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MSNPC One: They are coming

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The Obsidian order... How do you think all of that?!?

Once again a great sim by @Kettick


(( Science Directorate, Shai Bel ))


Vahin: You are…you’re the replacement for ::looks down at the dead Remmilian:: This one?


One nodded, politely. It seemed like a statement of the obvious, but since it came from one of his betters (which admittedly encompassed everybody who wasn't a One, or possibly a tribble), his was not to question why.


One: It is indeed this one's joy to serve the Science Directorate.


Drex: I... made a mistake, sir. I set up the scans too loosely.


The Remmilian tuned out the alien who was lamenting some mistake or another - he was certainly not offend the man, who seemed to be part of Colonel Oddas' retinue, by suggesting he could help correct his mistakes, whatever they were. Similarly, Doctor Ijo seemd to be in a serious conversation with the Colonel, and... well, interrupting that was almost as good as a guarantee that the next One would have two corpses to clean out, and he wasn't sure the procedure had taken that configuration into account.


Vahin: Well proper disposal of the remains does make sense. I suppose you should go ahead with the replacement procedure.


One: :: With a respectful bow :: At once, Master.


The blue-skinned man had not introduced himself, and thus One had decided to err on the side of caution when choosing the right honorific. Pulling out his one-shot weapon, he took careful aim, and watched the body dissipate into nothing with a slight hiss.


Under a dispassionate exterior, the Remmilian was silently lamenting the pointless waste of it all. He really wished that the Homeworld sent a couple of body-recycling units their way...


Vahin: When you’re finished with that perhaps you could help me with something?


One: This One is honored to serve, Master.


The insectoid assistant quickly disposed of the spent weapon in the nearest disposal chute, and hurried back to the Bolian's side, finding him working on a communications console.


Vahin: I need to attach this ::holds up tricorder:: To that. ::points to console:: Can you help with that?


One stared, unblinking, at the alien object in the man's hand. He had no idea what it was, which usually meant he had no business knowing what it was... except he kind of needed to know in order to make it work.


Oh, well, worst case the next One would be en route soon.


One: Forgive this one's ignorance, sir, but what would be the goal of this procedure?


Vahin: Well, I’m hoping it will boost the signal of my scanner so that it lets us know if anyone is heading towards us. I'm sure... won't mind if you help us.


The man motioned towards the Doctor and the Colonel, carefully not pronouncing any name. Everything clicked in One's mind. The Colonel, incognito. Cloak-and-dagger precautions. An unknown device, the likes of which One had never seen. And the man currently giving him orders, high-ranking enough that he could not be bothered to perform a menial task such as connecting the mysterious contraption if an underling could do it.


Clearly, One had just been recruited in the service of the Obsidian Order! He would perform his task, and then the Doctor and him would be executed to remove any witnesses, allowing the shadow hand of the Pah'Wraiths to carry their holy mission.


What a day! What a lovely day!


One: At once, Master.


The Remmilian set to work with a joyful zeal, which from the outisde still equated to a dead-eyed, apathetic contentment. The interface of the spy gadget was simple enough, and finding the right connector was the matter of a moment. When the connection was made, One took a step aside, letting the Bolian work on the unfamiliar interface.


Vahin: Response


Drex: Response (if any)


The assistant cocked his head sideways, studying the readouts.


One: Ah, it would seem that the coordinate system requires recalibration, Master. The way they read currently, you would think that people were coming from under...


As if on cue, the ground shook, and smoke began to fill the room as a section of the floor collapsed inwards, like the crater of a tiny volcano.


Falt: Response


One scanned the room frantically, searching for a weapon. Alas, it would seem that the emergency weapon storage had been cracked already.


Oddas: Commander! Don't shoot --


Falt: Response


The Remmilian turned around, and amongst the swirls and eddies of smoke and dust, saw a scene that would have made a more nervous species freeze: the Colonel, her hands up, in front of what was clearly a filthy (as in literally soil and dust-covered) Rebel.


Drex/Any: Response


There was but one course of action possible at that point, and One rushed forward, trying to tackle the man, or at the very least catch any shot meant for the Colonel.






Eighth of the name


Shai Bel Science Directorate


as simmed by


Lieutenant-Commander Kettick

Chief of Engineering

Denali Station




Your Engineering department kindly reminds you that you are supposed to read the flakking manual.



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