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Ensign Sasch Kreshkova - Her Mentor and Friend

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I enjoyed this flashback sim from @Sasch Kreshkova. Always good to get a peak into a character’s past. 🙂

(( USS Narendra - En Route to the Mess Hall ))

Sasch wound her way from her quarters to the turbolift.  Both her eyes and her ears were functioning, but they didn’t hear or see much of what was actually going on around her.   She rubbed the spot on her nose where she had unceremoniously dropped the PADD where she had read Starleet’s “Missing in Action” notice.  Her memory of the day that she met Armand was still so vivid.

((Time Index: Three Years Ago))

A cadet with green hair sauntered along the cliffs on the edge of the SanFrancisco bay.  The salty spray from the waves crashing at the base of the rock ledge thirty feet beneath her had left her with both a slightly damp feeling as well as a notable gritty feeling from the salt left on her skin once the water had evaporated.  The first year cadet should have been back on the Academy grounds cramming for the same finals everyone else with her specialty was, but she couldn’t focus.  

She kicked at a pebble sending it catapulting over the precipice and continued plodding along as her thoughts sprinted in ten different directions.  Sure, her grades put her at the top of her class, but she felt like that was the only thing she had going for her.  She had no real friends or social life to speak of - not from lack of being friendly, but because no matter where she went, it was whispered all around her, that she was Admiral Kreshkova’s daughter.  She would catch snippets of conversations.

Person 1: So that’s why she’s getting an “A” in Flight Dynamics.


Person 2:   It’s so obvious to everyone that she’s getting a little ‘help.’ 

The comment would be followed by a twitter of laughter.  Or after one particularly stunning maneuver during one of her flights, she heard …

Person 3:  I’m sure daddy is giving her some one-on-one coaching on the weekends.

The eighteen-year-olds face contorted into several different looks in quick succession - though not out of anger.  If she had been watching someone in a similar situation as to what she was in, she may have thought the same thing - but she would have been wrong.

Lost in her thoughts, Sasch didn’t hear the approaching footsteps.. From behind her, she heard the words…

Delacroix:  Twain really was right when he said the coldest winter he ever spent was a summer in San Francisco.

Startled from her reverie, Sash spun around.  Stepping close to the edge of the bluff, she nearly lost her balance and plummeted over the side, but a strong hand grabbed her by the arm and yanked her back.  Standing in front of her holding onto her arm was Armand Delacroix.  He would be a rising senior in the same focus that she was in - Flight.  Kreshkova’s mouth opened, but nothing came out.  Once he was sure she was steady on her feet, Armand released her arm.  There wasn’t an overt smile playing on his face, but it seemed like it was just under the surface and could break out at any second.  After watching the green-haired ensign for a short span he said…

Delacroix:  Walk with me, Kreshkova.

The first year cadet paused, but as he started walking, Sash moved to catch up and then fell into step beside him with a silent nod. The two walked on in silence for a little while.  Finally it was Armand who broke the calm between them.

Delacroix:  How many times have you spoken with your father this year?

His tone was purposefully neutral, but he could see Sash’s jaw clench at the question.

Delacroix: It’s just a question

With her gaze straight ahead, she simply answered …

Kreshkova: Vonce.

Delacroix: And what was the topic of that conversation?

Sash continued walking.  She wasn’t refusing to answer his question, but she was afraid of what he might think of her if she answered it honestly. After several long, slow breaths, she said … 

Kreshkova:  I asked him not to contact me again during zhe school year.

The senior of the cadets nodded.  

Delacroix:  I thought as much.  ::He paused.  I’ve been watching you.

Kreshkova: ::Blurted out in frustration:: Everyvone’s been vatching me!

Instead of irritation, Armand laughed, which brought a scathing look from Sasch.  But Sasch’s outburst was followed by a good-natured …

Delacroix:  Yes, but I’ve been watching you in a different way for a different reason.

Sash cast him a sideways glance.

Kreshkova: And vhat have you discovered? 

Delacroix:  You’re a hard worker.  You’re the first to arrive and the last to leave.  You don’t complain.  You don’t ask for favors.  You don’t kiss anyone’s backside. ::Smiling over at her.:: You’re the real deal.

All the frustration that Sash had previously felt evaporated, and this time she blinked several times in rapid succession.  Raising her chin, she asked …

Kreshkova: But you’ve been vatching me …. To what end?

Delacroix:  ::Said matter-of-factly:: Two reasons.  First, I think you need an ally.

Sash’s mouth opened to protest, but Armand cut her off.  

Delacroix:  Not a nanny.  An ally.  Someone who can tell people to knock it off - when you can’t hear what they are saying or when you’re not around.  Someone who can make sure that you’re getting a fair shake.

The first-year cadet tilted her head sideways at him as she considered his words.

Kreshkova: And second?

Delacroix:  I want you to join Nova Squadron.

Immediately her whole visage brightened.  

Kreshkova:  Vhat?  Nova…Seriously?

Delacroix: Seriously.

Kreshkova:  But can second years?

Armand slowed both his pace and his words.  

Delacroix:  Not usually, but exceptions have been made often enough in the past.  You won’t stand out as if you’re the only one, and if I hear anyone say that it was your dad who pulled the strings, I will set them straight.

((Current Time))

That one conversation had changed the whole course of her Academy career.  Delacroix had pushed her - sometimes more than she thought she could handle, but he was fair and even handed.  And he kept his word.  Sasch no longer heard the whispers about who her father was or how he was helping her. 

But now he was gone - her mentor and her friend…

Suddenly, broken from her reverie by a fit of laughter, the young woman paused her walking.  Somehow she had made it from her quarters to the mess hall without really remembering the journey.


Ens. Sasch Kreshkova
SB 118

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