Kalianna Nicholotti Posted January 24, 2013 Posted January 24, 2013 ((Breeman Residence - Earth))::Patri was gone. Jan sat at the edge of the young woman's bed andwondered. Why had she been out so late like that the other night? Why hadshe said Kevin would be alright with such odd certainty?::::The clock had just struck seven AM and Alvin was already outside, pacingthe deck wondering what to do next. Had she run away? She hadn't seemedterribly angry with her. Why would she break the law like that when she'dbeen proving herself now to be such an upstanding citizen?::((Dreamscape - Patri's Mind))::She's outside the house again, the dark figure looming in the distancedown the straight snowy path. The moon overhead looks at her surprised tosee her out like this. As she approaches the man and finds only a longtree trunk where she'd previously met Kevin the other night she shivers.Beneath her feet the snow crunches softly as she walks through theotherwise silent night.::::Looking down she lets her mind drift through the sparkling stars in thesnow as the ice crystals pick up the moonlight. If she moves her head orher body just right some of the stars come on and others turn off. Swayingslowly to let one particular star switch on and off she barely notices themountains forming in her patch of milky white space on the ground. Soonthey have mountain tops that shine brilliantly. And then shadows, as thelight shines on her. She looks up. There's a doorway standing in front ofher.::::Blinking she wonders if she's ended up in front of someone's house.Suddenly self conscious she prepares her best explanation. I'm sorry sir,I was just out for a midnight stroll. I didn't mean to walk onto yourproperty.::::No one's there. It's just a door in the snow, in front of a pair oftrees. She steps forward.::((Breeman Residence - Earth))Alvin: Did you hear anything last night?Jan: No...::She sighed.::Alvin: She was doing so well. And now this!??Jan: You don't know that she ran away.Alvin: What else could this be?::She looked at him, trying to calm him down. Should she tell him aboutthe incident the other night? Should she tell him she was starting to seeaspects of Kevin in her?::Alvin: What? What is it?Jan: ::Quietly:: I saw her outside the other night night.((Dreamscape - Patri's Mind))::Patri recognizes Jan speaking softly with Alvin in her room. In Kevin'sroom. The whole thing seems so real. She runs a finger along the spine ofa book and she lets it gently slide and then fall over on his bookshelf.Jan's upset. Alvin's angry. Disappointed. Did she read that on his faceright?::::She walks a little closer to the point her nose is almost between thehusband and wife as they speak.::Alvin: So you think she left last night?::Sighing, Jan says,::Jan: I don't know. I wasn't sure how to tell you about this but... Wellthere it is.::Patri blinks, lays a hand down on Jan's shoulder.::Jan: I wish she'd stop tugging at me like that.::Her voice is muffled, strange.::Alvin: It's never fair when she does that.::She pats her hand atop Alvin's head, as the room fades from view into thedarkness that's always been there.::Alvin: Come on..... ::The voice fades.::((Breeman Residence - Earth))Alvin: So you think she left last night?Jan: I don't know. I didn't think it was if she went for the occasionalwalk. Kevin did it and I got used to it.::Sighing, Alvin said,::Alvin: Then we're just going to have to call the police. I'm sorry, butshe's technically violating the terms of her release.::Jan nodded and said,::Jan: I know..::Behind them the room was silent, save for the sound of something smallslipping on one of Kevin's old bookshelves.::((Patri's Perspective))::She's sitting in a wing chair now, her head resting on the cushions. Howlong was she asleep? In front of her is another chair, along with a sofa.Standing she approaches the door. Turning the handle she steps out into astreet made of shining brass. Beneath her feet several clear papers driftby, carried by wind from the sun that hangs directly above.The door behind her closes and a building that casts no shadow stands aboveher, two lonely windows separated by a gulf of decaying wall peering dimlyout into the city street.::::She turns to her left and gasps. There's no horizon. The street rollsup toward her. She turns to run to escape it only to be confronted withthe very same landscape that threatens to envelop her on the other side.Nothing is flat. She's perpetually falling forward. No. She's standingstraight up while the ground rushes to catch her but never succeeds.::Patri: What the hell?::She looks down at her feet picks up a sheet of clear paper and tries toread the writing that flickers on and off. The gentle breeze tosses herlong brown hair that catches the light of the sun in the center of hersphere.::Patri Jia KomFormer Computer HackerAs simmed byLt. Cmdr. Kevin BreemanChief EngineerStarbase 118
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