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Falt / Forsyth / Vahin / Xiron / Harper the spy team in the Alps

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Holodeck is always fun, and since @Tomas Faltorganized the event I'm looking forward to see how things will evolve. A nice collaboration from Falt,Xiron,Harper and Forsyth!



((Cable car in the Alps, Holodeck 2, Deck 6, USS Eagle))




Harper: We could just order the computer to give us appropriate attire…




Falt: ::with mocked shock:: Where’s the fun in that? Besides, real spies wouldn’t be able to ask the computer to just provide them with clothes.




Xiron::nodding toward the others:: Ready?




Harper: I suppose so. 




Tomas gave a grin




Falt: Besides. I’m sure you know how to incapacitate someone?




Vahin: ::to the guests:: My apologies; I swear I saw something that looked bear-like.




Xiron: I must have burrowed back underground.




Harper: I do, actually.  




Tomas raised an eyebrow, it was a good question and it would be equally sensible to have an answer before they did anything drastic. He thought quickly.




Falt: Why don’t we dress them in our clothes and then tell security at the top that they tried to attack us?




Harper: I guess that’s what we’re going to have to do.  




Satisfied Harper was now on the same page as the rest of them Tomas tuned back into the conversation around him…




Guest: I think something is going on here. I think we better tell the host about this when we reach the top.




Despite Vahin’s amusing struggle with Earth trivia his performance was having the desired effect, the guests were all completely focused on him and not the rest of the team. Xiron was the first to take advantage and strike, hitting her target in the back of the neck. Appropriately for a spy thriller the woman simply collapsed as a result, unconscious. Harper was next up, using a sleeper hold to subdue her quarry.




Harper: There we go. 




Vahin: It’s about time.




With two of his crowd already down Vahin ended his show with a powerful uppercut to his targets chin.




Vahin: ::softly:: Sorry.




Xiron: Nice punch Vahin!




Harper: It was a very nice punch.




Tomas nodded, it had indeed been a good punch. His own target was still standing and beginning to look really angry at the events that had just unfolded in front of him. Tomas brought him down with a swift chop to the jugular.




Harper: I guess we’d best get changed.




Falt: That was the idea, yes.




Xiron::Smiling slyly:: So….Are we all just going to change in this car together or can we pause the game for privacy.




The question gave Tomas pause. He was pretty sure they’d all gone through decontamination cycles or had torn uniforms over the years, but he now realised that really wasn’t the same as stripping down for a holodeck game…




Before he could reply the holodeck arch appeared in the middle of the car, before swishing open to deliver Lieutenant Forsyth into their game.




Forsyth: Hi, Sorry I was late but I had to take a call from my mother. 




Tomas raised an eyebrow, as entrances went it wasn’t the most subtle.




Harper: If anyone wishes to have some privacy, please feel free. 




Xiron::Her antennae bounced in a shrug at Harper’s statement..::Alright then.




Tomas wasn’t remotely concerned about taking his uniform off, he had sensible under garments on after all. He bent down and began removing the smart suit from his victim.




Falt: ::to Forsyth as he dressed himself:: Glad you could join us!




Forsyth: Thank you, W-What are we doing here?




Vahin: We’re spies and um…we’re stealing clothes.




Tomas finished pulling on his new pants and shirt and set to work tying his bowtie.




Falt: Since you’ve joined late I suggest you just replicate something




Forsyth: Oh, Right.::beat:: That makes more sense now, Cool. 




Vahin: ::pulling on his stolen pants:: I’m almost ready.




Harper: I guess we’re ready then?




Forsyth: I'm not really familiar with spy thrillers, I'm more of a detective fan. 




Vahin: ::patting Alex on the shoulder:: Just follow our lead. ::looks to Harper:: Ready.




Xiron: Ready!




Tomas adjusted his bow tie and donned his jacket. He regarded his reflection in the glass of the cable car for a moment. The program had done a good job with the suit, he really looked the part.




Falt: Ready.




Which was a good thing, because the cable car was now arriving at the top station whether he was ready or not. It came to a smooth half and the doors swished open. To his surprise they were not met by a single immaculately dressed butler or compere, rather than a security party.  




Harper: Oh thank goodness! Please, help, they attacked us!




Vahin: ::stumbles out of the cable car:: Safe at last! ::feigning fear:: We could have died in there!




Harper: These people should be tossed in jail.




Tomas rolled his eyes at the overacting, but couldn’t fault them for getting into the spirit of things.




Forsyth: Response




Butler: Welcome to…




He was stopped mid-sentence by Vahin grabbing his lapels. 




Vahin: We were attacked! I would have died if not for the bravery of that man and woman. ::he motions to Falt and Xiron::




Tomas decided to attempt to look like someone doing their best to keep their cool despite the situation. He knew he wasn’t a very good actor, but on this occasion that might actually help.




Falt::: over-exaggeratingly calm:: It was certainly an unpleasant situation.




Forsyth: Response




Butler: ::politely removing Vahin from his lapels:: Please, sir. Calm yourself. What happened?




The butler looked much more offended by Vahin’s physical assault on his uniform than the one that had supposedly taken place in the cable car.




Vahin: ::overacting:: I’m sorry it’s all too much…




Xiron: It all happened so fast!




Harper: They attacked us in the car once the doors were closed.  




Forsyth: Response




Falt: We managed to subdue them. I must say I wasn’t expecting riff-raff like this to have been invited to the party.




Now Vahin had finally released him the butler seemed to pay more attention to their claims.




Vahin: Everything they said is true! You need to send the car back down! Hurry before they wake up and attack us again!




With the butler distracted Tomas watched as Xiron moved behind him to the cable car control panel. He jumped back slightly as a few seconds later the car behind him suddenly left the station in reverse.




Xiron: Oh my! The car has malfunctioned. When was the last time someone ran a diagnostic on it?::Her antennae shot straight up as she gasped in mock surprise.::




Despite the overacting Tomas was impressed at the initiative she’d shown. He decided the situation now merited a more indignant approach.




Falt: ::to the butler:: First you let the riff raff in, and now the cable car has a mechanical issue? That could have been me out there now, man. This is simply unacceptable.




The butler stared at him silently, with the look of a man suddenly concerned he might lose his job.




Vahin / Forsyth: Response




Xiron took an invitation out of her stolen handbag and waved it in from of the butler, who now looked like his world was crashing down around him. Harper did the same, prompting Tomas to search for his. He found it in the inner pocket of his jacket.




Xiron: I seemed to have forgotten my coat. We should just head on inside.




Harper: Agreed. Ugh, what a horrible way to start a night. Please do something about those horrible people!




Tomas flourished his own invitation before giving the man a final glare and following the others




Harper: Well, that was interesting. 




The team set out towards the only obvious entrance, a large doorway cut directly into the mountainside. As they neared the highly decorated double doors Tomas realised he could hear faint music from within. Without any obvious manual intervention they swung open as the group neared, causing the music volume to peak.




Tomas crossed the threshold and found himself in an enormous room, essentially a cavern carved into the mountain. He’d thought the doors had been highly decorated but the décor in the cavern was something else. Every surface he could see was adorned with white silk or gold, all lit by numerous fine chandelier hanging from the ceiling.




Harper: This looks more like a mansion. 




Falt: Agreed.




Forsyth / Vahin / Xiron: Response




They came to a cloak room and Harper checked in her recently stolen fur coat. Tomas stood back, since he didn’t have a coat to check in.




Harper: What information do we have about our target? 




Falt: Almost nothing. We know their the owner of this… establishment, and the host of the party, but beyond that your guess is as good as mine.




Forsyth / Vahin / Xiron: Response




The music changed to a more upbeat number, causing some of the holographic guests to make their way to the dance floor.




Harper: Should we stay together or split up?




Falt: I think we split up, we can cover more ground that way. I’m not much of a dancer, so I’ll head toward the bar…




Forsyth / Vahin / Xiron / Harper: Response




Falt: Ask questions, poke around, see what we can find out? That kind of thing.




He paused for a moment to snag a glass of champagne from the tray of a circling waiter.




Falt: Who knows, there might even be a game of poker we could join.




Forsyth / Vahin / Xiron / Harper: Response




Tomas nodded in agreement. Fortunately, as well as the rather excellent suit his victim had been wearing he’d also sported a splendid Swiss watch that now adorned his own wrist.




Falt: Let’s meet back here in say, half an hour?




Forsyth /


5 di 4091


Lieutenant Commander Tomas Falt: Confusing the Butler


0 visualizzazioni


Foto del profilo di Tomas_Falt




da leggere,


3 apr


a sb118-...@googlegroups.com


OOC: I've put an ANY tag in at the end of this sim as it would be a perfect spot for anyone else to join in.




((Cable car in the Alps, Holodeck 2, Deck 6, USS Eagle))




Harper: We could just order the computer to give us appropriate attire…




Falt: ::with mocked shock:: Where’s the fun in that? Besides, real spies wouldn’t be able to ask the computer to just provide them with clothes.




Xiron::nodding toward the others:: Ready?




Harper: I suppose so. 




Tomas gave a grin




Falt: Besides. I’m sure you know how to incapacitate someone?




Vahin: ::to the guests:: My apologies; I swear I saw something that looked bear-like.




Xiron: I must have burrowed back underground.




Harper: I do, actually.  




Tomas raised an eyebrow, it was a good question and it would be equally sensible to have an answer before they did anything drastic. He thought quickly.




Falt: Why don’t we dress them in our clothes and then tell security at the top that they tried to attack us?




Harper: I guess that’s what we’re going to have to do.  




Satisfied Harper was now on the same page as the rest of them Tomas tuned back into the conversation around him…




Guest: I think something is going on here. I think we better tell the host about this when we reach the top.




Despite Vahin’s amusing struggle with Earth trivia his performance was having the desired effect, the guests were all completely focused on him and not the rest of the team. Xiron was the first to take advantage and strike, hitting her target in the back of the neck. Appropriately for a spy thriller the woman simply collapsed as a result, unconscious. Harper was next up, using a sleeper hold to subdue her quarry.




Harper: There we go. 




Vahin: It’s about time.




With two of his crowd already down Vahin ended his show with a powerful uppercut to his targets chin.




Vahin: ::softly:: Sorry.




Xiron: Nice punch Vahin!




Harper: It was a very nice punch.




Tomas nodded, it had indeed been a good punch. His own target was still standing and beginning to look really angry at the events that had just unfolded in front of him. Tomas brought him down with a swift chop to the jugular.




Harper: I guess we’d best get changed.




Falt: That was the idea, yes.




Xiron::Smiling slyly:: So….Are we all just going to change in this car together or can we pause the game for privacy.




The question gave Tomas pause. He was pretty sure they’d all gone through decontamination cycles or had torn uniforms over the years, but he now realised that really wasn’t the same as stripping down for a holodeck game…




Before he could reply the holodeck arch appeared in the middle of the car, before swishing open to deliver Lieutenant Forsyth into their game.




Forsyth: Hi, Sorry I was late but I had to take a call from my mother. 




Tomas raised an eyebrow, as entrances went it wasn’t the most subtle.




Harper: If anyone wishes to have some privacy, please feel free. 




Xiron::Her antennae bounced in a shrug at Harper’s statement..::Alright then.




Tomas wasn’t remotely concerned about taking his uniform off, he had sensible under garments on after all. He bent down and began removing the smart suit from his victim.




Falt: ::to Forsyth as he dressed himself:: Glad you could join us!




Forsyth: Thank you, W-What are we doing here?




Vahin: We’re spies and um…we’re stealing clothes.




Tomas finished pulling on his new pants and shirt and set to work tying his bowtie.




Falt: Since you’ve joined late I suggest you just replicate something




Forsyth: Oh, Right.::beat:: That makes more sense now, Cool. 




Vahin: ::pulling on his stolen pants:: I’m almost ready.




Harper: I guess we’re ready then?




Forsyth: I'm not really familiar with spy thrillers, I'm more of a detective fan. 




Vahin: ::patting Alex on the shoulder:: Just follow our lead. ::looks to Harper:: Ready.




Xiron: Ready!




Tomas adjusted his bow tie and donned his jacket. He regarded his reflection in the glass of the cable car for a moment. The program had done a good job with the suit, he really looked the part.




Falt: Ready.




Which was a good thing, because the cable car was now arriving at the top station whether he was ready or not. It came to a smooth half and the doors swished open. To his surprise they were not met by a single immaculately dressed butler or compere, rather than a security party.  




Harper: Oh thank goodness! Please, help, they attacked us!




Vahin: ::stumbles out of the cable car:: Safe at last! ::feigning fear:: We could have died in there!




Harper: These people should be tossed in jail.




Tomas rolled his eyes at the overacting, but couldn’t fault them for getting into the spirit of things.




Forsyth: Response




Butler: Welcome to…




He was stopped mid-sentence by Vahin grabbing his lapels. 




Vahin: We were attacked! I would have died if not for the bravery of that man and woman. ::he motions to Falt and Xiron::




Tomas decided to attempt to look like someone doing their best to keep their cool despite the situation. He knew he wasn’t a very good actor, but on this occasion that might actually help.




Falt::: over-exaggeratingly calm:: It was certainly an unpleasant situation.




Forsyth: Response




Butler: ::politely removing Vahin from his lapels:: Please, sir. Calm yourself. What happened?




The butler looked much more offended by Vahin’s physical assault on his uniform than the one that had supposedly taken place in the cable car.




Vahin: ::overacting:: I’m sorry it’s all too much…




Xiron: It all happened so fast!




Harper: They attacked us in the car once the doors were closed.  




Forsyth: Response




Falt: We managed to subdue them. I must say I wasn’t expecting riff-raff like this to have been invited to the party.




Now Vahin had finally released him the butler seemed to pay more attention to their claims.




Vahin: Everything they said is true! You need to send the car back down! Hurry before they wake up and attack us again!




With the butler distracted Tomas watched as Xiron moved behind him to the cable car control panel. He jumped back slightly as a few seconds later the car behind him suddenly left the station in reverse.




Xiron: Oh my! The car has malfunctioned. When was the last time someone ran a diagnostic on it?::Her antennae shot straight up as she gasped in mock surprise.::




Despite the overacting Tomas was impressed at the initiative she’d shown. He decided the situation now merited a more indignant approach.




Falt: ::to the butler:: First you let the riff raff in, and now the cable car has a mechanical issue? That could have been me out there now, man. This is simply unacceptable.




The butler stared at him silently, with the look of a man suddenly concerned he might lose his job.




Vahin / Forsyth: Response




Xiron took an invitation out of her stolen handbag and waved it in from of the butler, who now looked like his world was crashing down around him. Harper did the same, prompting Tomas to search for his. He found it in the inner pocket of his jacket.




Xiron: I seemed to have forgotten my coat. We should just head on inside.




Harper: Agreed. Ugh, what a horrible way to start a night. Please do something about those horrible people!




Tomas flourished his own invitation before giving the man a final glare and following the others




Harper: Well, that was interesting. 




The team set out towards the only obvious entrance, a large doorway cut directly into the mountainside. As they neared the highly decorated double doors Tomas realised he could hear faint music from within. Without any obvious manual intervention they swung open as the group neared, causing the music volume to peak.




Tomas crossed the threshold and found himself in an enormous room, essentially a cavern carved into the mountain. He’d thought the doors had been highly decorated but the décor in the cavern was something else. Every surface he could see was adorned with white silk or gold, all lit by numerous fine chandelier hanging from the ceiling.




Harper: This looks more like a mansion. 




Falt: Agreed.




Forsyth / Vahin / Xiron: Response




They came to a cloak room and Harper checked in her recently stolen fur coat. Tomas stood back, since he didn’t have a coat to check in.




Harper: What information do we have about our target? 




Falt: Almost nothing. We know their the owner of this… establishment, and the host of the party, but beyond that your guess is as good as mine.




Forsyth / Vahin / Xiron: Response




The music changed to a more upbeat number, causing some of the holographic guests to make their way to the dance floor.




Harper: Should we stay together or split up?




Falt: I think we split up, we can cover more ground that way. I’m not much of a dancer, so I’ll head toward the bar…




Forsyth / Vahin / Xiron / Harper: Response




Falt: Ask questions, poke around, see what we can find out? That kind of thing.




He paused for a moment to snag a glass of champagne from the tray of a circling waiter.




Falt: Who knows, there might even be a game of poker we could join.




Forsyth / Vahin / Xiron / Harper: Response




Tomas nodded in agreement. Fortunately, as well as the rather excellent suit his victim had been wearing he’d also sported a splendid Swiss watch that now adorned his own wrist.




Falt: Let’s meet back here in say, half an hour?




Forsyth / Vahin / Xiron / Harper / Any: Response








Lieutenant Commander Tomas Falt                            


Executive Officer                            




Denali Station   








 Vahin / Xiron / Harper / Any: Response








Lieutenant Commander Tomas Falt               

Executive Officer                            

Denali Station 








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