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Lhandon_Nilsen last won the day on February 3

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About Lhandon_Nilsen

  • Birthday 01/14/1993

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    Milton Keynes
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    TTRPG, Psychology, Writing

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  1. Yes @Morro Caras is absolutely right, it's the hair. It's @Avander Promontory 's superpower.
  2. If the next act doesn't turn into Les Mis, I'll be most disappointed lol
  3. May I introduce you to unhinged, unlimited mega-capitalism. The character of Grend in that sim is a Zet...or to give him his full title; "The rightful Prince Da'ni'Grend of Koreli-Four and the Danni people, child of the slain king, Zet King Ma'det'ain'ths'ng'in'Grend" https://wiki.starbase118.net/wiki/index.php?title=Zet
  4. One of my favorite things to read in sims is the hint of the person a character is about to become. In this sim, Lhandon has been killed,* and the video is on display for all to see. Morro and Lhandon were close. We see Morro fight through the pain of seeing one of his closest friends lying dead on the screen, motivating Lhandon's old department into action and channeling their pain into something meaningful. This gives us a glimpse of the type of leader @Morro Caras will become. *or has he?
  5. Hey, don't blame me, it's not like my NPC snuck onto the ship and took down the computer core....wait, actually yeah this one is my fault...sorry.😅
  6. This thought from @Toxin Arlill is the current state of the mission Captain: Captured! First Officer: Barley holding the ship together. Second Officer: Captured! Diplomatic Officer: Missing and has a five star wanted level. Whose now leading negotiations?: The Operations Chief!
  7. Every diplomatic officer needs their emotional support marine. I adore the details as @Wes Greaves approaches his position, crawling through the mud, keeping low. You really feel like you're with him on this sim, you too scrumming it with him as you scramble to get to a better position. Greaves added so many awesome details to this scene, such as the node and the atmosphere that I completely forgot about, and in doing so elevated this scene to new heights. There's also the hint of tracing the figure 8 on the chest of the Zet, and even if you know nothing about being a soldier, you're given more than enough to infer, and Greaves really, really does bring you along for the ride. Greaves makes Tom Clancy seem like an enthusiastic amateur
  8. "@Josh Herrick It seemed like they’d been dealt a hand of bad choices; interfering in geopolitics seemed to be best left to diplomats. An image of Nilsen popping in his mind almost made him chuckle aloud given how brash the man had been in some of their meetings. But maybe this would be the proving ground for if he deserved to be on the command track." Meanwhile Nilsen be like:
  9. Just add to this, I love how serious and real our mission is and then suddenly 🎶 SCP, SCP, put them in your belly and gonna turn them into jelly 🎶
  10. @Morro Caras showing us then when you deal with the Zet, you should always have an ad-block installed. I was laughing so much reading this sim.
  11. I was singing Hamilton all evening after reading this.
  12. @Sevantha having way too much fun introducing a brand new MSNPC at the start of Act Two.
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