Aria FIRST OFFICER: Captain Lyldra GRADUATES: Colin McKay Jarred Thoran We're so glad you're here. My door is always open if you ever need anything!
  8. Thanks a million everyone! We couldn't have the Community News without your help
  9. It's a neat thought exercise to take the current model of scouting and put it in the future and imagine analogues to what we see today. For example, scouting associations today manage and run a bunch of camps across the world. Are there "scouting planets" or "scouting outposts" throughout the Federation? Whole worlds where scout troops venture out into the wild? The idea of there being a seemingly endless supply of habitable worlds make it feel like it wouldn't be too hard to find an unclaimed planet for any civil society organization that wanted one Do the scouts have their own ships? Has their focus changed from wilderness survival to space survival? Do you get merit badges in warp theory?
  10. DATES: The class began on April 17, 2017 and ended April 15, 2017. LIST: sb118-academy4 COMMANDING OFFICER: Lt. Commander Rune Jolara FIRST OFFICER: Lieutenant Tenzin Zhou GRADUATE: Colleen Bancroft We're so glad you're here. My door is always open if you ever need anything!
  11. DATES: The class began on April 10, 2017 and ended April 15, 2017. LIST: sb118-academy3 COMMANDING OFFICER: Lt. Commander Rustyy Hael FIRST OFFICER: Lt. Commander Nicu Icavoc GRADUATE: Rudolf Calvin We're so glad you're here. My door is always open if you ever need anything!
  12. It is surprising to me that, of all the ships we've seen, we didn't see Voyager land more. Considering that the poor crew never gets shore-leave, and that they're so starved for resources, it seems like any uninhabited planet with an M-Class environment would be an opportunity for Janeway to kick everyone off the ship for a few hours to collect berries and anything else they can get their hands on, with a healthy dose of fresh air. Just on the story-telling side, seems like there would have been lots more opportunities – in that case – for all kinds of crazy situations. The ground threatens to swallow up Voyager when it causes local earthquakes from setting down! Unexpected locals see Voyager and cause a prime directive crisis! Passing aliens blockade Voyager from lifting-off again! The entire crew gets sick from local pathogen!
  13. DATES: The class began on March 13, 2017 and ended March 19, 2017. LIST: sb118-academy4 COMMANDING OFFICER: Lt. Commander Ayiana Sevo FIRST OFFICER: Lt. Commander Shar'Wyn Foster GRADUATES: Damian Wynter Mimi Locri'i We're so glad you're here. My door is always open if you ever need anything!
  14. DATES: The class began on March 7, 2017 and ended March 6, 2017. LIST: sb118-academy2 COMMANDING OFFICER: Captain Akinor Onali Zaekia FIRST OFFICER: Lt. Commander Rune Jolara GRADUATES: Logaan Rostov Laehlani Antorii We're so glad you're here. My door is always open if you ever need anything!
  15. Here's the list of winners, for anyone that wants to help! https://forums.starbase118.net/index.php?/topic/13980-2016-awards-ceremony-– duty-post-awards/ https://forums.starbase118.net/index.php?/topic/13985-2016-awards-ceremony-–-special-awards/ https://forums.starbase118.net/index.php?/topic/13992-2016-awards-ceremony-–-length-of-service-awards/ https://forums.starbase118.net/index.php?/topic/13998-2016-awards-ceremony-–-staff-awards/ https://forums.starbase118.net/index.php?/topic/14005-2016-awards-ceremony-– general-awards/
  16. yeah, the wiki needs to be updated with all winners. We should work on that ASAP.
  17. Thanks to everyone who helped this month!
  18. DATES: The class began on February 20, 2017 and ended February 27, 2017. LIST: sb118-academy1 COMMANDING OFFICER: Lt. Commander Rustyy Hael FIRST OFFICER: Lt. Commander Rendal Rennyn GRADUATES: Anath G'Renn Sorel Kaidun Talesa Naak Kaidun We're so glad you're here. My door is always open if you ever need anything!
  19. DATES: The class began on February 7, 2017 and ended February 12, 2017. LIST: sb118-academy4 COMMANDING OFFICER: Lt. Commander Rustyy Hael FIRST OFFICER: Lt. Commander Shar'Wyn Foster GRADUATES: Jason Craig Choi Ji-hu We're so glad you're here. My door is always open if you ever need anything!
  20. DATES: The class began on January 30, 2017 and ended February 2, 2017. LIST: sb118-academy2 COMMANDING OFFICER: Lieutenant Oddas Aria FIRST OFFICER: Lieutenant Anora Manar GRADUATES: Stassos We're so glad you're here. My door is always open if you ever need anything!
  21. DATES: The class began on January 23, 2017 and ended January 30, 2017. LIST: sb118-academy1 COMMANDING OFFICER: Lt. Commander Maxwell Traenor FIRST OFFICER: Lt. Commander Alex Blair GRADUATES: Sepek We're so glad you're here. My door is always open if you ever need anything!
  22. It's on Netflix now! Has anyone watched it? Just finished it myself. I thought the format was manic and strange - reminded me of a crazy, disjointed and confusing story that Shatner tried to tell at the convention I was at last month - but one thing that really stuck with me was the stuff about Star Trek's optimistic vision of the future. We need that right now in uncertain times! Makes me hope, desperately, that the reason the new show is delayed is so they can retool the concept to be less technocratic and more about that vision of hope for humanity. Anyway, if you've watched this documentary, what'd you think?
  23. DATES: The class began on January 16, 2017 and ended January 25, 2017. LIST: sb118-academy3 COMMANDING OFFICER: Lieutenant Oddas Aria FIRST OFFICER: Lieutenant Emery Rhyn GRADUATES: Eugenia Takrin Shrega sh'Idrani We're so glad you're here. My door is always open if you ever need anything!
  24. So glad to have you. Welcome welcome!
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