Jalana Posted January 8 Posted January 8 (( Brig - USS Constitution-B )) Even though the shooting was done, Senior Commander Nugra found himself still wired. He couldn't sleep and so had decided to stay within the intelligence office finishing up paperwork once Jalana got out of the sickbay. The lizard had heard of her injuries and knew that she'd throw a fit if he just barged in. So, he was busying himself finishing what need to be done for her, her boss, and Starfleet Headquarters. He was about done with the report when his eyes glanced over the names of the prisoners and one jumped out to him. One that made his heart stop for a moment and his scales become heated with rage. Shapeshifter - Que This couldn't be? Hadn't she vanished back in 2392 when he was on the USS Columbia? Even worse, that specific changeling had been posing and the woman he cared so much about, Talia Kaji. The Gorn had sworn he would kill the changeling if he ever found her again. oO It's been almost a decade. Oo Not even waiting or explaining himself, the lizard made his way purposefully towards the brig where it was being held. The heavy doors clambered open and Nugra strode in. He looked towards the startled security guard and spoke. Nugra: Give us a moment, Ensign. The human hurried out. Sitting the floor of the brig that had been rigged with a double forcefield to keep her from slipping out was the face of the woman he despised. Dark hair, the imitation features of a humanoid. Her eyes were closed as she sat cross legged. The Gorn stared at her silently as a small smile crossed her face. Que: I was wondering how long it would take you to realize I was here. Nugra: If this was not a starfleet vessel. You would be dead by now. Que: How fortunate that Starfleet believes in such humane treatment. Unlike your people. The Gorn considered going over to the phaser rack and getting one but he was not going to rise to the bait. Her dark eyes finally opened as she looked him over, his starfleet uniform he had adopted with the black collar but bearing the Gorn insignia of his rank. Que: I see you're in Intelligence now. :: eyes roaming :: And not with Starfleet. You back with the Hegemony? Nugra: An obvious observation. The smile on the Changeling's face got bigger. Que: Oh. So short with me. Would it be easier to talk to me if I was her? Her formed shifted and sitting on the floor was the dark skinned Rodulan that he had not seen in years. The fury that burned within him almost pushed him over the edge. Nugra: Your insult will not be forgiven, changeling. There will come a day that I will kill you. Que's form switched back and she let out a little laugh. Que: So violent. The Gorn ignored her. Nugra: Is Sicarius working with the Lattice Alliance now? I thought we finally was rid of your kind after the Prometheus Incident. Que: Not that I know of. You could say I'm...freelancing. There are so many opportunities now since you all wiped out most of our infrastructure. The Gorn couldn't tell if she was lying or not. He couldn't trust her. Nugra: But you are still with them. They aren't completely gone. Que: Of course, we're never gone. Let's just say we need to...bide our time. You know what's out there. You have seen them yourself. The Gorn's eyes narrowed. Sicarius was aware of the extra-galactic creatures called The Hunger that had been making their way towards the Milky way. Evidence showed that they were at the edge of the Great Energy Barrier but unable to cross. There had only been two incursions he knew of. Back when he was at the Embassy and when he was with his people. Both had been stopped. Sicarius believed that the galaxy had to be prepared no matter the cost. And their cost was high in lives. OOC: The above mention of The Hunger is an old story arc from Nugra's time on the USS Victory. It is NOT a hint of any future mission or anything we have plan. Just lore from the Gorn's past. Nugra: Well you are out of business. Whatever your plan is. Que: If that makes you feel comfortable, Commander. The Gorn stared at the changeling before turning on his heel to leave. Que: Hey, Senior Commander. The Gorn turned back silently. Que: Do me a favor? Nugra: And what is that? Que: ::smirking:: Tell Azura we'll be seeing her soon. A cold chill ran down his scales. OOC: the above was approved by Commander Ada. PNPC Senior Commander Nugra Intelligence Officer USS Constitution-B
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