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Ensign Zenno - All the Vulcan Ladies, all the Vulcan Ladies

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((OOC What you reading here is the correspondence between Zenno and his new frenemy T'Lyra from DS 33 that I set up in a previous sim and his Academy friend, Saava. Essentially these are emails. But to make it easier to read, the order is reversed. The oldest message is on top and it proceeds in time towards the bottom. This kind of solo writing thing is not going to be a habit. ))
((OOC You can assume that Zenno is sharing the technical results of the scanner stuff with anyone who has an interest so if you want to use any of that in your sims, feel free. Zenno would NOT say much about the Romulan influenced design yet to anyone other than Serinus and T'Lyra, as he thinks he has insufficient evidence to make that case yet. If anyone would like to participate in the work, feel free to write it up and tag him.))
TO: Ens Saava, USS White Pine
FROM: Ens Zenno, USS Arrow
My friend, I hope you settling in well on the White Pine. I have had quite the experience here on the Arrow. Too much insanity to even describe. But it all came out well in the end.
You'll be pleased to know that I have kept up with your combat training lessons. I have been working on the next level in the discipline. It's exhilarating and fun. I sincerely hope to never need to use any of it in a live circumstance. I did have a chance to do a demonstration when I was on Deneva though. Be glad (If you could be glad, I know, I know) you did not have that school assignment. 
I was thinking kindly of you (as I always do) during my last mission, as I was working with a Vulcan and our many past interactions were instructive in my work with her. It helped me enormously. So I thank you. 
You need not worry though. (I know you would worry but never admit to it. Save your protestations.) I did not tell her about that time we logically decided to evade curfew and attend that music show. I know that disclosure would shame your family, etc... (I am rolling my eyes human style right here.) So I shall keep that in reserve for a suitable blackmail experience in the future. 
The ship's crew is quite interesting. I've enjoyed all of the interactions I have had. But you can counsel me (again!) on eating the wrong thing at the wrong time, for the 15,000th time. (I am sure in your Vulcan head you have the exact number.) Right before I met my new Captain, I ate some human food that didn't agree and it made for an abbreviated meeting. I should have learned by now to keep your wise counsel.
I still regret that we did not get the same assignment, as I think us being in the fleet together would have been great. Team "Blue Point" would have been unstoppable. Just like we were in Parrises Squares together.
Please do let me know how you are settling in and if you have had any fun missions thus far. Or as you would say "Satisfactorily concluded missions with beneficial outcomes." I have had 4 years of practice deciphering your Vulcan ways, my friend. You can't fool me. 
Your Best Bolian Friend, 
TO: Lt (jg) T'Lyra, DS 33
FROM: Ens Zenno, USS Arrow
I am pleased that we are working together on this analysis of the Tri-Phasic devices. Enclosed you will find several baseline comparisons I have made between our subject and several related but more primitive devices I was able to discover in our data banks. 
I would not share this publicly, but I do suspect a Romulan design in this technology. I have noted several similarities between the node structures and the peculiar collimator construction. Do you concur?
On a personal note, I hope you are fully recovered from the experience in the Freighter. There is no reason to rush to the analysis, if you are still on light duty. Taking some time for restoration would be the logical thing to do, after all.
Kindest Regards,
Ens Zenno
TO: Ens Zenno, USS Arrow
FROM: Lt (jg) T'Lyra, DS 33 
Your concern has been noted. The speed of my analysis is unhindered by my experiences on the ship. However, I will make allowances since you are likely unaccustomed to the high speed and pinpoint accuracy of our Security team, due to your situation.
oO My situation? Is she serious with this? I can't tell. Is she still "Vulcan Mad" at me for questioning her logic when we were on the freighter? Oo 
It is well that you had discovered the Romulan design cues. I had already seen them but I thought best to leave them unmentioned as a learning moment for you.
oO She is most certainly having a go. Very well, I shall respond. Prepare to accept a barrage, Vulcan Lady. Oo
I will share the results of our deep level scans as soon as practicable. 
With Respects,
Lt T'Lyra
TO: Ens Saava, USS White Pine
FROM: Ens Zenno, USS Arrow
What a pleasant sound it is when the computer tells me I have a message from you! I am so happy that you are finding your place on the White Pine. And thank you for updating me on the exact number of times you have advised me on my dietary choices.
I did make sure to put in for leave for the Parrises Squares Grand Championships on Argelius II. I hope we both get to go. I know you cannot admit it, but I know you miss me. 
I'm going to see if I can find a time we are both off-duty at the same time for a call. I had mentioned that I am working with another Vulcan officer on a project? Things are not going well, and I am sorely in need of your opinion. Plus I am sorely in need of beating you in another late night Kal-Toh session. (You need not remind me that you are in the lead, but not by much. I do remember these things!)
Your friend,
TO: Lt (jg) T'Lyra, DS 33 
FROM: Ens Zenno, USS Arrow 
Colleague T'Lyra
Thank you for your thoughtful analysis and reports. 
I have annotated several areas that could use a level 3 scan with a molecular analyzer. 
Also, enclosed are my notes on the logs of the live scans I was able to conduct when the device was operational. I made sure the report text was as dry and soulless as a desert landscape, since I assume that would be your preference. oO Now I'm starting to sound like Nardello. It's like we are both little clones of him, fighting each other.  Oo 
I appreciate the pinpoint accuracy of the DS 33 Security team. I hope everyone is well after getting completely taken over by amateur mercenaries and placing the whole sector at risk. We could assist in bringing more counseling teams to the station, if needed. I would be pleased to speak to our Captain on your behalf if this would be salutary. Please do let us know.
With Kindest Regards,
Ens Zenno
TO: Ens Zenno, USS Arrow
FROM: Lt (jg) T'Lyra, DS 33 
Receiving your last transmission was agreeable. The live scan notes are helpful in determining the proper power settings that they had used in the operation of the devices.
oO ... Is T'Lyra enjoying this? In her weird Vulcan way? These people are a mystery, truly. I think Saava may be the only Vulcan whom I can get along with. Oo 
Attached you will find the requested molecular scans. I've taken the liberty of removing any obscure words with more than three syllables from the report. I understand your species is from a water planet and there was no need to flood you with complicated language.
oO Bless the waters! I can't believe I just read that. That sounds like Nardello. Oo
If the Arrow should be able to make its way to DS 33 again, you would be welcome to enjoy our physical combat regimen that I run with the Security Team. Repeated defeat can be fruitful and instructive.
oO It is on, as the humans say. Oo 
Very Respectfully,
Lt T'Lyra
TO: Lt (jg) T'Lyra, DS 33 
FROM: Ens Zenno, USS Arrow 
Esteemed Colleague T'Lyra
I have studied the molecular scans you have provided. The data was extremely useful. 
I have been able to experiment in replicating some of the processor elements. I am attaching some of the saved replicator designs I have made. Additional work is needed in this area if we are to attempt a prototype and I think we can do even more together. I am gratified at the success we have achieved thus far. I hope you would agree that this collaboration is proceeding well.
As for your invitation to engage in your combat routine, I would happily accept the next time the ship is forced to visit DS 33. I look forward to providing you with extremely close up details of the training room deck. I would be pleased to assist in this. 
oO Why am I being like this? Why is she bringing this out? She's got a lot of our old Chief's attitude in her, I think. Or maybe she was just as scarred as me, but in her Vulcan way? I need to talk to Saava and get her opinion. Oo 
Most Respectfully,
Ens Zenno
TO: Ens Zenno, USS Arrow
FROM: Lt (jg) T'Lyra, DS 33 
Our collaboration has been most satisfactory and stimulating. I have further refined the designs you have provided. There were numerous errors I had corrected on your behalf in the coding. But it was a valiant effort. 
oO Is this Vulcan for "good try?" I will practice deep breathing before replying, otherwise, it may go poorly. Remember what Saava said. Oo 
If we can complete the replication and produce a working device, it would be most beneficial for our careers. It would be appropriate for you to have secondary credit, given your minor assistance on the project. 
If you attempt to run the designs in the replicator, be sure to inform your Engineering team first, as your ship's replicators likely don't have the required resolution for some of the more delicate components. 
oO I will never speak of this bit to my crew mates. I suspect it would cause animosity. What a strange collaboration this is turning out to be. I like it and hate it at the same time. Oo 
Very Respectfully,
TO: Lt (jg) T'Lyra, DS 33 
FROM: Ens Zenno, USS Arrow 
Honored Colleague T'Lyra
I too, have found this collaboration useful and instructive. I am delighted when I see a message from you stating that you have made further advances in the work.
Some very small portions of your contributions were relevant in the larger project and I look forward to aggressively adjudicating the quantity of them with you when the project is completed. But I must point out that credit is a topic best left for after completion when we can completely analyze our respective contributions. To engage in such now would be a logic error. oO TAKE THAT! DIRECT HIT! Oo 
I have analyzed your corrections and they were unnecessary. I have commented them as "dunsel" in the code base. You'll see that my code incorporated some of the design flaws in the original subject. These are necessary so that the live power scans we took would match. 
With Kind Felicitations,
Ens Zenno
TO: Lt (jg) T'Lyra, DS 33 
FROM: Ens Zenno, USS Arrow 
Apologies for the double message. But I am reflecting on this entire chain of communication. 
We both studied under Nardello on Deneva, and I suspect that we are still under the influence of not only his courses, but his regrettable approach to interpersonal relations. 
Are you willing to discuss?
Kind Regards,
TO: Ens Zenno, USS Arrow
FROM: Lt (jg) T'Lyra, DS 33 
Your last communication was well-received. I have been meditating on our collaboration and it is only logical to assume that perhaps our respective experiences in the Security School in Deneva have had some long-term effects on us both. Some of those effects may not be advantageous. 
Logic, tempered with wisdom, is the way forward. This is a lesson that I have heard often but have not yet fully incorporated. 
I would be open to exploring our mutual experiences on Deneva and discovering how to take what is best from that place and leave behind what is not. I have not encountered anyone else in our role who was so similarly affected. 
I await your reply.
TO: Ens Saava, USS White Pine
FROM: Ens Zenno, USS Arrow
Friend Saava, 
Your advice has been wise and useful, as always. Many thanks for your insights. It has made me rethink my approach. 
Have you heard from Vratak and Grall at all? I am certain they are up to no good on Starbase 88. We should plan an alumni meeting. I nominate you to arrange this. It is only logical, after all. (You may act on your unstated annoyance with me when we meet on Argelius!) 
One half of Team Point Blue (The obviously better half)
TO: Lt (jg) T'Lyra, DS 33 
FROM: Ens Zenno, USS Arrow
Many apologies for the delay in responding. I too, had to consider and meditate on our correspondence. 
We are working well together on the technical elements of this project and it is my sincere hope that we continue to do so. I am enclosing some further scans that I have conducted, as well as some refinements to the replicator design code. 
I have been in contact with some of my classmates from Deneva who also have much to process about the experience. We are going to have a series of facilitated discussions over subspace to talk about it. You would be most welcome to attend also and to participate to whatever degree you believe appropriate. I think there is much to be done here.
I am attaching the schedule and the codes to attend. It would be delightful to see you there.
TO: Ens Saava, USS White Pine
FROM: Ens Zenno, USS Arrow
I would be nowhere without your friendship. I think things are turning around here in my project and your steady advice has been key.
However, if you think that this will make me go easy on you in our next game, you would be mistaken. 
Please be safe and careful on your missions. Not because I care about you, but only because I remember that you still owe me fifty credits and I wish to be repaid. Tis' only logical, no silly emotions involved. 
Your friend, even at a great distance,
TO: Ens Zenno, USS Arrow
FROM: Lt (jg) T'Lyra, DS 33 
If there are no conflicts with my duty schedule, I will attend.
I still expect you will attend my combat sessions when you are in the area.
TO: Lt (jg) T'Lyra, DS 33 
FROM: Ens Zenno, USS Arrow
I eagerly anticipate the experience. 
Ensign Zenno
Security Officer
USS Arrow
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