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Crewman 1st Class Cheesecake Watanabe - Friends, Reunited

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A great sim by @Alieth as the Ronin's loveable Cheesecake. I love this puppers. 



((Main Engineering: Warp Core- Reactor Main Level, Deck 11, U.S.S. Ronin.))

((Two Hours After Mission Disengagement.))


Cheesecake had had one of the strangest days of her doggy life. First, it had been the loud noises. Cheesecake didn't like loud noises, so he had taken refuge in the tunnels in the wall. Because she knew the wall tunnels were safe, and they hummed like a happy prey. They were also warm, if she wanted them, or especially cool if she wanted to remember her home planet. Nothing was ever as cold as New Siberia, not by a long shot, but it reminded her enough of the reason for her thick fur. And also how much her life had improved since those times.

Unfortunately, the tunnels had not been quiet and CC had had a DAY. She'd run away, hid and barked and bitten. She'd even received a nasty cut on her side that still hurt like hell. But the worst? It had been spiders. She didn't like spiders, they moved strangely and made the fur on her back bristle. Only rats were worse.

So, she had found the child. He was slim, slender and reminded her of someone in her first flying house, which had made her like him immediately. Besides, he was a kid, and everyone knew that the law of dogs demanded that kids and dogs were automatically the very bestest of friends. It was the law!

Luckily, the boy was brave, resourceful and smart. Which made him a perfect partner. He was also funny and a good scratcher, which had been a plus.

From then on, the day had changed. It had been enjoyable, they had had ADVENTURES and what was scary then was no longer so, because she had a child and had to protect him and all had gone well. The horrible day had turned into a great day and CC was delighted with the boy.

At that moment, the two were resting near the heart of the ship. She didn't know why, but the boy seemed to like it. She liked it too, because it made a pleasant sound and was always full of friends, and that's why she had hidden there one of the (multiple) stacks of food she had stashed around the ship.

They were sharing a ham and cheese sandwich that she had stolen from the lounge a day ago, when she heard a noise behind her hind legs... and suddenly a friend and a stranger appeared.

Watanabe: Bork!

She side as a warning to Teryn and a greeting to her friend. Behind her, the kid popped out. He held a biped thingy in his hand and met the newcommers with a wide smile.

Teryn: Kirsty! :: excited as he crawled towards them, patting Cheesecake gently :: I made a new friend! I'm calling her Fury the Robot Killer! You won't believe what kind of a day I've had! I was going for a walk through the ship and then everything went dark there were spiders, except they were robots and we had to fight them off … Fury saved my life, I thought they might kill us but we managed to hide through the Jefferies Tubes, turns out Terran dogs have really good hiding skills.

Watanabe: Bork!

She corroborated earnestly as she wagged her brush tail at Kirsty. She liked the human. Because she was a human and because she liked to run around and do stuff, and CC always found her doing interesting activities. Plus, in the office, she had a ball. It was all she needed.

Carpenter: Response

Teryn: :: looks at the hyper spanner:: Oh I always carry one around. Just in case I want to look inside stuff. I fixed a few things while we were hiding. Does that make me a Starfleet Officer now?

The boy got out of the tube, and Cheesecake followed him, because as far as he knew, there could still be danger. And they still hadn't finished their sandwich. That's when they ran into the big cat-man. It wasn't the aggressive black one, nor the one who used to go to her handler's office and always gave good belly scratches. This one was different, gray and striped and had funny ears. The big mastiff wagged her tail preemptively, wondering if he was friendly.

Briza-Kar: Are you well youngling?

The boy nodded, his mouth slowly opening wide. Cheesecake nuzzled his hand, to remind him to stay awake.

Carpenter: Response

Then the cat-man put a paw on the boy’s head and ruffles his hair.CC pulled back her ears, worried that it was an aggressive move, but in the end she relaxed them and let her teeth show in a canine smile. He was scratching her head, that was good. Not as good as having her ears or chin scratched, but almost.

Briza-Kar: I'm glad you are safe.

Watanabe: ::enthusiastically::Borrobork!

Carpenter/Briza-Kar/Teryn: Response

As usual, Cheesecake had no idea what the two-leggeds were talking about, but they were moving, and that was always a good thing. Her handler used to accuse her of looking like a rug with an overdose of narcotics about half the time, and urged her to move more, but the truth is that CC actually LIKED to walk. She just didn't like to hurry. Or get tired. And a little extra fat was always a good trait for a mastiff. The man with the big beard and the spots knew that, and that's why he always gave her snacks. That's why he liked him, too.

Watanabe: ::incisively::Bork!

Somehow, the child's sentence seemed to require support, and she made it known with her booming, powerful voice. The panels of the walls shook a little, and she rested her muzzle on the back of the boy's hand as she forced herself to squeeze between the boy and the woman who ran in the mornings.

Carpenter/Briza-Kar/Teryn: Response

Somehow, the atmosphere seemed to relax and CC wagged her tail, glad for the change after the stress of the day.

Watanabe: ::affectionately:: whine

Carpenter/Briza-Kar/Teryn: Response


[[Tag! TBC]]




Crewman, 1st Class Cheesecake Watanabe
A very good girl

USS Ronin USS-34523




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