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PNPC LtJG Chandni Kapoor - 3 ... 2... 1.. Tag!

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(( Main Cargo Bay ))

Chandni had done this job for many years but nothing had prepared her for the parkour she had to do in this battle. Running between shelfing units and cargo piles, climbing up ons aid shelves, dodging under some units, fast curves, quick slaps to tag, and on to the next one. It seemed that the battle had paused and she stood, sweaty and panting in the middle of the Cargo bay.

She needed to pick up the exercise just in case this ever happened again, not that she hoped for that. Better be safe than sorry. The break was good, her heartrate was just normalizing when the ship shook again and it almost kicked Chandni off her feet.

Kapoor: ::hissing:: Kya bakavaas hai? ((OOC: What the hell?))

She held herself up at a shelf and calmed her heart down when a call came in.

Cain: =/\= Kapoor, you there? =/\=

She tapped her badge and wiped her forearm over her sweaty forehead.

Kapoor: =/\= I'm right here. Response

Cain: =/\= Tag something that’s either going to give us a big bang or looks like a big bang. =/\=

Kapoor: =/\= Big bang? =/\=

What was he planning? Her eyes scanned the cargo bay to see if she had anything like he wanted.

Cain: =/\= Just do it Lieutenant. You have 20 seconds. =/\=

20 seconds. Damn. She didn't give a damn about ranks or whatever, but he was the person up there who would know what needed to be done, well one of them. So she would do it trusting he didn't try to blow up their own ship.


Chandni suddenly had an idea, but it was not in this cargo bay. Grabbing two tags, she ran out, knocking over the tray with the tags on the way.


Running through the corridor like a mad woman she called out.

Kapoor: Out of the way!

She still bumped into someone as she quickly moved on. She had to get one deck down. She couldn't risk having to wait for the lift and instead took the stairs. Luckily the staircase wasn't far. She pretty much smashed the door open and jumped several stairs at once, taking the corner with the help of the banister and kicked out of the next deck's door.


The Officers on this deck were much more sensible and side stepped, pressing themselves against the wall as they saw her coming, running down the hallway, panting for breath as the reached out for the door frame of the next Cargo Bay and used that to get around the corner faster, heading straight for two large containers standing at the back of the way. Hydrogen, that would give them a big boom for sure.



Tag you're it on one. She rushed to the other container.



Tag! The slap actually burnt in her hand.

Kapoor: =/\= ::panting:: OPS to Bridge. Ready! =/\=

Cain: =/\= Acknowledged.::In the same breath:: Cain to Ba’el =/\=

Chandni closed the line and was about to sit down and lean against those containers to catch her breath when they vanished and she simply landed on the ground gasping for air.

Might as well!

After a moment the ship shook again, she assumed the shockwave of the Hydrogen blowing up. Lucky she already was on the floor.

LtJG Chandni Kapoor
Operations Officer

simmed by

Commodore Jalana Rajel
Commanding Officer
USS Constitution B
Image Team Co-Facilitator

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