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Posts posted by Nimue

  1. Those are excerpts from letters sent to officials to which I never got any response - so no Kalianna, you're not out of the loop as suspected - nothing happened!


    Some people even ships are avoiding “Top Sim Contest“, because it is not fair the way it is now. When question was asked around New Year I had no idea what would change in it, or how to make it any better, but with time and talking to people this idea crystallized, so let me explain!

    There’s nothing wrong with submission – when contest will be more “fair” more people will be ready to submit works. I would only go with 11 monthly sections where December sims would go into January submission period.

    In that case sims would be submitted during whole month, only December/January would be two months as one round, and votes would be collected and posted 15th next month – except November votes which would be pushed till 10th December to leave time for Year voting to be done till 25th December.

    Now about voting (if sounds confusing – it’s because it is):

    For every period those who will work on contest will choose one member of each crew to assign points to sims in contest (in rest of the text I’ll call that person ship). Person/voter will be chosen at random and from lower ranking officers.

    BUT – no ship will be able to vote – assign points to their sims, and at all.

    Every ship will be able to distribute a number of points which represents number of sims time 2 minus the number of sims in competition that are coming from that ship time two, and never more than 1/3 points to one single sim.

    Example: Out of 10 sims in contest ship A have 2 sims in contest, shop B 2, ship C 1 and ship E 3, and shop F 2, while G, H and E don’t have sims in contest.

    Ship A will be assigned 16 points to distribute to 8 sims that don’t belong to writers from that ship, same as ships B and F, ship C will have 18 points to distribute among 9 sims and ship E 14 for 7 sims, while ships G, H and E will have 20 points each to distribute among all 10 sims.

    This is confusing in a start, and require more people to work on, but is much more fair and may give new life to the contest.


    Nemo iudex in sinea causa. - no-one should be a judge in their own cause. It is a principle of natural justice that no person can judge a case in which he or she is a party. A person who makes a decision should be unbiased and act in good faith. He therefore cannot be one of the parties in the case, or have an interest in the outcome.

    No I’m not a lawyer, don’t kill me. I’m just trying to get this dying competition back to life.

    Second proposition is to try and make it completely fair by excluding sims from single ship from one of monthly competitions.

    Example – now we have 16 sims to judge about. They are from Tiger, Constitution, Ops, Challenger and Indy.

    In this period – for this sims can vote people from Discovery-B, Eagle, Resolution and Ronin.

    Let’s say it was Discovery’s “month” not to put sims on, and next month it will be Eagle. So next month they will be the “ship to vote” and of course all other ships which will not have sims in competition next month.

    Every ship can send those super sims that were not in competition month before due to obligation in next voting period – next month.

    This also requires work, but... ;)

  2. With so many new people this should live on.

    When discussion was initiated should we change anything everyone was happy with rules, but still not just some people but whole ships ignore contest because it's unfair.

    It is - but there is no way to make it completely fair - unless we'll be able to find judges outside the Fleet.

    If there's a way to make it less unfair, let's make rules which will acomplish it, but abandoning it is just wrong!

  3. ((Main barracks, 2nd floor, Starfleet Enlisted Induction Center, Starfleet Academy Extension Campus, Capitol City, Shinraka))

    ::Lt. Colonel Lloyd Roberts watched as Lt. Walker strode purposefully away. Turning to Llewelyn he observed...::

    Roberts: Helluva XO you got there, Mac. Why don't you go a little easier on him?

    Llewelyn: ::sighing:: You know you're the second Marine Colonel to give me that advice...

    Roberts: Come on, Mac. A little hazing is one thing, but you are about to send that butter bar into some real $#!+... I mean "Slappy"?

    Llewelyn: The kids got guts, no question there. But I gave him that name for a reason, Lloyd. Smart @$$ slapped the $#!+ out of me as I was trying to clear my head from a chemical exposure that made the ugliest grey you've ever seen look like a supermodel.

    Roberts: Sounds like someone I used to know...

    Llewelyn: Alright! Point taken. =/\=Open secure channel, all units...::the combadge tweeted:: This is Dragon...All personnel, take note, 2nd Left-tenant Walker's call sign has been redesignated Wyvrrn. Left-tenant Walker, Confirm redesignation...=/\=

    Walker: =/\= Confirmed, sir. =/\= ::He tried not to let the relief seep into his voice, or the suspicion that the Colonel might have had some influence on his dear CO. Though that would have had nothing to do with the new name chosen . . . if he recalled correctly, wyvrrns were considered a type of dragon, and with Llewelyn's call sign . . . ? Well, it was best not to read too much into these things.::

    Llewelyn: =/\=Copy that, Wyvrrn. Dragon out...=/\= ::turning to Lloyd:: Happy now?

    Roberts: Was that so hard, you crusty SOB?

    Llewelyn: If the Colonel is satisfied with the modification to my command style, perhaps we could discuss something else? My love life, perhaps?

    Roberts: ::genuinely surprised:: You have one?

    Llewelyn: There is being sarcastic, I was Lloyd...don't push it...

    Roberts: ::regarding his old friend sympathetically:: No, really...I can see it in your face, there is someone isn't there...

    Llewelyn: Let me guess, too soon right?

    Roberts: Hey ::he said a little defensively:: I've been there buddy. It happens when and where you least expect it.

    Llewelyn: You aren't going to let it go are you?

    Roberts: Look Mac, we're not in the best position here. If you have someone or something motivating you to get through this Fubar situation, I think it might be good to take a minute and focus on what you've got to live for.

    Llewelyn: Lloyd... A distracted Marine is a dead Marine, is it? And she is very...distracting. You have no idea how hard it is for me to focus worrying about her, worrying if I'm ever going to see her again. It's not that I don't care. I do.

    Roberts: But does she know how much you care? For that matter do you?

    Llewelyn: Since when did we switch roles and you become the counselor?

    Roberts: Comes with the job... I counsel new boots all the time about life, love, comittment... and you are avoiding the question...

    ::Llewelyn took his electronic field glasses and studied the perimeter, detecting no movement for the time being...::

    Llewelyn: It's complicated Lloyd... It's been a very bumpy ride, but I think we are coming to an understanding...

    Roberts: You love her?

    Llewelyn: Ieusu, Maire and all the Saints! There is intolerable you are, is it? Does it matter? In a few hours I'll most likely be dead the way things are going down here. Why speak of such things.

    Roberts: Because they're important Mac! You know for as long as I've known you you've been a Type A anal retentive tough guy who is uncomfortable in his own skin because deep down you are afraid of bending even a little. It doesn't surprise me that you had so many problems getting along with the Regs. You are a warrior, not a diplomat... Hell, even when you were the administrator of the Rhondda Orbital Platform you had your underlings scared $#!+less of you because you were so rigid. The only thing that made you halfway tolerable was the love of your wife and children...

    Llewelyn: ::angry:: What the @#%! Lloyd? Why do you have to bring them up?!

    Roberts: Easy, L-T... I may be your friend, but don't forget your place...

    Llewelyn: ::simmering:: My appologies, Sir... but if I'm such an intolerable [...] then why are you and I friends?

    Roberts: We're friends because above all else you are loyal to a fault and despite your overcompensating tough guy persona, I know that you are an honorable man of deep feelings and honesty. But to be honest, you've grown cold, Mac. I've never seen you quite so angry and bitter.

    Llewelyn: Losing your wife and kids can do that to you Lloyd... I would think that after losing Jon'ay, and then that disaster of a relationship you pursued with Madeleine Prior that [...]ed near got you courtsmartialed, you'd understand that...

    Roberts: Touche'...::he looked at his old friend with compassion:: I guess I was just hoping that you'd found some happiness, Mac. We're war horses, you and I... but its a lonely existance, and your soul needs to feel... to know you are alive and not some cog in a machine...

    Llewelyn: ::anger abating:: I'm sorry Lloyd... I appreciate it really, but to be honest I wasn't expecting to meet anyone like her again so soon...

    Roberts: Like Em?

    Llewelyn: Strong like Em... and with no fear of standing up to me, there is to be certain. This woman has a pair of the biggest and brassiest, let me tell you. And yes, I do have feelings for her, and you know what, they scare the hell out of me and make my head spin at the same time. She's not Em... and I know better than to compare them, but...

    Roberts: Sounds like love to me...

    Llewelyn: Just like that, is it? Just that simple? I don't know, Lloyd... I... don't want to rush it, you know? There is fighting it from getting out of control, I am, day and night and... I'm finding it hard to keep from admitting the fact that... yes, I'm falling for her...::quietly wrestling with his thoughts for several moments, his old friend sitting quietly not saying anything. Llewelyn blinked, he must have dust in his eye, because he found it watering and realized the truth that lay within his heart.:: Not falling... I've already fallen...[...] it! ::Llewelyn pounded the windowsill in frustration...Looking at his friend with a vulnerability few had ever witnessed, a lone tear coming down his face. Wiping it away disgustedly, he admitted.::Yes, I love her. And I've got to get back to her, Lloyd.

    Roberts: If that's not motivation enough to get through this, I don't know what is, Marine...



    CO "C" Company, 24th Starfleet Marine Regiment

    "The Alamo"


  4. ((USS Challenger-A, Officers Mess))

    :: After Elva left, Vojana was sitting in Officer’s Mess with a heavy knot in her stomach. She was alone and as every time when someone or something made her think of Marcus, so lonely. it was strange that being alone hurt her so much when there was so many times she so wanted to be left alone and couldn’t make it. Tears wet her eyes. ::

    oO You said if I think of you you’ll know where to look for me, where to find me. Oh my love, are you as lonely as I am. Oo

    :: She slowly got up and walked out of a Mess and to her quarters. She managed to stop a tear or a ton of tears forming but knew it will not last long. Lack of a message, a word from Marcus was pressing her chest for too long and when the door closed behind her in empty quarters all the pain rushed through her and shattered all her strength. Vojana fell on her knees and burst in tears. ::

    :: Looking out the window, reaching the stars she called for her love. ::

    oO Are you still watching stars looking for me or you forgot me? Do you know how I’m dying slowly every day wishing you to be here by my side? Do you know I’m calling your name, every day, every hour of every day? I’m seeing you in every man, oh my love, my heart bleed for you. Oo

    :: Vojana laid on a floor in a fetal position squeezing her knees until hurt hoping physical pain to push in a background another one no painkiller can contain. For a long time her life was incomplete... ::

    oO In my memory life starts from the moment I met you. I’m giving a silent prayer every night, begging to see you tomorrow. Oh I’d give everything just to can touch you again. Your last kiss, look in your eyes burn like a fire in my chest. Oh, I’m so lonely without you, and that loneliness is breaking my heart a half. In my life you were all, and since we parted my life is disaster. but I don’t regret even a minute of it, as long as there’s a chance we’ll be together again. Oo

    :: The unfortunate byproduct of love is pain. She knew it, but it lasted for far too long now to be endurable. There were others out there she cared for. Friends and family alike. How many she lost in her life? Those who gave their lives in line of duty... she offered silent prayer for them. There were then the ones who were out there somewhere, people she cared about, thankfully alive, against the odds or not. She prayed for them, too. For her age she felt a lot and lost even more, so was not ready to lose anyone else, if she can help it. ::

    :: She couldn’t and knew that, but hoped her loved ones are just safe out there somewhere. ::

    :: Vojana didn’t know how long she was laying like that, but knew it was too long since was freezing, she got up to her itching knees, but when tried to get up couldn’t so crawled to bed and fell asleep jaded. ::

    << I’m coming, my love...>>

    :: She awoke in a dim night light of her quarters trembling. She could feel him as he was there in a room, but as was waking up she realized it was just a dream. Vojana wandered what awoke her, and soon concluded it was the fact that ship is moving again so covered and fell asleep again. ::


    PNPC Vojana Minerva Satscher


    USS Challenger NCC-12886-A


    as simmed by

    Ensign Mailea Labria


  5. While I am gratified to have my post entitled "the Alamo" put forward for consideration, in the interest of being fair, the post does contain at least one open dialog tag, and is therefore inelligible under the rules. I wanted to bring this to the attention of the moderator and respectfully ask that it be removed from consideration, as I do not want any potential votes that could determine the winner for this round to be discarded because of the post's disqualification. I will not re-submit it, but if Boby wishes to, there was a subsequent post that I believe included all tags...


    There's ONE open tag and because you couldn't just tag it regularly as everyone....

    I agree that "The Turbolift to Nowhere" is a masterpiece so I'll let this one fall from competition!

  6. Exactly, Llewelyn is of those “loud people“, my character is afraid of. Personally I am, too. :(

    Drag queens are quite rarely homosexual. While “straight” tend to characterize them as LGBT, LGBT society, tend to deny them same as hermaphrodites, due to the fact that their sexual orientation is not toward same sex! While I understand it for drag queens for hermaphrodites it sounds strange (for me) since every sex is “same“ sex for them, lol! But this is wrong place to discuss it so I’ll end it here.

  7. Oh man, no, do differ drama and drag queen!


    The term "drama queen," or less frequently, "drama king" is usually applied to someone with a demanding or overbearing personality who tends to overreact to seemingly minor incidents. A drama queen often views the world in absolutes, and only has two settings on her emotional control button; zero and ten.

    A drag queen is a person who dresses, and usually acts, like a woman often for the purpose of entertaining or performing. There are many kinds of drag artists and they vary greatly from professionals who have starred in movies to people who just try it once. Drag queens also vary by class and culture and can vary even within the same city. Although many drag queens are presumed to be gay men or transgender people, there are drag artists of all genders and sexualities who do drag for various reasons.

  8. Llewelyn is a Drama Queen, and as that written masterfully. You can love him or hate him. I choose to love him and mostly because of another similar character I hated on first encounter and it showed deepness and ability to care that I felt guilty for hating him in the beginning. And they are very much alike ("Dodger" from China Beach), so this is nice insight into another side of the Tough guy.

    Besides, we’re not to judge writing style but quality of writing what is mostly forgotten in this competition and is diminishing its value greatly.

  9. ((Main barracks, 2nd floor, Starfleet Enlisted Induction Center, Starfleet Academy Extension Campus, Capitol City, Shinraka))

    ::Lt. Colonel Lloyd Roberts watched as Lt. Walker strode purposefully away. Turning to Llewelyn he observed...::

    Roberts: Helluva XO you got there, Mac. Why don't you go a little easier on him?

    Llewelyn: ::sighing:: You know you're the second Marine Colonel to give me that advice...

    Roberts: Come on, Mac. A little hazing is one thing, but you are about to send that butter bar into some real $#!+... I mean "Slappy"?

    Llewelyn: The kids got guts, no question there. But I gave him that name for a reason, Lloyd. Smart @$$ slapped the $#!+ out of me as I was trying to clear my head from a chemical exposure that made the ugliest grey you've ever seen look like a supermodel.

    Roberts: Sounds like someone I used to know...

    Llewelyn: Alright! Point taken. =/\=Open secure channel, all units...::the combadge tweeted:: This is Dragon...All personnel, take note, 2nd Left-tenant Walker's call sign has been redesignated Wyvrrn. Left-tenant Walker, Confirm redesignation...=/\=

    Walker: Reply, sigh of relief, a generous swelling of pride, whatever...

    Llewelyn: =/\=Copy that, Wyvrrn. Dragon out...=/\= ::turning to Lloyd:: Happy now?

    Roberts: Was that so hard, you crusty SOB?

    Llewelyn: If the Colonel is satisfied with the modification to my command style, perhaps we could discuss something else? My love life, perhaps?

    Roberts: ::genuinely surprised:: You have one?

    Llewelyn: There is being sarcastic, I was Lloyd...don't push it...

    Roberts: ::regarding his old friend sympathetically:: No, really...I can see it in your face, there is someone isn't there...

    Llewelyn: Let me guess, too soon right?

    Roberts: Hey ::he said a little defensively:: I've been there buddy. It happens when and where you least expect it.

    Llewelyn: You aren't going to let it go are you?

    Roberts: Look Mac, we're not in the best position here. If you have someone or something motivating you to get through this Fubar situation, I think it might be good to take a minute and focus on what you've got to live for.

    Llewelyn: Lloyd... A distracted Marine is a dead Marine, is it? And she is very...distracting. You have no idea how hard it is for me to focus worrying about her, worrying if I'm ever going to see her again. It's not that I don't care. I do.

    Roberts: But does she know how much you care? For that matter do you?

    Llewelyn: Since when did we switch roles and you become the counselor?

    Roberts: Comes with the job... I counsel new boots all the time about life, love, comittment... and you are avoiding the question...

    ::Llewelyn took his electronic field glasses and studied the perimeter, detecting no movement for the time being...::

    Llewelyn: It's complicated Lloyd... It's been a very bumpy ride, but I think we are coming to an understanding...

    Roberts: You love her?

    Llewelyn: Ieusu, Maire and all the Saints! There is intolerable you are, is it? Does it matter? In a few hours I'll most likely be dead the way things are going down here. Why speak of such things.

    Roberts: Because they're important Mac! You know for as long as I've known you you've been a Type A anal retentive tough guy who is uncomfortable in his own skin because deep down you are afraid of bending even a little. It doesn't surprise me that you had so many problems getting along with the Regs. You are a warrior, not a diplomat... Hell, even when you were the administrator of the Rhondda Orbital Platform you had your underlings scared $#!+less of you because you were so rigid. The only thing that made you halfway tolerable was the love of your wife and children...

    Llewelyn: ::angry:: What the @#%! Lloyd? Why do you have to bring them up?!

    Roberts: Easy, L-T... I may be your friend, but don't forget your place...

    Llewelyn: ::simmering:: My appologies, Sir... but if I'm such an intolerable [...] then why are you and I friends?

    Roberts: We're friends because above all else you are loyal to a fault and despite your overcompensating tough guy persona, I know that you are an honorable man of deep feelings and honesty. But to be honest, you've grown cold, Mac. I've never seen you quite so angry and bitter.

    Llewelyn: Losing your wife and kids can do that to you Lloyd... I would think that after losing Jon'ay, and then that disaster of a relationship you pursued with Madeleine Prior that [...]ed near got you courtsmartialed, you'd understand that...

    Roberts: Touche'...::he looked at his old friend with compassion:: I guess I was just hoping that you'd found some happiness, Mac. We're war horses, you and I... but its a lonely existance, and your soul needs to feel... to know you are alive and not some cog in a machine...

    Llewelyn: ::anger abating:: I'm sorry Lloyd... I appreciate it really, but to be honest I wasn't expecting to meet anyone like her again so soon...

    Roberts: Like Em?

    Llewelyn: Strong like Em... and with no fear of standing up to me, there is to be certain. This woman has a pair of the biggest and brassiest, let me tell you. And yes, I do have feelings for her, and you know what, they scare the hell out of me and make my head spin at the same time. She's not Em... and I know better than to compare them, but...

    Roberts: Sounds like love to me...

    Llewelyn: Just like that, is it? Just that simple? I don't know, Lloyd... I... don't want to rush it, you know? There is fighting it from getting out of control, I am, day and night and... I'm finding it hard to keep from admitting the fact that... yes, I'm falling for her...::quietly wrestling with his thoughts for several moments, his old friend sitting quietly not saying anything. Llewelyn blinked, he must have dust in his eye, because he found it watering and realized the truth that lay within his heart.:: Not falling... I've already fallen...[...] it! ::Llewelyn pounded the windowsill in frustration...Looking at his friend with a vulnerability few had ever witnessed, a lone tear coming down his face. Wiping it away disgustedly, he admitted.::Yes, I love her. And I've got to get back to her, Lloyd.

    Roberts: If that's not motivation enough to get through this, I don't know what is, Marine...



    CO "C" Company, 24th Starfleet Marine Regiment

    "The Alamo"


  10. ((Planet Borlan VI, Federation space and the border the Saurian Empire))

    :: Dr. Derringer was a Professor of Archeology who in recent years retired from the Daystrom Institute to do freelance work. The Avalon sector was largely unexplored and he had studied up on some reports from a colony on a planet that had ancient and unexplored ruins. Eager to unearth some secrets he and a couple of his protégé traveled for nearly a week before arriving on the planet. The expedition had only been on there for two days and the dig site already looked like they had been there for weeks. ::

    :: Borlan VI was a cool planet slowly orbiting a distant white dwarf which should be covered in ice except for a five hundred mile stretch of dense evergreen forest and tundra that extends the entire equator of the planet. From space it looks like a white globe with a green ring. Scaring the entire landscape of the planet is deep canyons that rival the tallest in the galaxy. The planets large size makes its gravity heavier then Federation standard which makes the trees and vegetation thick and hardy. ::

    :: Life on Borlan VI is difficult but habitable. The only colony is Canyon City. The city is large stretching for twenty kilometers inside a canyon that sits on the planets equator. It has thousands of coves etched in the canyons walls interconnected by various flexible but sturdy bridges. In the middle of the city are two large water falls on each side of the canyon from rivers of melting glaciers hundreds of miles away. At the bottom of this trench is a series of deep hot water geo-fissures that is continually replenished by the waterfalls. Four decades of development made this the only city on the planet, sprawling with thousands of inhabitants who call this home. ::

    :: Several thousand miles away on the other side of the planet, the expedition was excavating on the only intact ruins on the planet. The ruins consisted of black spires that reached almost a kilometer high. They were thin like spider legs. Most of the spires had been broken and shattered due to thousands of years of weathering and decay except for one spire that stood in the middle of the ruins that was the tallest. The excavators called these ruins "The Spider Ruins". The ruins were mostly covered with moss and had patches of snow in places. Dr. Derringer and his crew were braving an

    especially cold windy day. He was observing some hieroglyphs and markings that intrigued him. ::

    :: Dr. Derringer was a tall man who in his old age was developing a small pop belly that seemed to be aggravated by the planets heavy gravity. His skin was rugged and brown. It looked as if he had been in the sun all his life. His life was full of many different planets and excavation dig sights and spending days and weeks at a time in transports. ::

    Derringer: Hmm, these markings I have never seen before, their different then the outside of the complex. :: his young protégé stood next to him writing and drawing everything he saw. ::

    Williams: Perhaps its religious marking of some significance.

    Derringer: Hm, that was I originally thought. :: Observing a pictograph of a figure standing in front of a pyramid.:: But then these… other figures are outstretching their arms toward the central figure perhaps royalty.

    Williams: A tomb for royalty perhaps.

    Derringer: Then that would mean there are burials sites or chambers where they keep their dead. There's nothing here but spires.

    Williams: Geo scans reveal nothing underground…

    :: While they were talking the ground began to tremor and a bright red light began oscillating in one of the pictographs. They both froze. ::

    Derringer: What did you do?

    Williams: Nothing I was just standing here talking to you… Doctor look one of the pictographs. It's the one with squiggly lines.

    Derringer: I keep seeing that reoccurring all over the ruins. I think it means the air.

    Williams: We must have triggered something.

    :: The ground began to shake again but much more violently the dim blue sunlight began to fade like night as a thunderous sound came from the sky. The Professor and his students looked up and saw an ominous black cloud descending from space as lightning and dark reddish clouds emanated from the center of a dark ring. A defining

    roar of wind gushed through the excavation sight. ::

    Williams: What is it!?

    Derringer: It's some kind of storm! :: A female student came running over to the two. ::

    Neenah: Come on, we can hide under the other spire! Let's go!

    :: The whole crew left their work and belongings and ran toward an alcove under one of the smaller intact spires. They all huddled in and sat on the ground next to each other. They sat there for several minutes listening to what has happening, small tremors would occasionally shake them. Noises of lightening continued until they diminished and the wind died down. Then they herd an eerie low hum that seems to vibrate faster and then slower at different times. As

    the noise died down they started speculating about what the noises were coming from. They started to notice the cold feeling of the snow after their adrenaline subsided. ::

    Williams: I'm going to take a look out there and see whats going on.

    Neenah: Be careful.

    Williams: I will, be right back.

    :: Williams got up and slowly peaked outside the alcove they were in. Seeing the coast was clear and the lighting had stopped he walked around the spire. It was dark as night. ::

    oO Weird night fall isn't until another twenty hours. Oo

    :: His gaze was immediately set upon a large ship hovering above that covered an area of three and a half kilometers in the shape of a ring. It was a black, onyx vessel almost the same color as the spires the expedition was excavation. In the middle was a hallow center with a red orb of throbbing energy that was the source of the loud humming noise. Williams ran back to the alcove. ::

    Williams: :: Panicking :: Doctor, it's a ship, a big ship!

    Derringer: Is it Starfleet.

    Williams: No, I've never seen a Federation ship that big!

    Neenah: Is it the Borg.

    Williams: I don't know it could be, we need to get out of here!

    :: They all got up and left the alcove in the shadow of this large imposing vessel. They quickly ran toward their transport just outside the excavation site. The heavy gravity made it difficult to get momentum. As they approached the vehicle a tall shadowy figure stood in front of it. It was hard for them to see who it was. The shadow figure stretched its hand and protruded a short blue beam of light like a laser sword that lit the surrounding area of darkness. ::

    Shadow Figure: ::inaudible word, almost demon like.:: Shinwock'tow!

    :: Dr. Derringer and his crew blacked out. ::



    Dr. Veronica Leona, Lieutenant J.G.

    Chief Science Officer

    USS Discovery-B

  11. Sorry - thought it's one week for submissions and one for voting. Seem logical.

    So if submissions for one period and voting for previous are at the same time, then everything is OK except...

    If round 18 last as all other then it's wrong

    * 2009: Round 18

    + Submissions: Mo 09-28 - Su 10-18

    + Voting: Mo 10-19 - Su 11-01


    * 2009: Round 18

    + Submissions: Mo 09-28 - Su 10-11

    + Voting: Mo 10-12 - Su 10-25

    Uf then runoff is wrong dates, too!

    * 2009: Runoff Round 1

    + Voting: Mo 10-26 - Su 11-08

    + In runoff round 1, ten sims will be randomly selected amongst the group of 20 eligible sims. Voters will choose one sim from the group to move on to the final round.

    * 2009: Runoff Round

    + Voting: Mo 11-09 - Su 11-22

    + In runoff round 2, the other ten sims will be voted on, with one sim moving on to the final round to compete against the winning sim from Runoff Round 1.

    * 2009: Final Round

    + Voting: Mo 11-23 - We 12-27

    + In the final round, the two sims chosen in the runoff round will be pitted against each other for title of "Top Sim, 2009"!

  12. As asked by Admiral I'm posting it here for everyone to can check. It looks great in word, but who knows how will it pass here... :blink1:

    • 2009: Round 1

    o Submissions: Mo 02-02 - Su 02-15

    o Voting: Mo 02-16 - Su 02-22

    • 2009: Round 2

    o Submissions: Mo 02-23 - Su 3-01

    o Voting: Mo 03-02 - Su 03-08

    • 2009: Round 3

    o Submissions: Mo 03-09 - Su 03-15

    o Voting: Mo 03-16 - Su 03-22

    • 2009: Round 4

    o Submissions: Mo 03-23 - Su 3-29

    o Voting: Mo 03-30 - Su 04-05

    • 2009: Round 5

    o Submissions: Mo 04-06 - Su 04-12

    o Voting: Su 04-13 - Mo 04-19

    • 2009: Round 6

    o Submissions: Su 04-20 - Mo 04-26

    o Voting: Mo 04-27 - Su 05-03

    • 2009: Round 7

    o Submissions: Mo 05-04 - Su 05-10

    o Voting: Mo 05-11 - Su 05-17

    • 2009: Round 8

    o Submissions: Mo 05-18 - Su 05-24

    o Voting: Mo 05-25 - Su 05-31

    • 2009: Round 9

    o Submissions: Mo 06-01 - Su 06-07

    o Voting: Mo 06-08 - Su 06-14

    • 2009: Round 10

    o Submissions: Mo 06-15 - Su 06-21

    o Voting: Mo 06-22 - Su 06-28

    • 2009: Round 11

    o Submissions: Mo 06-29 - Su 07-05

    o Voting: Mo 07-06 - Su 07-12

    • 2009: Round 12

    o Submissions: Mo 07-13 - Su 07-19

    o Voting: Mo 07-20 - Su 07-26

    • 2009: Round 13

    o Submissions: Mo 07-27 - Su 08-02

    o Voting: Mo 08-03 - Su 08-09

    • 2009: Round 14

    o Submissions: Mo 08-10 - Su 08-16

    o Voting: Mo 08-17 - Su 08-23

    • 2009: Round 15

    o Submissions: Mo 08-24 - Su 08-30

    o Voting: Mo 08-31 - Su 09-06

    • 2009: Round 16

    o Submissions: Mo 09-07 - Su 09-13

    o Voting: Mo 09-14 - Su 09-20

    • 2009: Round 17

    o Submissions: Mo 09-21 - Su 09-27

    o Voting: Mo 09-28 - Su 10-04

    • 2009: Round 18

    o Submissions: Mo 10-05 - Su 10-18

    o Voting: Mo 10-19 - Su 11-01

    • 2009: Runoff Round 1

    o Voting: Mo 11-02 - Su 11-15

    o In runoff round 1, ten sims will be randomly selected amongst the group of 20 eligible sims. Voters will choose one sim from the group to move on to the final round.

    • 2009: Runoff Round

    o Voting: Mo 11-16 - Su 11-29

    o In runoff round 2, the other ten sims will be voted on, with one sim moving on to the final round to compete against the winning sim from Runoff Round 1.

    • 2009: Final Round

    o Voting: Mo 11-30 - We 12-27

    o In the final round, the two sims chosen in the runoff round will be pitted against each other for title of "Top Sim, 2009"!

  13. In a mail Admiral! You just need someone to check it. Got really good idea how mistakes can occur. :whistling: Almost done it when had to go out, when returned found 3 mistakes until July! :sweating:

  14. I'm against banning it as long as there are ships where majority of simmers read only sims specifically tagged to them in title. Everyone know when produce really good sim and want to be recognized for that, and not many people from all ships participate in forums.

    There's actually nothing wrong with rules. Every ship is different, as people on them are. And seeing rules wrong because people from one ship participate much more on forum and propose more of their sims and vote for them is nothing wrong with neither rules nor them.

    Call more actively people to participate in forums.

  15. ((Deep Space 17 – Medical Science Lab))

    Salen: Mr. Any. How are you feeling, my name is Par, and I just patched you up as much as I can. Are you able to process any of this ?::waving his hand towards the injured medic's flat form, the bandaged hand.::

    ::Par noticed the young man scream as he looked down at his hand, obviously noting his lack of fingers. He honestly didn't have time for theatric behaviors.::

    Any: I’m ruined, you know. I know I can get my fingers back, but no way I’ll be accepted as surgical resident. And a chance to be accepted into a joining program with it is even less. ::sigh:: How can I help you counselor?

    Salen: Well, first, I am sorry about your hand Mister Any, I have a regenerator set on it and your fingers should be back by the end of the week. I hardly think this will prevent you applying for a surgical residency.::Par watched the man keep staring blankly at his hand, sighing deeply, so he decided to move things along a little.::

    Salen: Well, glad to hear that you are coming about...now umm..::smiling sheepishly:: would you mind terribly hoping off the table and giving me a hand with the Doctor here::gesturing to Satscher's moaning, twitching form.::

    ::Any did as ordered, completely uninterested and depressed. He was watching counselor bringing several hypospray containers, injecting doctor with every and each. Satscher groaned, trembled few moments and then started to contract violently… after few moment her heart stopped.::

    Any: What happened, what is it you gave her? ::Any started reanimation. ::

    Salen: Less talk, more saving Doctor's life, Mister Any. At any rate, it was a [...]tail to help with the pain and some antivirals extracted from our crude vaccine attempts !::Par did compressions while Any took care of ventilation for the Doctor. It seemed to go on forever, he was about to start electrical stimulation.::

    ::After few minutes of frantic work in silence two managed to get Satscher back to life. When everything was checking good, two sat on a floor sweating violently.::

    Any: This was… ::Any let his voice trail in disbelief... ::

    Salen: We did good Any, she's back, for now..I admit, I didn't forsee her crashing..it was curious...::Par stared off into space, lost in thought, afraid he nearly killed the one person he needed to save the most.::

    Any: ::tremble:: You’re right. But what could’ve produced such a reaction. Vaccine? It don’t make sense. Just don’t make sense.

    Salen: I don't see how the vaccine could have done it, maybe it was the combination of drugs, sometimes these things don't always mix well. We have to keep trying, she has the virus already, she won't live long if we sit on our hands, Any.

    Any: And what if vaccine IS what caused it. We can lose her next time. I’m not ready to take that responsibility. Are you? ::Salen twitched on the harsh was Any asked question. Any himself was surprised by his own courage to question his now commanding officer.::

    ::Par jumped a little at the harsh tone and words the subordinate had lashed out at him with. His first instinct was to clamp down on the crewman.::

    Salen: Well, despite your obvious anger and perhaps fear, which will serve you ill as a surgeon, I can see by your tone that you disapprove of my treatment methods. I am well aware that we may reach a point that we can't bring her back, Any.

    Any: Are you trying to say you would not stop your captain if make crazy decision?

    Salen: I would make certain I had my facts straight before I made a fool of myself like that, Mister Any, one doesn't make half-[...]ed accusations at one's superior officers and hope to function well on a starship. I like to gather data, mull it over and respond as quickly and efficiently as possible. Having said that, you would do well to realize that if we DO NOTHING, we WILL lose her, so I must do as she instructed me to do. ::Par let enough menance ring through his tone he was sure Mister Any must have read the message clearly.::

    ::Counselor’s response hit Any hard, they just went silent. Both tired, frightened sat in silence until almost an hour later young Ensign brought young girl who was choking wildly. They both jumped, Any grabbed girl and intubated her. It was hard to do, her throat was contracting as Satscher’s body. They worked on her for more than hour but small body gave up, and with tears in their eyes they, with just a nod agree it is a time to give up.::

    Salen: She was only six...the virus had done too much damage..I promised her she would be okay...::Par's voice faded to silence as he slumped to the floor. He saw Any slide down the wall next to him, sweat covered their bodies, fatigue ached in every muscle.::

    ::Two man sat on a floor again, now even more depressed than before. Watching Ensign Lost and a man who brought girl in storing little body in a black bag they just reached for each other’s hand.::

    Any: Now I understand. If Doctor Satscher ordered you to use vaccine on her, let’s carry on her orders. It’s time for next round.

    Salen: We can't let the Doctor die, she will if we don't keep trying, we need her to end this all, ..::looking at Any with a smile:: you ready for this Doctor ? ::Par stood and offered Any a suprisingly strong hand up.::

    Any: As ready as can be…

    ::Salen administered [...]tail of medicaments meant to help Satscher’s body fight followed by vaccine, and again reaction was wild, but predicted, expected, this time they knew what to do. This time it took them longer to revive her. When finally made her stable it was time for Salen to announce bad news to everyone. To tell them vaccine from dead strain is not working.::

    ::Par grit his teeth hard, grinding them against each other fiercely, he couldn't believe it ! What was it going to take ? They could bring life to the dead but they couldn't stop an organism without so much as a brain? He felt rage and grief swelling inside, his hands went to dab at his eyes, the gloves of his biosuit making it less effective than he had hoped, the tears started to form.::

    Any: I’m sorry, Sir. ::Any paused for just a moment to let Salen compose himself.::Sir, you should check on Somers. In all this mess we forgot her.

    ::Par cursed himself, of course Alex needed care, she was in who knew what kind of danger if she wasn't take care of...head injuries don't fix themselves...well almost always don't. He turned to Any, summoning strength and conviction.::

    Salen: Go and check the samples on the centrifuge against those that Satscher had donated, looking for specific protein sequences, common threads as it were.

    Any: Yes, Sir. ::Any was too distressed to say, or ask anything else, and even more when Commander Riley entered lab like a Tiger…::

    Riley: Counselor, what is Doctor Satscher's status?

    Lt.jg. Par Salen


    USS Tiger

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