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What if Gene Roddenberry was still alive.

What would we have different at sb118, in your opinion?

There are a lot of people here who play a serous sim game so if we could reprogram a computer to come up with the new ideas for star trek what would they be?

If, for example, rather then logic switches there were direct protégées of Gene could we unite in the star trek camaraderie? how would this change the shape of the vision for the future?

But. can there ever be pure and simple growth into the future of star trek?


I know one thing would be different; Gene wouldn't have let the Dominion War take place. I understand it was a good plot device and a lot of great episodes of Deep Space Nine came from it, but war wasn't in his vision of the Star Trek universe.

Posted (edited)

I know one thing would be different; Gene wouldn't have let the Dominion War take place. I understand it was a good plot device and a lot of great episodes of Deep Space Nine came from it, but war wasn't in his vision of the Star Trek universe.

I'm probably going to draw flames for this, but...

... I don't really like Gene's idea for the future when it comes to telling a good story. Sure, I'd love to live in his 24th century, but telling stories there the way he envisioned it is difficult.

I know the writers for ST:TNG were quoted as saying something similar to, "So Gene said, you have this perfect world where everyone gets along, all the world's problems are solved, technology can do almost anything and medicine can fix almost any problem, there's no violence or hate or hunger or sadness or loss or money or greed or envy... now go write drama."

This was why in a lot of the episodes which aired while he was alive were generally of the genre "Something mustache-twirlingly evil from outside the ship attacks the ship or its crew". By and large, the crew (along with the Federation civilians) were all one big happy super loving family.

Which makes it difficult to write drama. ;)

There are many things about DS9 that would never have been allowed to happen if Gene were still alive. The religious aspects for one, the big story arc about changelings and the Marquis (see 'no traitors' above), the Dominion War (arguably one of the most awesome story arcs in Trek history, your mileage may vary)...

When Ronald D. Moore was given Battlestar Galactica, he took many swings at this style of writing and it shows in the way that series was run. From the word "go", anyone could be a Cylon. People, by and large, hated, feared, and distrusted the military and for justified reasons. The characters were often deeply flawed ethically and morally, technology was flaky, unreliable, limited and used sparingly... and there was plenty of greed, violence, hate, hunger, sadness, (not so much money, but...) to go around. Again, your mileage may vary, but it certainly made writing drama a lot easier.

All my two cents. :)

Edited by Alleran Tan/Radi Rais

I know I try to interweave drama in my sims for excitement..

like my holographic Engineer has an evil double that is so far only in the wiki but we will see at some

to be totally engaged in the creation of "good" plot motifs then what happens to the character development?

I would say that Gene could pull off the positive plot ideas but I don't know anyone to fill those shoes.

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