Popular Post LCDR Aine O. Sherlock Posted August 4, 2024 Popular Post Posted August 4, 2024 Doucet's bedside manner at the end, chef's kiss. Lean into it, jab'em. Quote (( Sickbay, Deck Ten, USS Chin’toka )) Brodie: No problem, once you’re happy let us know – it sounds like we might need another pair of hands over there. Sylvie nodded at him and watched him move away to the other doctor for a moment before turning her attention back to Stapledon. Doucet: Alright. Lieutenant, what’s your pain level at now? Do you need more in the way of pain management? Stapledon: I'm okay. It feels numb but like I can also feel the leg's there. The redhead suppressed a small smile and nodded. “Numb” seemed an apt descriptor for how she felt as well, not physically but mentally. It wasn’t an unfamiliar feeling but it was never a pleasant one either. Doucet: Good. Walk carefully and don’t hesitate to lean on supports if you need it. Feeling a bit unstable for the next few minutes is normal. Once we’re done with all this, come back and I’ll take another look to make sure it’s all still settling in normally. Stapledon: Understood. Thank you, doctor. This time, she let the smile through, the expression a warm and welcome one. Doucet: Of course! Let one of the nurses know if you want a cane on the way out. They can replicate one quickly and since it’s temporary, we won’t need to get fancy with the measurements. Stapledon: Response, if desired? She watched the engineer walk off, then looked over the rest of the room. There were too many injured crew for her to treat by herself, but she wasn’t alone. Off in the distance, she saw one of the ICU beds being crowded around by a pair of medics, one of which she recognized from the Astraeus. oO I hope that’s the burned man from the Brig. He seemed like he could still be saved. Oo Brodie: ::To Doucet:: We could maybe do with another pair of…more skilled hands than mine. The counselor’s voice brought Sylvie’s focus to where he stood next to the injured Vulcan, who seemed … a little out of it, understandably enough, even though she was clearly trying to get out of bed. And doing a poor job of it. The doctor walked over to join her coworkers and patient. T’Ama: ::glaring accusatory:: You’re not Quentin. Doucet: ::nodding gravely, putting on her best poker face:: My apologies. He’s preoccupied. Edrei: Deep puncture wound from a bite on the left shoulder. I repaired the tissues and nerves before closing the wound and administered antibiotics. Extreme ocular trauma on the right eye which led to avulsion and damage to the surrounding tissues, which I am working on currently. Finally, there are second-degree burns on the right shoulder, as well as third-degree ones on her face, as you can see. Doucet: So I see. That’s … a bite wound. Remarkable. Anything else? T’Ama: ::sighing wistfully:: He was so dorky with that mustache. Now it’s gone. ::suddenly grumpy:: Stupid hot Quentin being hot. Where even is he??? oO Ah, men. Usually not worth it, T’Ama, don’t worry. Oo Brodie: Response? Edrei: Initial scans don’t reveal any internal bleeding or trauma. But I’d like to make some more precise scans later to make sure we didn’t miss anything. Sylvie nodded to indicate she was still listening. It was always nice to work with a cautious doctor. T’Ama: ::singing quietly:: I’ve found my mind, I’m feelin’ sane, it’s been awhile but I’m findin’ my faith… Brodie: Response? Edrei: She also has a low hemoglobin level due to the abundant blood loss. I think it might be useful to do a blood transfusion to speed recovery. What do you think? Doucet: Yes, definitely. I’m surprised she’s still awake, actually. Let’s get her settled down a bit so we can get that started. T’Ama: ::singing:: If everything’s good and it’s great, why do I sit and wait ‘til it’s gone? Brodie: Response? Sylvie blinked. That was not a typical reaction from someone bleeding out. From what she could tell, T’Ama wasn’t supposed to be drunk either. Edrei: response Doucet: Just … out of curiosity, what did you give her and how much? T’Ama: ::singing:: Oh, I tell ya, I know I’ve got enough, I’ve got peace and I’ve got love. oO Oh darling, this is Sickbay, not a karaoke bar. Oo Brodie: Response? Edrei: response Doucet: Ah. Okay. Well then. T’Ama: ::crescendoing in song:: But I’m up at night thinking I just might lose it aaaaa-aaaaaa-AAAALLLL!!! The biobed started complaining once she started really belting it out. Sylvie couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of this moment. Brodie: Response? Edrei: response Doucet: I don’t think the biobed’s a fan, no. Honestly, this is entertaining. Doctor Brodie, can you get me 5ccs of improvoline? The sedative was one that, in accordingly low doses, worked well for calming patients down rather than putting them entirely to sleep. Hopefully, it’d be enough to get T’Ama to at least sing more softly. Brodie: Response T’Ama / Edrei: Response Doucet: ::singing softly:: Take a picture, don’t forget her. T’Ama / Edrei: Responses? She smiled and shook her head slightly. It was an absurd day. Might as well lean into it. Doucet: Let it linger in your view. Brodie: Response Sylvie gave him a nod of thanks as he gave the loaded hypospray to her. Doucet: The formula for finding magic. She checked the dosage and moved to inject it into the lieutenant’s neck as she sang and without waiting for T’Ama to go into her next line of the strangely familiar song that the Vulcan hybrid was singing, she injected the calming sedative. Doucet: One plus one, just me and you. T’Ama / Brodie / Edrei: Responses Lieutenant (junior grade) Sylvie Doucet Assistant Chief Medical Officer USS Chin'toka NCC-97187 A240011SD3 (Character: she/they | Author: fae/they) 4 1
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