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Dizmim ChNilmani

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Everything posted by Dizmim ChNilmani

  1. (( Main Cargo Bay )) Chandni had done this job for many years but nothing had prepared her for the parkour she had to do in this battle. Running between shelfing units and cargo piles, climbing up ons aid shelves, dodging under some units, fast curves, quick slaps to tag, and on to the next one. It seemed that the battle had paused and she stood, sweaty and panting in the middle of the Cargo bay. She needed to pick up the exercise just in case this ever happened again, not that she hoped for that. Better be safe than sorry. The break was good, her heartrate was just normalizing when the ship shook again and it almost kicked Chandni off her feet. Kapoor: ::hissing:: Kya bakavaas hai? ((OOC: What the hell?)) She held herself up at a shelf and calmed her heart down when a call came in. Cain: =/\= Kapoor, you there? =/\= She tapped her badge and wiped her forearm over her sweaty forehead. Kapoor: =/\= I'm right here. Response Cain: =/\= Tag something that’s either going to give us a big bang or looks like a big bang. =/\= Kapoor: =/\= Big bang? =/\= What was he planning? Her eyes scanned the cargo bay to see if she had anything like he wanted. Cain: =/\= Just do it Lieutenant. You have 20 seconds. =/\= 20 seconds. Damn. She didn't give a damn about ranks or whatever, but he was the person up there who would know what needed to be done, well one of them. So she would do it trusting he didn't try to blow up their own ship. 19 Chandni suddenly had an idea, but it was not in this cargo bay. Grabbing two tags, she ran out, knocking over the tray with the tags on the way. 16 Running through the corridor like a mad woman she called out. Kapoor: Out of the way! She still bumped into someone as she quickly moved on. She had to get one deck down. She couldn't risk having to wait for the lift and instead took the stairs. Luckily the staircase wasn't far. She pretty much smashed the door open and jumped several stairs at once, taking the corner with the help of the banister and kicked out of the next deck's door. 9 The Officers on this deck were much more sensible and side stepped, pressing themselves against the wall as they saw her coming, running down the hallway, panting for breath as the reached out for the door frame of the next Cargo Bay and used that to get around the corner faster, heading straight for two large containers standing at the back of the way. Hydrogen, that would give them a big boom for sure. 4 3 Tag you're it on one. She rushed to the other container. 2 1 Tag! The slap actually burnt in her hand. Kapoor: =/\= ::panting:: OPS to Bridge. Ready! =/\= Cain: =/\= Acknowledged.::In the same breath:: Cain to Ba’el =/\= Chandni closed the line and was about to sit down and lean against those containers to catch her breath when they vanished and she simply landed on the ground gasping for air. Might as well! After a moment the ship shook again, she assumed the shockwave of the Hydrogen blowing up. Lucky she already was on the floor. LtJG Chandni Kapoor Operations Officer simmed by Commodore Jalana Rajel Commanding Officer USS Constitution B Image Team Co-Facilitator A238906JL0
  2. (( Sick Bay, Constitution, 12 hours ago )) Darkness. Her heart beat jumped up. Was she back in the tunnel? Where was Laria? Was the rescue just a dream? It took a moment for Jalana to register that she was laying on something soft but firm. Not the tunnel, not the metal floor. The pain she had felt in her leg the whole time she'd been in there with Laria was gone, her mind was like wrapped in cotton. Pain killers. As she looked around she faintly made out lights next to a frame, though something felt wrong about the way it looked, she recognized where she was. Sick bay. Relaxing back into the biobed she exhaled. It wasn't a dream. She and Laria had been saved. Then the memory kept flashing back. Storming Va's office. Va changing... staring in her own face.. the pain. Once more her heartbeat increased rapidly. Enough to alert the nurse to come into the room and having to sedate her again. Something was wrong... (( Sick Bay, Constitution, 6 hours ago )) Jalana sat in shock on her biobed, staring at the PADDs before her. Maybe it was her imagination but they looked different when only seeing them with one eye. The writing was more fuzzy, wonky even. It was just in her mind, it had to be. Just because she knew what had happened. The attack from Va had completely destroyed her eye and it had to be removed. The doctor had assured her that the optical nerve was only slightly damaged and she could easily have an artificial eye but she had just sent him away. She had told the medical personnel she didn't want to see anyone but somehow Diz'mim had still managed to get through. That infuriating blue man. She had sat in silence, staring into the void as he informed her about what had happened. She had remembered the attack after all she was only attacked after she had gone to Hermes Outpost to get an update from Va. His voice drifted to her like a whisper of wind through a foggy November night. He told her everything he knew from the officers who had been switched and the changelings that were now in the bridge, the loss of one of the Ollos who had died to save Nugra who had almost been flushed into space by the changeling posing as her. The panic on board because of the events in the Sol System. He had given her a PADD with all the information about Frontier Day and informed her that those events had been stopped and the Borg and changeling thread was over. Naturally those that had died during them could not be brought back and the crew was still in shock, many worried about their own families. She heard about the way Changeling Laria had taken over the ship, another had attacked a child, again others attacked the crew and attempted to stop repairs and finding solutions. But Diz'mim had also told her of how the crew had come together to counter these measures, to find solutions and regain control of some of the ship to be able to fight off the returning pirates. If she had not been stuck in her grief and guilt she could have felt the pride in her crew. Pretty sure it was there, deep down, but the other negative feelings overshadowed everything. Jalana hadn't said a word while Diz'mim reported the events and assured her that he would make sure the ship would be repaired and taken care of while she recovered, which just made her feel useless. The First Officer had asked her what to do next and as she had not replied he had his own ideas which he naturally revealed to her. First of all he would inform Starfleet that Captain Va had been exchanged and as they had scanned the whole outpost for her without a result had to assume she was still somewhere out there. Repair crews for the outpost that had taken such a beating, would be sent by Starfleet to make sure it was fully repaired on top of the work the Crew had already done, that would include the orbital sensors and relays. He also would inform Starfleet Security to send someone to escort the changelings to their most likely final destination. And the Constitution would work on repairs while returning to Drever IV. They could retrieve their buggies after doing the race they had to interrupt, giving everyone some time to recover from the events. There were also large parts of the planets that would give people a chance to explore a bit and as she heard large parts of the crew had requested to leave and check on their families. So after hearing what he had to say she simply nodded and he had enough sense to leave her alone and put it all into action. She still hadn't moved a bit, and continued to stare at.. nothing. And even that felt too much, so she scooted down and pulled the blanket over her head. Maybe that would make it all disappear engulfed by the fog in her mind. (( Sick Bay, Constitution, Now )) While Jalana was busy feeling sorry for herself and chasing everyone away, the ship had done the opposite. It had reached Drever IV and entered orbital routines. The Trill looked at the window in the single bed room she had occupied since her surgery. The planet looked peaceful as ever, simply doing it rotary thing down there. If she waited long enough she could see all kinds of landscapes from forests, to desert, even icecaps, oceans and large rivers splitting through the continents. It was fascinating to think that the only living people were those in the colony. She had half a mind to ask someone to cover the view. It was just a reminder that everything looked wrong because she had lost an eye. Nurse: Commodore, you have a call. The voice cut through the fog in her head and Jalana rolled her eye with a grumble. Rajel: I said I don't want- Nurse: ::interrupting:: It's from the colony. Someone called N'Veri. Hearing the name Jalana's mouth closed. She had wanted to tell the nurse to bugger off but that stopped her. The child. Jalana hesitated, but finally sighed and sat up. She reached up to try to fix her hair but it looked unruly either way. But she did reach for the eyepatch the doctor had wanted her to wear and she had ignored so far. She did not want to scare the child and covered the empty cavity in her face with it and then reached out for the PADD the nurse held in her hand. As she had it Jalana took a deep breath, though she didn't manage a smile, she at least didn't want to look like a total grouch. finally she pressed the button and the child appeared on the green. N'Veri had a bright smile on their green face, the dark brown eyes sparkled and the dark green hair filled out almost all the screen as the child was real close to it. N'Veri: Hiiii Papa said you are back! You left without saying good bye! Rajel: N'Veri. ::She greeted softly.:: How is your recovery going? N'Veri moved the screen a bit away from their face and Jalana could see the pillows behind them and the blanket pulled up to their chest. During their mission N'Veri had suddenly fallen sick and it had turned out that they were affected by the poisoning in the soil, that had also gotten into the plants eaten and used to make tea. They had suddenly collapsed and worried everyone, until receiving treatment after figuring out what was going on. And then they had been called away. It was hard to imagine that this had been only yesterday. Or was it the day before by now? Jalana couldn't say. N'Veri: It's boring. Papa says I have to stay in bed until they are sure I'm okay. ::The kid tilts their head:: What happened to your eye? For a long moment Jalana remained silent. N'Veri: Oh was that bad to ask? Daddy says that sometimes thing should not be asked about. Rajel: It's... ::She started harshly but something in her stopped her, even if she really wanted to yell at someone, and sighed, the words coming out more defeated now.:: I was hurt when we had to leave. N'Veri: Oh. You have great doctors though, I bet they make you well again. Like me! Jalana looked at the kid and took a breath before nodding. In her foggy mind she still wasn't sure if anything could make that good again. Rajel: ::whispering:: Yes. The best. N'Veri: I wanted to invite you. ::They beamed at the screen.:: Your crew. They all helped us so much and they saved me. And because of that I can have my naming day soon. You will come, will you? Rajel: Your naming day? Jalana had not spoken much with N'Veri and thought they already had a name. N'Veri: Yes, Daddy says our people choose their own name when they are 10. I am 10 so I can choose! ::They grinned proudly:: N'Veri is a .. placeholder he calls it. You will come, yes? They asked for the second time and Jalana who didn't want to go anywhere, still nodded slightly. Rajel: When will it be? N'Veri: In two weeks. Two weeks. That would give everyone enough time to check on family, repair the ship and recover. Even if she may not. How could she. That eye wouldn't just grow back and her leg would need some time to recover as well. Rajel: We... will be there. Thank you for the invitation. They chatted a little bit more after that -or rather N'Veri chatted and Jalana listened with a few nods and leading questions here and there - until N'Veri noticed that Jalana got tired and said they had to rest more. Or maybe they were tired themselves. Who knew. Once they hung up Jalana lowered the PADD and leaned back to stare at the ceiling. She'd be there. If she could make herself get up that was. Commodore Jalana Rajel Commanding Officer USS Constitution B Image Team Co-Facilitator A238906JL0
  3. This has probably got to be the best opening sentence of a new member's first sim. lol Great job Ensign Bosko!
  4. Huh...This is what happens when one drinks too much Romulan Ale.
  5. lol. I had to read this line twice.
  6. ((USS Constitution - Security )) Akeelah had checked on a report coming from one of the Science labs but what someone had believed to be a dead body had simply been a mannequin used for some experiments. What experiment? She didn't ask. She didn't really want to know either. As long as nobody was harmed it was none of her business. And that mannequin did not count as someone. Not unless it developed life. So the Rodulan had returned and written up her brief report of it being a false alarm when the door opened and a familiar aura entered. That energy, Akeelah hadn't sensed it for a while. A long while actually. She looked up from her seat and rose from her seat as she saw T'Mar enter. She was her former superior officer and at the same time she had been T'Mar's superior. When Akeelah had come on board it was as First Officer and with that T'Mar's superior. When Jalana had received command, Akeelah had stayed on board but returned to Security where she felt way more at home, and such T'Mar had become her superior. Rank structure was such a wonderful thing. ((OOC I cleared this with Mel )) As T'Mar noticed her, her face didn't show a change, but despite her efforts to keep her emotional state hidden, Rodulans were very sensitive to surface thoughts and emotions. She didn't have to try, she didn't try. But she was immediately hit with a rollercaster of emotions that she had no doubt T'Mar would like to deny existed. The glimpse of surprise and pleasure to see her familiar face was immediately pushed aside by a landslide of guilt. That same guilt that Akeelah had sensed from her many years ago. (( Flashback - 8 years ago - Dagorin IV Surface)) Crouching, Akeelah snuck through the bush-work, following the sense she got from him, the Xindi-Reptilian. He had killed something, he was ready to hunt. She needed to be careful. That was when she saw it. A shape, half a silhouette peeking out from behind a trunk. Carefully she sidestepped, still crouching, to the other side of the tree he tried to hide behind. As she reached the tree she stretched up to her full hight, keeping her breath low and slunk around the trunk, raising her phaser to aim at the back of his head. She could have shot him right here, but she hated to shoot someone in the back without a warning. Possibly a mistake. D'Sena: I suggest you drop that weapon and raise your hands. The reptilian head turned slowly, the disembodied hand still in his own hand. The first thing Akeelah saw was blood, all over his face, continuing part the spot on his chest she could see. What in the Artist's name had he done? He now turned fully and she saw the blood all over his front before her eyes snapped back up to him. He smiled, but she didn't have to be a telepath to know that it was fake. The pistol fell and his hands raised. Lazlo: How's this? D'Sena: Better. Now turn a-- Before she could even finish the sentence he jumped towards her. Without hesitation her finger pulled the trigger, several times hoping to hit him. She was a good shoot, though he was fast and had known the shots were coming and dodged them, she hit him with one. Regrettably that didn't slow him down. Before she could pull a fifth time his shoulder crashed into her stomach. A moan pushed out of her, along with a full load of air from her lungs. Instead of her being catapulted away, his arms wrapped around her. Since she had seen it coming she had moved a foot backwards and it now skidded over the forest floor, forming a little mound with the soil and leaves being pushed along the way. That leg was the only reason she didn't just fall like a rag-doll. :: Lazlo: You! You're like him! Once the physical shock of the impact left, the Rodulan raised her arms and hammered the hilt of her phaser into his neck, but that didn't have any impact, he was just too protected. Like him? Like who? She was like nobody! She wasn't even like her own family. She could either talk or fight, she chose to fight, but she still pressed one word through accompanied by the heavy breath. D'Sena: What? He was heavy and the anger she had felt before, the urge to hunt fueled him and his strength. She pressed the nuzzle of the phaser she had clung to into his back, ready to press the button, but the moment she lowered her finger, he changed directions, pulling her with him like she weight nothing, which caused her to lose grip of her phaser. She slid over the ground and it took a moment to dig her heels into the soil. She couldn't get to him with strength so she had to he faster or more flexible. Lazlo: Your dead eyes! Your intruding thoughts! You're like him! She realized immediately that he had met another Rodulan. One that obviously wasn't as careful as she was with her abilities. She kept fighting against his pull, grunting and moaning when pain jolted through her body. She needed to call T'Mar and Mandak, but his grip made it impossible for her to reach her communicator. He swung her around and pulled her with her back to his chest. Something primal was within him and as she looked over her shoulder, struggling to break free she saw his teeth, pointy and sharp, coming closer. D'Sena: ::Grunting:: Oh hell no! The usually so controlled woman, who had even now tried to keep that control, had to let go if she wanted to get away from him. The look of his teeth close to her head, the knowledge of what he wanted to do, was just that kick she'd needed. Akeelah rammed her elbow into his stomach and kicked back with her slightly heeled boot, hitting the front of his knee. Finally he stumbled slightly, so she now jumped around, raising her knee between his legs, even though she didn't know if that did anything for him. She did not think much. As he bent over, she swung back and rammed the heel of her hand into his nose, seeing him tumble backwards. That chance the took and ran past him to where they had started and while running she reached down to grab her phaser. Twirling around she shot in his direction and tapped her badge. D'Sena: =/\= D'Sena to T'Mar and Mandak. I need backup. NOW! =/\= She shouted that way more than she had planned, but with her heavy breathing she wasn't able to control her speech at all. She saw him coming, and he was even angrier than before. D'Sena: =/\= Follow ::panting:: the noise. =/\= In the last moment Akeelah jumped to the side, but the Reptile had apparently anticipated that and reached out with one arm and just grabbed her, crushing her into the tree. The deafening scream of agony turned out to be her own. The cracking sound she heard was either the tree or her back, she couldn't say. But the hard feeling in her hand was missing. Her phaser was gone again. Lazlo: ::grinning:: That was the best chase I've had in a long time. It's almost a shame it had to end. D'Sena: ::Whispering with strain:: Let... me... go. Lazlo: You want to leave so soon? We just got here. D'Sena: ::Through clenched teeth:: I really... didn't want to.. to that. Before he could ask she focused on him as much as she could with the pain running through her, and dug into his mind. She knew that would cause headache and the deeper she'd go on, the more painful it would become. Some people were said to have become insane from it. She didn't know how well it would work on him, but he had a penetrable mind so she hoped the others would come soon, to get her off his grip. Because she did the last thing she could to for defense, as her body didn't listen to her and her air became less and less. She concentrated her efforts on taking him out mentally. It was successful, he raised his hands and held his head, grunting he dropped to the ground. Leaning against the trunk she remained on her feet, but it was harder than she had anticipated. Lazlo: ::growling through the pain:: I was wondering...when you'd get to that. The blood in her ears was rushing so fast and loud she didn't hear anyone approach. Akeelah focussed on the Reptilian brain, causing it pain just so he would leave her alone. She didn't like to do that, she had never done it actually, not even in self defense. But in this case she knew she had to do something, and since her body had been helplessly pinned against the tree with him crushing her spine, she had no other chance than to hurt him another way. At least until help was here. A flash came from the side, someone had shot at the man, though she didn't know if it was T'Mar or Mandak. But as soon as he'd realized that there was someone else he fought against her mental invasion. It became harder to dig and claw her way in. Out of nowhere he retrieved a disruptor and shot in the direction the other shot had come from. Next she felt was something hitting her feet and sweeping them away from under her, just enough to make her carefully kept balance tumble so she dropped to the ground and in the surprise her mental hold on him loosened. As the surprise faded she realized that he was gone. A Rodulan curse left her lips and she attempted to get up to follow him, but her legs gave him immediately, she didn't even get to use a little push to slide back up the trunk. With heavy breathing she began to slap her legs and didn't feel a thing. Vaguely she remembered the crack she had heard. .oO Deep Breaths... it's fine. Your body is just in shock. It'll be back in a minute. Oo. So she leaned against the tree trunk and looked around, seeing her phaser only a few steps away on the ground. She let herself drop to lie on the ground and reached out with her hand. Her fingertips almost got it. The other hand pushed on the ground in front of her belly helping her just a little forward. Enough to grab the phaser and then back into a sitting position. She heard steps of two people come through the dark of the forest and hid the phaser behind her back. It was Mandak with the Reptile right behind her, obviously he had the disruptor in his hand and in her back by the way they walked over. They hadn't fully reached her, when out of nowhere a light shot through the forest and into the man's neck, it made him drop the weapon. .oO T'Mar Oo. A loud scream cut through the silence of the night. It sounded like a battle cry and the heavy fast steps following approached accompanying that scream. Just a moment later T'Mar came into D'Sena's view, pretty sure she had seen her earlier if not for being down on the ground. The Vulcan charged the man, her rifle raised like a battle axe. He attempted to dodge, but T'Mar crushed into him, sending them both to the ground. That had been rather effective, she had to admit. D'Sena: ::quietly impressed.:: Not bad. She was glad to see that Mandak and T'Mar had him under control. D'Sena hated to admit, but the feeling in her legs had not come back yet. She assumed that the crash had pinched a nerve or something other that was probably easy to fix once she got to a sick bay. [[ A little later - Sick bay ]] She still kept her eyes closed and tried to move her legs, with the aim to kick him, though not really. But accidents happen, right? Nijil: Can you feel or move your toes? D'Sena: Do they move? Nijil: ::deadpan.:: No. D'Sena: Then no, I don't. ::Squinting her eyes she looked up to him, raising a hand to block out that overhead light.:: Any news? Nijil: You suffered a T6 injury, and had a minor disruption of your nervous system from your brain to your thoracic vertebrae.. D'Sena: What exactly does that mean? Nijil: It means… That you damaged your back and have made moving a limited option. .oO Oh no, you didn't just say that. Oo. Problem was he did. She had to ask more, find out what was behind it. She needed facts to grasp everything. D'Sena: Were you able to figure out what causes it? Nijil: ::beat.:: When you hit, whatever it was you hit, that you more or less shocked your systems. That tree, that bloody reptile in its evening dress. She would love to give him a piece of her mind. Maybe she could get to the brig before their arrival at SB 118 - where he would undoubtedly be handed over to the authorities - and do exactly that. D'Sena: I see. What will you have to do to fix it? Nijil: We have proceeded ahead with your operation, however the results will take time to appear. That surprised her. They did the surgery without telling her beforehand? Was that why he had given her the sedative? But no matter the surprise about that, she was sure he had done what he needed to do. That was why he was the doctor and not her. Well some more reasons than that. So now that that was done, there was a question left. :: D'Sena: How long will it take until I get my legs back? Nijil: ::sigh.:: Anywhere from another hour… to easily up to three months. Her heart sank. He couldn't really mean that. Months? How was she supposed to do her job when she couldn't properly do her job? It was as if she hadn't even heard about the possible hour... D'Sena: Months? But that means - Nijil: *That means* you will be on high restriction until further notice. Seeing as you can't even walk at the moment. ::paused.:: Your file does not state you have a spouse or family on board, is there someone you trust to tend to you during your recovery? ::snarky.:: Unless you want to stay in here. D'Sena: :: She raised a brow. :: I believe we both know, that it is better for everyone's sanity if I do not stay. ((/Flashback )) These three month, had turned out to be seven years. At first the complications came from the tree itself. The sap of said trees on that planet was filled with a hallucinogen, the compound the Syndicate had been after for their drugs, had entered her blood stream on impact. It had damaged her nerves more than the surgery had shown on first glance. Once the regeneration of the nerves was concluded she still couldn't walk. According to the doctors she should have been able to, but nothing had worked. Cade Foster believed it was all in her head. Many years later it turned out he had been right. Many years in a wheelchair that she hated to be in. And now T'Mar stood in front of her, still feeling that guilt. For not being fast enough, for sending her out for that job that lead to the fight with Lazlo. Blaming herself for that injury that had thrown Akeelah into a deep depression. But she had found her way out of it, and with a lot of work, blood, tears and pain.. she was where she was now. D’Sena: Commander. T’Mar: Commander T’Mar reporting in to get my clearances reinstated for duty. So she was actually back. Good for her. Akeelah nodded slightly and reached out her hand. D’Sena: Your orders, please. It took until this moment that T'Mar realized that Akeelah was not below her eye level, she saw that shift in her face, felt it in the second part of the roller coaster of emotion. For a Vulcan, Half-Vulcan, she was really adept at broadcasting her emotional state. After the first surprise was washed away, the wave was overwhelming, a mix of disbelief, relief, more guilt... T’Mar: ::softly:: You.. are healed? Realizing she would not get the PADD just now she lowered her hand and took a calm breath. Stoic as ever though on the inside, it was quite a storm. She had never blamed T'Mar. She hadn't blamed anyone but Lazlo and for a long time herself. But never T'Mar. D’Sena: It is a process. T'Mar: Response D'Sena: I regained control of my legs almost three years ago, with a lot of help of Cade Foster and leg braces. But I am still healing. T'Mar: Response D'Sena: I am mostly back to full mobility, though am at risk of relapse when I overdo it. Serok is a hound, reminding me to take breaks. The Vulcan massage therapist had played a vital part in her exercise regime, a drill sergeant, without mercy, but he was fair at least. One of the few people who didn't take her bull, no matter what. T'Mar: Response She eyed T'Mar, though with her full black eyes it was hard to see where she actually was aiming her gaze. D'Sena: Are you recovered? ::Smooth and subtle, as always.:: T'Mar: Response -- LtCmdr. Akeelah D'Sena Security Officer simmed by Commodore Jalana Rajel Commanding Officer USS Constitution B Image Team Co-Facilitator A238906JL0
  7. (( The skies above Paoike Colony, Drever IV )) Drever IV was a special place, a whole planet and only one area was populated. About a hundred souls who minded their own business, lived their lives and faced their struggles of the 'frontier'. The peaceful tranquil Tara Ocean had also minded its own business as the sun shone down on it, the moisture has floated up into the air settling in in ever growing puffy clouds. Puffy clouds, happy to be alive and floating around this beautiful place began to explore the planet. There was so much to see. More oceans that made more puffy clouds, and soon it was a whole tourist group of clouds wandering the skies to see Drever. But they were not the only group, as they passed the Hunir forest, named after a large animal only to be found there, they met another group, one that was were so touched by the beauty of the trees, that the droplets of water saved within were released, sprinkling the trees and Hunir below with salty water. As two groups began to mingle it might have gotten a little confusing which clouds belonged to which group so a few soaked heavy clouds were suddenly part of the great Drever tour, while the puffy clouds that had gotten lost in the kerfuffle now were hugging their cousins with no moisture to share. The further the tour went the more difficult it became to move gracefully like a wonderful summer wisp in the air. No, it became heavy and the clouds were slower, losing their brightness. But they did not complain, they minded their own business, facing their struggles in the skies. Just a little bit more, they knew they could do it. Nori Lake was lovely, it was warm and ... oh no there was more moisture, cheering and celebrating as it rose up to them mingling in between the clouds and convincing more of the moisture to celebrate and dance with them. Party in the clouds, hooray. That party continued when our now mixed puffy but heavy group of clouds passed the Rani mountain range the bottom layer enjoyed the lovely weather below, soaking in more of the moisture that rose from the riverbed and soil between the trees, while the top layer shivered and jittered as the dry cold air of the mountains, that piled even higher than them, pressed from the top. That middle layer of clouds though, those were the real suffering clouds. Not sure if they were to freeze or to be warm they changed back and forth between both. And the party came to a stop when those little drops landed in the cold zone. It was too cold to dance. Just as they passed the mountain a beautiful valley opened up before them. Forests with dark trees, thick and luscious below the weary wanderer in the sky. Glimpses of animals between the gaps were a lovely sight. Round structures not far from here, like natural colours earthen flowers in the green and wheat colour. Heavy and sluggish the now large group of lethargic clouds rolled over the horizon, first drops of the moisture they had oh so strenuously clung to began to fall. No, not yet, they had to pass first. Just a little bit longer. Trembling clouds rumbled, like the grunt of a weight lifter when the bar was too heavy. Another drop.. and another... And then... The clouds couldn't hold on any more. Drever IV was a special place, a whole planet and only one area was populated. About a hundred souls who minded their own business, lived their lives and faced their struggles of the 'frontier'. And now they were drenched in the collection of waters from all over this special planet, that had been held onto by the brave souls... clouds in the sky that had lost all their strength to carry on. A loud thunder rolled through the valley, the CRACK of lightning as it came down to hit somewhere in the forest set an end to the peace - for a little while. And the party that had to be stopped before, hammered down onto the roofs, the ground, the structures and those outside in form of large frozen balls of water... Adding to the struggles of the frontier. ----- The Incoming Storm simmed by Commodore Jalana Rajel Commanding Officer USS Constitution B Image Team Co-Facilitator A238906JL0
  8. (( First Officer’s Office, Deck 3 Primary Hull, USS Ronin, In Orbit of Ferenginar )) The last of the usual PADDwork had been finally completed and Toryn stiffly rose from the couch in his office where he had been reclined, or seated for the last hour and a half. They were on leave and he knew most of the crew was already enjoying their time or not on the ever wet Ferengi homeworld. He himself wasn’t overly fond of swamps and bogs, but he’d also never been to Ferenginar before. It was something he looked forward to, especially when he could find time to get out to the Gothis mountains at some point to scale the tallest peak. A soft hoot from across the room signaled the agreement of his Al-Leyan Seiuri, Sylara, from her platinum perch behind his desk. Raga: Al-Leyan Spiced tea, Sez Toural blend. Hot. ::he smirked at his owl:: And Sylara Snacks number five. The replication whirred in response and a moment later he had a fresh libation as well as a small plate of strips of raw targ meat. And one final report he wanted to review before allowing himself to truly start his shore leave. Toryn set the bowl on his desk and held up a strip of meat in the air which was scooped up a moment later as he felt weight on his right shoulder. Pleased screeches murmured in his ear and he chuckled a little to himself. He tapped at the LCARs on the computer in his desk and pulled up all of the Security and Starfleet Intelligence reports for the Alpha Isles. Since the formation of the fanatical or fringe elements of both the Tholian Assembly and the Sheliak Corporate into one Alliance the Alpha Isles had been increasingly more chaotic. The number of distress signals that they’d detected in the region both in and out of Federation territory had steadily increased since their evacuation of the Grus Betans. The Al-Leyan studied the reports and in the essence of being thorough he expanded his search of Starfleet vessels in the region and noticed that aside from the Arrow and Ronin, there was one other starship that operated fairly close to Tholian space. A region known as the Marchlands. He took a sip of his tea while he read up on the region. The USS Constitution-B needed no research or introduction. Years of FNS reports from the legendary vessel briefly flitted in the forefront of his thoughts before he sat back, mug in hand. His face was illuminated by the light from the computer as his office was considerably darker than the rest of the ship. It had been a long day and the nocturnal officer was grateful for the respite for his eyes. Raga: Computer. Open a long distance hail to Commodore Jalana Rajel on the USS Constitution-B. The computer chirped an acknowledgement and the screen shifted from the rotating logo of the USS Ronin, to that of the Starfleet insignia. Toryn glanced down and realized he looked a little dishevelled, his uniform jacket unzipped and wrinkled. He consciously smoothed the creases. He didn’t know the Commodore and as a flag officer he was certain she knew more than him, yet the years of Security and Tactical duty instilled the habit of being thorough. Nothing seemed to be happening. Had he actually placed the call? Just when one might get the impression of the CO ignoring the call, the screen finally changed displaying the face of the red haired Trill. Well in that moment just the red hair. A hand reached up, wiping the red away. She stood somewhere in a breeze that had just come up when she had tried to take the call. Rajel: =/\= Just one… moment. =/\= ::She called out and then moved a few more steps. If Toryn took a good look, he would see round wooden plated buildings in the backgrounds amidst sickly looking crops, something that looked like a tall thin walking tree walking in the background in a pen and a Trill man being left behind as Jalana walked off. Finally Jalana came back into view, looking at the screen, a smile on her lips. =/\= Hello. And hello to your friend. =/\= The Al-Leyan sat up straighter and only then remembered he had a large owl on his right shoulder as the screen changed and he got his first sort of in person look at the fiery haired flag officer. He stared at the screen with his glowing cerulean eyes. Raga: =/\= Cool winds, Commodore Rajel. ::He smiled:: I’m Lieutenant Commander Toryn Raga, First Officer on board the USS Ronin. Apologies if I am disturbing your evening. =/\= Rajel: =/\= Hardly, we are in the middle of an away mission. I just needed to find a more quiet place. Pleasure meeting you, Toryn, please call me Jalana. =/\= A brow raised in a vulcanoid manner at her comment. He had little interactions with most flag officers, even since becoming XO on the Ronin but this was the first time any of them insisted on being referred to by their first names for someone they weren’t familiar with. Raga: =/\= Oh, of course, Jalana. =/\= Sylara gave a soft hoot in greeting as well, her head bobbed up and down several times pleasantly. Rajel: =/\= Much better. And who is your feathered friend? =/\= Raga: =/\= Oh, this is Sylara. She’s an Al-Leyan Seiuri and my childhood companion. =/\= Rajel: ::grinning:: =/\= Nice to meet you Sylara. You are beautiful!=/\= ::She turned her attention back to Toryn. Though I assume you are not calling all the Flag Officers in the Fleet to introduce your owl. Unless you are, in that case I might call my First Officer so you can continue with him.=/\= There was a cheeky little grin on her lips, and a spark in her eyes that indicated her good humor. Toryn noted the grin and it reminded him of Karrod when he made one of his many amusing comments. Raga: =/\= Were that the only reason I would be grateful, sadly I’m calling for something of importance. =/\= Rajel: =/\= Alright then. What can I do for you, Toryn? =/\= She looked behind her and leaned against a wooden fence before looking back to the young man. Curious why the First Officer of the Ronin would be calling her. The Al-Leyan’s brow wrinkled a bit and he tugged at his jacket briefly before explaining. Raga: =/\= Well, we’re dealing with a bit of a problem in the Alpha Isles, us and the Arrow. And while doing some research I noted that your ship is close to Tholian space. Have you heard of the Lattice Alliance? =/\= Toryn knew that both Starfleet Security and Intelligence had put out alerts on the newly formed organisation of two of the most dangerous and xenophobic species in the region, but that didn’t mean that everyone was aware of it, given they only made themselves known a couple of months ago. There may be a lot that a CO had to filter out. Some things that were more important than others to immediately pay attention to. It was easy to consider just focusing on one's own ship but space was a potentially dangerous place and protecting one’s ship meant knowing what was out there. So one part of her work was to keep an eye on the news, Security updates and the like from across the fleet and even more from their area of operation. The Lattice Alliance would be one of these things. But there was not much information out there yet, but enough to be concerned. Rajel: =/\= The alliance between Tholians and Sheliak. ::She said quietly with a nod.:: I believe I read about them in the News. ::She paused.:: Why do you ask? =/\= Raga: =/\= They made a declaration of war on the Federation and all of the Alpha Isles a few months ago when they sent out a message on all channels.'The Lattice Alliance claims this space. Opposition will burn away.' =/\= The Trill sank back against the fence. The Tholians were powerful, dangerous. Starfleet had several run-ins with them and were relieved that this power had been quiet for a while. And as their neighbours, the expansionist and aggressive nature of the Tholians could mean that planets would burn. It did not surprise her that they had formed an alliance with the Sheliak that were equally xenophobic and convinced every other species was inferior. Well apparently unless the other species was Tholian. The raised activity had been concerning but this… this was bad. Rajel: =/\= Shit. ::She hissed, her hand running into her neck as another breeze blew her hair into her face.:: Pardon the language. That means that we’re right in their way over here as well. =/\= Toryn nodded his head somberly, though he hid it well enough there was an obvious concern and remorse behind his glowing eyes. The kind a Starfleet officer who’d failed even partially at a mission would have. Raga: =/\= Weeks after we were forced to withdraw from our engagement with them, when they made that proclamation, we responded to a distress call. Hundred meter tall wildfires ravaging a planet. We discovered the Alliance was responsible. ::He rubbed at the brim of his nose:: They condemned an entire populated colony to burn in order to terraform it for the Tholians. We got out everyone we could, but the world’s a husk now. =/\= The Trill looked into the distance watching inhabitants talk to Starfleet officers, as they did their work while she stood aside talking and receiving these news. It was so peaceful here. If it wasn’t for the run in with Tagus, and even that seemed to be a bit calmer now. Her eyes moved to him briefly. Would they come here too? A deep breath later she nodded. Rajel: =/\= Yes, I remember reading about it… Grus Beta Three. A whole planet… =/\= She mourned for the ones that the Ronin could not save, the flora and fauna, the life on this once blooming planet that now was Ashes. Raga: =/\= While the Lattice Alliance seems to be made from splinter groups from both the Sheliak and the Tholians, and given how close your ship is to Tholian space I wanted to apprise you of what we’re facing here in case things might spill out into neighbouring areas. ::He shrugged:: So far it seems their only interest is the Alpha Isles, but the possibility of the Tholian Assembly seeking to take advantage of this in some way isn’t zero. =/\= Jalana turned her gaze and attention back on the screen in her hand and nodded slightly. Rajel: =/\= If they declared war on the Federation as you said there is no reason to limit it to one area. They could declare any area near the border as their own any moment. =/\= Raga: =/\= Possibly, but the Alliance seems to be fringe elements from both the Tholian Assembly and the Sheliak Corporate. We haven’t yet found anything to suggest the Alliance is condoned by the entirety of both organisations…. but they could still move on just because of the opportunity it presents. =/\= Rajel: =/\= I appreciate that you called me to let me know. Being so close to the border could have easily resulted in a surprise attack while we are asleep. Knowing that they might come, gives us a chance to prepare. =/\= Toryn gave a slight nod and a reassuring smile, though he tapped at his desk out of concern or perhaps irritation with the looming threat. . Raga: =/\= We could still be ambushed regardless, I’ve been there myself. =/\= Rajel: =/\= You know as well as I do that there is nothing that no matter how much you prepare it is never enough. But the enemy you know is better than the one you don’t. =/\= He smiled warmly and again gave the Trill a nod. He could see the rural landscape behind her and the occasional cry of some sort of cattle. Raga: =/\= I couldn’t agree more. =/\= Rajel: =/\= If you hear anything else, please let me know. Likewise if anything should happen on this side of the Embassy I will send word. ::She paused:: The weapon they used on Grus Beta Three, do you know anything about that? Something we can work with? =/\= His brow raised in a vulcanoid manner and his nictitating membranes blinked as he nodded. Raga: =/\= Potentially. The waves were a classified form of radiation discovered by one of Commander Niac’s former hosts. We don’t know how the Alliance got a hold of it as Sencha died along with all of her research. It’s capable of interfering with subspace transmissions and sensor readings for an excessive number of light years. =/\= Rajel: =/\= Things never remain hidden, even if we think there is no reason for them to come out. =/\= Even if it was just someone snooping and then talking to the wrong people. Most of the time they wouldn’t know how information got out in the first place. The Al-Leyan clearly had more to add though he idly rubbed the chest plumage of the owl perched on his shoulder out of pure reflex. Raga: =/\= The radiation is dangerous beyond anything we’ve seen. We think it was responsible for causing at least one temporal anomaly in the system where a former base of theirs was located. We successfully destroyed it. But the Alliance has what we’re classifying as a Dreadnaught. I’d have to check the specifics but I believe it would outsize a D’Deridex. And the one the Ronin encountered had a weaponized version of the Sencha Waves. =/\= Toryn had not been present during the battle as his away team were enacting a rescue of a civilian freighter at the time. He’d read the after action reports though. Raga: =/\= The weapon lets them focus the waves on individual targets. Those waves nearly ripped the Ronin’s hull apart. I wasn’t present at the time as I was with a team rescuing a civilian vessel the Tholians had attacked in the area. But we utilised a series of short warp jumps and some inventive explosives to get out of the confrontation before that beast ripped the Ronin in twaid. If you encounter any vessel deploying one such weapon, reinforce your structural integrity fields. It’ll buy you time. =/\= Jalana nodded slightly, listening to Toryn to make a mental note on that. Buying time would literally be the difference between survival and destruction if it came to powers like the Tholians and the Sheliak. Rajel: =/\= That’s good advice. I’ll advise our Tactical and HCO department of that. =/\= Toryn smiled at the Commodore and leaned in a little. Raga: =/\= I’ll have everything we know about the Sencha Waves sent to the Constitution via secured comms or courier. You have a Starfleet Intelligence detachment on board your ship, do you not? =/\= Rajel: =/\= Yes we do. I’ll make sure they’ll get the data to dig through. Could you also include some details about these inventive explosives? They might inspire my Engineers. =/\= Again he nodded and the Al-Leyan offered the Trill a warm smile. Raga: =/\= Of course, Com…Jalana. Karrod has been trying to impress upon Starfleet Command the urgent threat the Alliance poses in the region but from what he’s mentioned, they seem more concerned with Frontier Day planning. Which is why I wanted to reach out to you as the next closest ship that could be at risk. I don’t know if they’d dare to go after Starbase One Oh Four or not, but as you said. It’s best to be prepared. =/\= Jalana groaned slightly, leaning her head back. She looked up to the clear sky for a deep breath before straightening up again to look at Toryn. Rajel: =/\= Of course they are busier with something that has to do with making them look good rather than something far away from Sol. And when it hits there will be the big question of why we didn’t warn them. =/\= Again his brow raised slightly at her tone while he took a sip from his steaming mug. Raga: =/\= Sounds like that’s spoken from a place of experience? =/\= He could say that again. She had been part of this machine for long enough to recognize repeat offenders and patterns. And quite possible, Apria and her distaste of Starfleet reared her little head in a ‘told you so’ manner. Rajel: =/\= Sorry it’s just… nevermind. We’ll just have to look out for it ourselves, don’t we? I appreciate that you reached out. If they don’t come to 104, they might still try with bordering planets like Cait, and those are in our region. Luckily as a Commodore I can tell some scout ships to go have a look. =/\= Raga: =/\= Certainly, with luck the Tholians will behave but it’s better to be safe than sorry as the Humans say. =/\= Rajel: =/\= Of course. I’ll make sure to let you know if they find anything. I better get back to work now or my crew will think they have to solve this mystery themselves. =/\= He offered her a grateful smile and his own curiosity finally won through as he looked at her rural surroundings. Raga: =/\= I appreciate that. ::He smiled:: It looks as though you’re in a nice locale, I hope your mission’s going well. =/\= Rajel: =/\= Dying plant life in a colony without obvious reasons, so far we haven’t found out why. But we’ll dig a little deeper. Thank you again Toryn and good luck. Please send my regards to Karrod. Keep your people safe. =/\= Raga: =/\= Cool winds and good luck Jalana. And I will. I always look after my people. Be safe. =/\= Jalana nodded with a warm smile towards him, and pressed a button to end the call. With a deep breath she wrote down some notes on that call on her PADD so she wouldn’t forget. It was time to get back to Kiamon, while these ruins had been here for a while it didn’t mean she should let them wait for another ten years. As the screen shifted back to the slowly rotating Ronin logo Toryn sat back and idly scritched at Sylara’s feathers feeling a bit more relieved. It was good to know that their colleagues were forewarned and would give them notice if they uncovered any potential risk to the Alpha Isles. It was concerning that Karrod wasn’t the only CO who was frustrated by Starfleet Command’s distracted state currently. A soft hoot pulled him from his thoughts and he held up a strip of meat to the large avian on his shoulder and smiled. He rose out of his seat and strode up to the climbing axes on the wall. Time to enjoy his shore leave, there was a mountain to climb. — JP by Commodore Jalana Rajel Commanding Officer USS Constitution B Image Team Co-Facilitator A238906JL0 & Lieutenant Commander Toryn Raga First Officer USS Ronin - NCC-34523 Writer ID: A239410TR0 https://wiki.starbase118.net/wiki/index.php?title=Toryn_Raga
  9. ((Paoike Colony, Drever IV)) Jalana had basically fled the scene. On one hand she tried to keep a distance on Diz’mim, still not over the fact that the guy she had been flirting with and spent all night talking with on Arentis was now her First Officer. She did not want to give him the wrong impression and distance was the best thing she could do. On the other hand she did not want to cross paths with Tagus. Hearing that name after all this time had shocked her to the core. She checked on her Tricorder and the rudimentary outline her scanner had made to figure out which way to go to get to these ruins. She should just go around this building, through this field and then straight until- Kiamon took a few steps, eyes down trying to avoid the puddles while he balanced his PADDs in his arms. He didn’t even register that there was another person there until he quite literally collided with them, PADDs flying everywhere. Bending down, he was startled by a memory… But it wasn’t his memory. Not really, anyway. Same as in this moment it wasn’t exactly Jalana’s memory, but in a way, it still was… (( FLASHBACK )) (( Trill - A bookstore )) The room was dimly lit. At least it appeared that way, as the ceiling high shelves packed with books blocked out the sun, so the visitors relied on the light coming from the ceiling. It gave them enough to see the titles, to read a few pages, but one would not want to linger and read. It was the kind of atmosphere that invited to browse and buy, but one wanted to read in a better spot. Perfect for a bookstore. That new book smell hung in the air. Paperbound hardcover, soft cover, printing ink. Paradise for bibliophiles. Fascinating that it was the same on many planets. Books had an universal smell as if different species had discovered the same secret formula to what made books smell like magic. Pinar hummed to herself as she walked through the bookstore. Her dirty blonde hair was messily plopped on the top of her head in a large bun with strands hanging out that inadvertently framed her face. Her long fingers trailed along the shelves and occasionally moving up to the spines of the books, appreciating the beauty and history as she felt the various textures on her fingertips. Her blue-gray eyes focused on the titles, not sure yet which book she was looking for, but knowing that she would be certain the moment she saw it. A few aisles down a young Olen moved along the shelf with purpose. A few books already on his arms his finger moved along the spines in front of him to focus on the titles, following the finger helped him to not let his eyes stray. He could swear that he heard a hum somewhere, maybe it was the climate control, so he shook it off. Pulling another book from the shelf he opened it to flick through the pages before a smile appeared on the young man’s face, exactly what he needed. Piling the book on to the pile in his arm he continued his path along the shelf. Maybe there was more on the other side. So he took a turn. Pinar had just selected one book and had flipped it open as she rounded the end of one aisle and intended to move on to the next. She knew approximately how many steps to take before turning, but was rather taken aback- quite literally in fact- when she felt the sensation of running into something solid. Her newly discovered read fell from her hands as she herself stumbled forward, reaching out to brace herself in case she fell. Something bumped against him, straight frontal bump, sending the books flying. He only heard it, the weight gone from his arms, because in the surprise he had closed his eyes, stumbling backwards. Blinking a few times, more out of shock than anything else, she saw the man she must have collided with and felt her cheeks flush. She couldn’t see his eyes yet, as they appeared to be snapped shut, but he was still rather physically attractive to her even without knowing the color. Dahn: Oh dear.. When he opened his eyes again his dark brown gaze looked down into the most beautiful blue-gray eyes looking right at him. From what he could tell just as startled as him. Varel: E..excuse me. I… are you hurt? Pinar looked down at herself to verify what she already knew. Dahn: No.. ::she nearly whispered the words and spoke a little louder:: What about you? Why was she nervous? Pinar’s heart skipped a beat even as she felt herself desperately trying to form words and sentences longer than a few words. Varel: No, no. I’m fine. He cleared his throat and took a step back. As he went to bend down to pick up his books, she did the same and he once more bumped into her, this time his head against hers. He rubbed his forehead. Varel: Sorry. It’s fine. I can… Pinar blushed harder, even as she rubbed her own head after their second collision trying to pick up their fallen books. She smiled softly at the man who was obviously as clumsy as her before moving slightly and continuing to go through the books. As she went on to pick them up he looked at her, something formed a knot in his chest. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever met. And of course he had to practically beat her up like that. Exaggerations were definitely his style. She picked up a book, thinking it was hers, but found it was not what she was expecting. She looked back at the man more curious than ever. Dahn: Are you.. That is.. Do you write? Varel: Uh.. yes. Yes I am. Well aspiring Author rather. Something all these books about writing, styles, prose, and character development might be able to tell her. Pinar’s lips quirked up, and she handed the man one of the books he had been holding. Dahn: Aspiring? Have you published anything yet? Varel: No, not yet but…. Well, I’m working on it. He had been working on it for a few years, getting stuck here and there. Non-Fiction was so much more challenging, but it was what he wanted to do. Following in the footsteps of the great philosophers… Pinar flushed more, aborting her start to collect more books to instead brush off her dusty hands and reach out. Dahn: Pardon me. I seem to have lost my manners in the collision ::she winked playfully and extended a hand:: I am Pinar Dahn. These cheeks being blessed with the soft tint of pink made her look even more radiant. Pinar.. The name sounded like music. Olen stared at her for a moment longer like a lovestruck teenager. Even though the teenage years were just behind him. Then he realized she had extended her hand, the wink speeding up his heartbeat. He wiped it off, making sure there was no sweat on them and took her hand to shake it. Varel: Nice to meet me… you… I’m Varel…. Olen.. Olen Varel. ((END FLASHBACK)) Kiamon smiled to himself as he remembered the now bittersweet memory. There was a flood of conflicting emotions when it came to Olen, but before the hurt there were some good memories. Shaking his head he pulled himself back to the present and remembered the person he had nearly tackled by accident. Tagus: Are you hurt? Jalana snapped out of the memory at the voice. Just now realizing that the hard thing she had ran against was not in fact a wall or something like that but a person. She raised a hand rubbing her forehead, even though she had hit him with her chest. Rajel: Yeah… I mean no, I’m fine. :: She looked around realizing her hand as empty. :: Are you hurt? He looked at the redhead, feeling himself blush ever so slightly. She was beautiful and Trill and… Starfleet? Tagus: No, I’m fine thank you. I’m so sorry about that.. Rajel: No no , I’m sorry I should have looked where I’m walking. Still looking for the PADD she saw a whole pile on the ground hers and a few others and nodded as she took half a step forward and bent down to pick them up. Kiamon bent forward to grab the PADDs and instead hit his head against the woman again. Rubbing his head he gave her a sheepish smile. Tagus: I guess I never learn. Sorry about that.. What were the chances? If she had a strip of Latinum for every time that happened… she had two strips, which wasn’t a lot, but it was crazy that it happened twice. Rajel: Likewise. She said with a little laugh and picked up the PADDs before straightening up again. She looked down on them to find her own when she saw what was displayed on them. Rajel: Oh, are you a Scienti- She began and her stomach sank, realisation hitting her. .oO Please don’t let him be a Trill, please please please. Oo. Looking up she looked into those blue-gray eyes that could almost be Pinar’s. And there they were. The tell-tale spots around his face, stunning her into silence. .oO Shit Oo. Kiamon smiled and looked up from the single PADD he had managed to grab before her. His eyebrow scrunched together in confusion for a moment, though as she trailed off. Shrugging it off he used his best charming voice. Tagus: Caught me! I’m Kiamon Tagus. ::He looked politely at her, silently asking for her introduction as well:: Rajel. .oO I know Oo. ::She simply stared at him when he introduced himself, swallowing. He was not Pinar, yet she could see her in him, how was that possible?:: I… I’m Jalana. So this was Jalana. He had known the name sounded lovely, but he would be lying if he said he didn’t think she was as lovely as the name. He nearly laughed at himself, realising how silly and unprofessional he was being. Besides, now finally he could get somewhere with the help that he had asked for. Jalana was the Commanding Officer. But Jalana what, exactly? Tagus: Such a pleasure! I, uh.. ::he chuckled slightly:: I have to admit I never did catch your surname on the report. She had to tell him. He had to know. It wasn’t fair that she did and he was in the dark. Pressing the PADDs against herself like a shield of protection she took a deep breath. Rajel: Jalana … ::She repeated, pausing before taking a deep breath and adding.:: … Rajel. As a scientist, Kiamon knew that physically time had not truly stopped or slowed, but relatively speaking it had. He felt like he had been sucker punched in his gut as all the air in his lungs escaped and he dropped the PADD in his hand. Rajel. She had said Rajel. His heart pounded against his chest as if trying to escape and Kiamon took a stumbling step backwards, away from the Trill before him. Tagus: Rajel.. It was barely a whisper and if Kiamon had cared he wouldn’t have been certain that the woman could hear him. Instead, he shook his head and blinked back the tears forming in his eyes. Blue eyes that may as well have been Pinar’s with the amount of tears they held. He couldn’t breathe. Why couldn’t he breathe? She heard it. All the charm, the smiles, all of it gone. The whisper pregnant with disbelief, with shock and painful memories. She couldn’t blame him, not one bit, not at all. It was all on her. No, on Olen. It was his fault. She remembered it and the memory squeezed around her chest like an iron fist. She had been in its grip from the moment Bolen had mentioned his name. Of all the worlds, of all the galaxy, why did he have to be here? It had been so much better to run from the past. Kiamon wasn’t a doctor, but he was certain he must be dying. He- or rather Tagus- had experienced death many times over. This must be it. The end. But with an anger that was most definitely not typical of him, rather channelled from Pinar herself he set his jaw and glared at Olen. No, not Olen, Rajel… Tagus: You! His voice was gritty and filled with hatred. With hurt. With a pain nobody should ever feel or know. She couldn’t help it, the tone of this single word made her wince. She should have known it would come. Of course he would hate her. No… she would hate him. Pinar would hate Olen for this. Rightfully. But these memories were part of them, it was near impossible to keep them distant. Rajel: ::whispering:: I… Tagus: How could you?! Rajel: ::quietly:: Pinar… Tagus: Kiamon. It was short, but as much a reminder for himself as it was for her. She wasn’t Olen. He wasn’t Pinar. She cursed inwardly. She knew that. He was not her, even if he carried her memories, her life with him. Rajel: Right.. Sorry. Kiamon. ::She sighed.:: I… What was she supposed to say. Sorry that I tore myself out of your life? Sorry that I made your world crumble into pieces? How would one apologize for that? Kiamon cringed. She was clearly struggling and he wanted to care. He also wanted to switch off these memories and get on a shuttle and put as much distance between them as possible. He had always known it was a possibility this could happen, but after so long there was a hope that this would be avoided indefinitely. Tagus: You.. ::no, not her, he reminded himself:: He.. He left.. Them. It was a struggle to put that separation, but he tried. He felt the pain as if it was his own. The heartbreak hurting as if it had just happened all over again. Even the way he said it was all in a kindness to her. Pinar’s words wanting to slip out. oO Coward. How could you, Olen? Oo Every cell in Jalana’s being wanted to tell Kiamon how sorry she was. How much she regretted something that she had not done. The memory was deep ingrained into her. Olen was after all the symbiont’s first host. Rajel: I’m sorry. It was merely a whisper. It didn’t even come close to how sorry she was. There were no words to express it properly. The heartache, the pain, the grief. Everything that Olen had caused, the way he had hurt his wife and their daughter. Without an explanation. Kiamon took a deep breath and began pacing, completely forgetting about the crops and the PADDs and the mission. Lifetimes and lifetimes filled with the lingering grief of losing Olen. And for what? How many people were offered an opportunity like this? And yet, he didn’t know that he wanted to hear it. What could Rajel possibly say that would make this okay? Tagus: He had a family and he just… ::his fists clenched and unclenched repeatedly:: Jalana closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Rajel: I know. He stopped pacing and looked up at her, even though it pained him to do so. The woman he had found so enrapturing now gave him flashes to painful memories. Tagus: I just.. ::he huffed, wishing he could be more eloquent:: I want answers. I need answers. Rajel: No. I don’t blame you. I… I cannot explain it right now. I.. ::she hesitated.:: I will try. But not now. Kiamon’s eyes flashed in frustration and he faced her fully head on. Tagus: Why not now? Rajel: We have the colony to worry about first. ::She said gently looking up to him.:: As much as I want to explain, it… there is a lot to unwrap and ::with a sigh she added, as gently as she could.:: … it won’t bring those lost years back. But we can help the people here to not lose their years… yes? Kiamon shook his head, battling his anger again. Of course he.. No she wouldn’t want to talk about it. Olen never wanted to talk about things. Stubborn until the end- clearly a trait that Jalana shared. Tagus: And perhaps you’ll conveniently just beam back on your ship and leave before we get that chance to talk? ::the accusation was clear in his tone:: She couldn’t blame him for thinking that. It would be easy to finish the work here and run again, never to be seen again. But she knew it would just be a matter of time until she’d have to face it again. She had to give him answers. Rajel: No. I promise I am not trying to push it under the rug. You will get answers. He still wasn’t sure he believed her, but the moment he took to breathe reminded him that they were standing out in the open where anyone could hear and that wasn’t particularly appealing either. And stars, she was right. As much as he hated to admit it, the mission was more important than this right now. Curse his Starfleet training guilt tripping him. Tagus: ::muttering:: Fine.. Jalana hoped that he agreed, but she didn’t understand what he muttered. So under his breath. Rajel: Sorry, what? Kiamon cleared his throat and reluctantly spoke louder. Tagus: I said fine. But I promise you this, if you try to leave without talking about this I will seek you out. I’m not Pinar.. I am far more persistent. Her gaze rested on him. Pinar had been gentle but when she wanted something she dug until she got there. It was how she had managed to deal with Olen all these years, especially when he lost himself in his writing. She was the one to be able to get him out of that world into reality again. But she had no doubt that they had a different kind of persistence. She could already see it in the brief interaction. Rajel: Wouldn’t expect it any different. Kiamon reached his hand out for his PADDs with a sigh, his other hand running through his hair leaving him looking dishevelled. Tagus: So… were you off to somewhere in that hurry or…? It was an olive branch. A peace offering. A signal that he would do his best to play nice right now, even though every fiber of his being was screaming at him to yell at her. Seeing the hand outreached Jalana had the urge for a moment to take it. She already loosened the grip on the PADDs to reach out but then realized he would want his PADDs back and changed the direction of her hand as if that was always planned this way and made sure not to give him hers. Holding out his PADDs she nodded. Rajel: Yes. Ad… Sir Bolen mentioned ruins outside the settlement from the old power plant and such. I wanted to have a look at it. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about them, do you? JP by Commodore Jalana Rajel Commanding Officer USS Constitution B Image Team Co-Facilitator A238906JL0 & MSNPC LtCmdr. Kiamon Tagus Botany/Ecology Specialist On Special Assignment As played by: -------------------- LtJG Dr. Eleanor "Ellie" Park Medical Officer USS Constitution-B Writer pronouns: She/Her or They/Them Character pronouns: She/Her A238908T10
  10. (( Paoike Colony - Crever IV)) Beside the small pool, Ba'el lay where she had fallen. The simple, locally made, compound that coated the darts, was intended to only induce some mild disorientation and discomfort in local fauna. The darts, based on size, and dosage, were sufficient to encourage animals to avoid the colony without causing them any permanent harm. But Ba'el wasn't one of the local fauna. And her Klingon physiology reacted a bit differently to the compounds introduction to her system. It was nothing that would endanger her life, and she would recover in time. But for now, Ba'el was drawn into a very vivid dream. And every so often, her prone form twitched. The first thing she noticed was that she was very warm. A soft crackling sound and the scent of burning wood forced Ba'el to open her eyes. She found herself sitting on the ground in front of a small fire. She looked down at herself and was surprised to discover herself dressed as an initiate of the Followers of Kahless. Ba'el lifted her eyes to examine her surroundings. Though it was dark, she began to pick out enough details to know where she was. oO I know this place! These are the caves just north of the monastery on Boreth! Oo The last thing she recalled, was being part of an away team on Drever IV. So how did she come to be here? Her thoughts were interrupted by a gruff voice. "So, you are awake at last." Ba'el looked up to see a figure swathed in a heavy cloak walk from the darkness and into the chamber. She watched them approach until the figure stopped.The figure pulled back the deep hood of their cloak revealing themselves to be a Klingon male, who was a great deal older than her. At once, she knew who he was. Ba'el: Brother W'mar? What is going on? W'mar: Be silent! The older Klingon settled to the ground, taking a seat across the fire from Ba'el. She remembered brother W'mar from her time at the monastery. He had been one of her tutors during her studies. W'mar was a harsh teacher who had expected his students to do more than simply memorize the words and repeat them when required. His students were required to apply critical thinking to what they read and how the writings applied to the universe as it is now, and not when when they were written. He conducted debates that were almost interrogations until he was satisfied that his students had a clearer understanding of the writings of Kahless. He glared at Ba'el for a moment before speaking again. W'mer: Ba'el, daughter of Laneth, of the house of Konjah. We need to talk. Ensign Ba'el Counselor USS Constitution-B C240012B13
  11. (( The forests around Paoike Colony, Drever IV )) It was silent here and peaceful. Mostly. In the ten years of the colony being in this place it had not happened often that nature and the colony invaded each other. But at times of course some wild creature got confused about the borders. Naturally. Animals did not know about this kind of stuff. So it happened here and there that one found its way into the fields, or even houses. The forest did not know how it had happened but one day someone came and put things up. Things that kept the animals out of the colony. Mostly. These things had ropes and nets, metal cages, others were tubes that shot out pointy things that made the animals sleep. People words like perimeters and defence hung in the air of the forest. And the forest had seen it work many times. None of the creatures were harmed, only stopped. The forest liked that. The people knew how to avoid these things. Even the little furless two leggers. If they came deeper into the forest they knew how to step around, or not go where the things were. The one that put the things out was really good at that, that one also was good with the animals. Knew how to carry them, how to get closer or when to leave them. He used a lot of person words even though he was alone, maybe he talked with the forest. Just that the forest did not speak people words. When a new person came into the forest the forest did not recognize them. If the forest had been able to say people words, maybe it could have warned them. They were walking the wrong way right towards one of the tube things. Maybe the thing thought the person was an animal trying to get into the people place. And then the person went down onto the ground. The forest did not speak people words so it could not warn them. ((OOC: Just for clarification, Ba'el ran into a defence perimeter meant to keep wild animals in the forest because she did not know where those 'traps' are and was alone without her team so nobody could carry her back out. )) ----- The forests around Paoike Colony, Drever IV simmed by Commodore Jalana Rajel Commanding Officer USS Constitution B Image Team Co-Facilitator A238906JL0
  12. I've actually had this kind of response at work when i was talking to someone about this type of stuff. LOL
  13. I loved it! Reading through sims I had to do a double take at this line. lmao EDIT: DANG IT! Jalana beat me to it. lmao I'm leaving it here for posterity that it was so good it got posted twice. lmao
  14. Of course, I had to submit this excellent piece from @Jalana with Queen dealing with the loss of Lazurus due to the quantum swap that brought the Connie Azura Ada.
  15. I snorted my pop through my nose on this one.
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